Matteo Bini

참여 작품

Home Education - Le regole del male
A brainwashed girl is convinced by her authoritarian mother that her dead father will resurrect if they prove their love for him. Until he begins to rot.
The story of two sisters who grew up on the fractious Irish border. When one of them, who has been missing, finally returns home, the intense bond with her sister is re-ignited. Together they unearth their mother's past but uncovered secrets and resentments which have been buried deep, threaten to overwhelm them.
정치적으로 암울했던 시기의 브라질에서 온 국민에게 희망의 등불이 되어준 전설적 축구선수 펠레. 가난한 소년에서 혜성처럼 등장한 신예 스타, 나아가 모두가 추앙하는 국민적 영웅이 되기까지 그가 지나온 여정을 함께 걸어본다.
Faraz’s quiet life working at an isolated petrol station is turned upside down when his ageing father Malik begins to speak in a long-forgotten language and insists on returning back home.
7개월째 임신 중인 미망인 루스. 그녀는 배 속에 있는 아이가 시키는 대로 광적인 살인을 저지르고, 출산일이 다가올수록 그녀는 더 자주, 더 잔인하게 살육을 자행하는데... 배우이자 감독인 앨리스 로우는 실제 임신한 몸으로 주인공 루스를 연기하며 광적인 카리스마를 보여준다.
미스터 칼자헤
The story of the rise to glory of boxer Joe Calzaghe.
Tina doesn’t know much about the schoolgirl in the Hijab. She might come from Egypt or Iraq – but what does it matter? She would like to be there for her neighbour, to protect her from her tough life at home and in the neighbourhood. But how come Tina thinks she knows so much about this foreign girl? Prejudice and tentative advances collide head-on in the block.
Io, Arlecchino
Io, Arlecchino
A 30-year-old woman strikes up a friendship with two teenage boys, whose rivalry for her attention develops menacing undertones
Mary's (Eileen Walsh) morning is interrupted by a stranger (Johnny Harris) who causes her to confront what she has been hiding from.
Io ricordo
All the Knowledge in the World
Second Assistant Director
The “meaning of life” told by Eros Puglielli in his peculiar directing style: weird characters, odd mishaps, fates that meet, skim and loose each other. A student in love with her philosophy lecturer, a disabled man seeking for his legs recovery, a young pop star desperate for a spiritual leader to meet. And above everybody stands an overhanging odd luminous man, maybe true, maybe not.