Peter Benedict
출생 : 1963-07-13, Chur, Switzerland
The ambitious scientist Franz Walter doesn't hesitate when he is promised a professorship at the university. He immediately accepts, pledges absolute loyalty to the system and agrees to work for the GDR's foreign intelligence service until he can take up his new position. Together with his colleague Dirk, he is sent on foreign assignments to West Germany. Franz soon has to use blackmail to get innocent people to talk. But his superiors go even further: GDR refugees and their relatives are targeted to be psychologically destroyed, forged letters, medical diagnoses, surveillance and wiretapping are on the agenda. However, this is more than Franz can bear: he feels powerless and increasingly isolates himself. When he then decides to steal secret documents for a later defection to the West, this results in an unfortunate chain reaction leading to his arrest and ultimately to his execution...
Jodoc Luzel
While drinking coffee at an outdoor café, Dupin sees a man drop to his death.
•Dr. Franck Gilbert
Daughter Lea persuades Véronique to attend her father's funeral in the south of France. It soon turns out that the family is completely at odds.
Friedrich Engels sen.
1844년, 아내 예니와 함께 프랑스 망명길에 오른 26세의 카를 마르크스. 파리에서 공장주의 아들이면서도 노동자 계급에 대해 연구하는 프리드리히 엥겔스를 만나게 되고, 엥겔스는 마르크스가 새로운 세계의 비전을 구상하는 것에 영향을 미친다. 수많은 폭동과 정치적 격변 속에서 경찰의 검열과 급습에 맞서 당시 체계적이지 않았던 노동운동을 주도하게 되는 두 청년! 르네상스 이후 가장 완전한 이론적, 정치적 변화를 이끈 오만하지만 열정적이며 뛰어난 통찰력을 지닌 역사적 인물, 카를 마르크스와 프리드리히 엥겔스! 두 친구의 젊은 날의 이야기가 시작된다.
야심 많은 젊은 간부 ‘록하트’는 의문의 편지를 남긴 채 떠나버린 CEO를 찾아 스위스 알프스에 위치한 ‘웰니스 센터’로 향한다. 고풍스러우면서 비밀스러운 기운이 느껴지는 ‘웰니스 센터’. '록하트’는 그곳의 특별한 치료법을 의심스럽게 여긴다. 예상치 못한 사고로 ‘웰니스 센터’에 머무르게 된 ‘록하트’는 그곳에서의 치료가 필요하다는 진단을 받게 되고, 비밀을 파헤치려 할수록 알 수 없는 일들이 벌어지는데…
Kapitän Luther
Benno Wolf
Catrin wants to know it again: With over 40 she dared to jump back to the University of Marburg. The married mother wants to finish her medical studies, which she stopped many years ago because of her pregnancy. The classmates on campus are relaxed in the age of their children. Her husband Frank feels left sitting in Berlin. And after a fierce flirtation with an attractive student, her marriage is finally in crisis. Nevertheless, Catrin is determined to make her dream come true. Better late than never.
Herr Dombrowski
The truth about the ailing state of the Haut-Rhin nuclear power plant in the tri-border region is to come to light - this is the goal of the assassin David Kollwein. He brings the power plant in his power and extorted policy and operating company. The German prosecutor Marie Hoffmann has only three hours to procure explosive information together with the French policeman Jean-Luc Laboetie and to prevent the meltdown in the reactor ...
Herr Schneider
Peter (39) has slipped into the role of the houseman over the years, because his wife Elisabeth (42) is traveling a lot for work and he takes care of the children Robby (15) and Laura (8). Peter learns that Elisabeth wants to go to Africa with her family. Due to the death of his mother Hedi, the soul situation Peters gets more and more out of balance. When he also learns that Elisabeth has already given her boss half a promise to go to Africa for two years, Peter feels ignored and ignored. It begins a blessing of blame, in which he gets into an emotional dead end.
A german film about a rampage and the consequences in society.
동독에 거주하는 소아과 여의사 바바라는 출국 신청서를 냈다는 이유로 수도 베를린에서 시골의 작은 병원으로 좌천당한다. 정부의 치밀한 감시와 압박으로 숨조차 쉴 수 없는 나날을 이어가는 그녀에겐 서독에 있는 연인과 서독으로의 탈출만이 삶의 유일한 희망이다. 새로운 직장과 동료, 자전거를 타고 오가며 눈앞에 펼쳐지는 여름날의 아름다운 풍경과 눈부신 햇살, 그녀에게 따뜻하게 다가가는 그 모든 것들은 무의미할 뿐이었다. 하지만 냉담함과 무관심으로 일관하는 바바라를 따뜻하게 배려하는 동료 의사 안드레와 동독 청소년 작업소에서 강제 노동과 학대에 시달리던 어린 소녀 스텔라와 만나 교감하면서 바바라의 마음은 조금씩 흔들리기 시작한다. 꿈에 그리던 탈출을 감행하기로 한 날은 다가오고, 바바라는 누구도 예상치 못한 선택을 하게 되는데..
Geschäftsmann Orloff
German Officer on Bridge
아버지가 사온 ‘조이’를 만난 순간부터 운명처럼 함께 했던 소년 알버트. 그는 ‘조이’에게 각별한 애정을 보이며 피를 나눈 형제처럼 모든 시간을 함께한다. 그러던 어느 날, 세계 1차 대전이 벌어지고 ‘조이’는 기마대의 군마로 차출되어 알버트 곁을 떠나게 된다. 혼돈으로 가득한 전장의 한 복판에서도 ‘조이’는 알버트에게 돌아가야 한다는 희망의 끈을 놓지 않는다. 그리고 이 희망은 ‘조이’가 전쟁 속에서 만나게 되는 많은 사람들에게 또 다른 희망과 웃음을 가져다 준다. 한편, 알버트는 ‘조이’를 찾기 위해 입대를 감행하게 되는데...
Tom Valfriedson
A cold day in January 2006. The police make a horrible discovery in the Swedish town of Hudiksvall: In one night, 18 people have been brutally murdered in the small town. The police suspect a madman is behind the bestial act. But when judge Birgitta Roslin hears the news, she instantly knows that her grandparents August and Britta Andrén are among the victims. And even more: Almost everybody killed somehow relates to her. She realizes that the police are following a wrong track and starts to investigate on her own. Her search leads Brigitta to China where she finds out about the cruel scheming of the leading elite.
In the early 60s, Bernward Vesper and fellow university student Gudrun Ensslin begin a passionate love in the stifling atmosphere of provincial West Germany. Dedicated to the power of the written word, Bernward and Gudrun found a publishing house whose first publication is, paradoxically to many, a controversial past work of Bernward's ostracized father, an infamous Nazi author. Bernward defends his father's writing ability, even if he is haunted by his father's suspicious past.
Hanna and Simon are in a 20 year marriage with an unexciting relationship. By chance, they both meet and start separate affairs with Adam. Adam has no idea that his two lovers are married, until they are all found out when Hanna becomes pregnant, with the natural doubts stemming from their situation.
Egbert Wilke
The world of Teresa Brandt ( Katharina Böhm ) turns upside down when her husband, Hans ( Götz Schubert ), unexpectedly falls into a coma. A woman is faced with a strenuous task - she has to take care of the entire economy, home and child herself. He does not give up hope that his beloved will recover and tries to cope with the task. The situation becomes even more complicated when the local engineer Sören Gawron ( Mark Waschke ) appears on the farm . The couple develops a thread of sympathy with each other. Their relationship grows stronger with each passing day.
Staatsanwalt Manfred Wellmann
Der beliebte Pädagoge Alex Berger (Brandt) steht entgeistert vor seinen Bücherbergen: Eine Schülerin, mit der er Sex hatte,wurde erschlagen am See der brandenburgischen Kleinstadt aufgefunden, nun plant das Kripoteam (Lavinia Wilson, Peter Lerchbaumer) einen Massen-Gentest. Berger beichtet seiner Frau (Corinna Harfouch) den angeblich einmaligen Seitensprung, mit dem Mord habe er aber nichts zu tun. Bergers Familie droht an der Belastung zu zerbrechen… Die Auflösung steht im Hintergrund, der Film konzentriert sich auf das Drama im Hause Berger. Fabelhaft: die dynamische Kamera und das auch in kleinen Rollen nuanciert agierende Ensemble.
Prof. Dominic Merkt
When a dormant volcano suddenly erupts into activity beneath Laach Lake in the Eiffel mountains, panic breaks out among the 500.000 residents.
A man is on the verge of death from a bee sting. His daughter, a fearless young, starts a race against time to find the antidote that may save the life of his father. It counts with the help of an expert on bees is satisfied that, as a kind of unusual, someone has prompted its expansion. Meanwhile, most frequently occurring deaths because of these alarming bites.
Victor Schroth
Dr. Thomas Fischer
Bertold Krieger
Dr. Friedrichs Anwalt Oliver
옐라는 실패한 결혼생활과 부서진 꿈을 뒤로한 채 새로운 삶을 찾아 고향을 떠나기로 결심한다. 무엇도 그녀를 막을 수 없다. 심지어 정신이상자인 전 남편이 그녀가 떠나던 날 교통 사고를 일으켜도, 그녀의 앞을 막지는 못한다. 젊은 이사 필립에게 비서직을 제안 받은 후 옐라의 인생은 바뀌기 시작한다. 투자 사업 쪽에는 전혀 경험이 없지만, 아름다운 외모와 도도함을 무기로 협상에 능력을 발휘하는 옐라. 이사 필립과의 애정 관계도 희망적이다. 하지만 허공에서 이상한 소리가 들리고 기묘한 사건들이 옐라를 괴롭힌다. 그녀의 새 인생은 현실이라고 하기에는 너무 완벽했던 걸까? 베를린영화제에서 여우주연상을 수상한 배우 니나 호스의 열연이 빛나는 작품.
Hannah's brother-in-law
Raul Picard
삶의 희망이라고는 전혀 찾아볼 수 없을 것 같은 ‘페이 그림’. 그녀의 남편 ‘헨리’는 우발적인 살인사건을 저지르고 7년 동안이나 소식 두절이고 14세 아들 ‘네드’는 학교에서 사고뭉치로 낙인 찍힌 문제아이다. 게다가 시인임을 자처하는 동생 ‘사이먼’은 남편의 도주를 도왔다는 이유로 교도소에 수감 중이다. 어느 날, 야동을 친구들에게 보여주는 등 악행을 일삼았다는 이유로 아들 ‘네드’는 퇴학을 당하게 되고 소년원에 수감될 처지에 놓이게 되자 ‘페이 그림’은 남편 ‘헨리’를 대신해 ‘사이먼’이 출소하여 ‘네드’의 후견인이 되어주어야 만 하는 절박한 상황에 처하게 된다. 그런 그녀 앞에 어느 날, 들이닥친 CIA요원들. 이들은 남편 ‘헨리’가 스웨덴에서 사망했으며, 사실은 그가 미국의 스파이로 활동해 왔고 암호해독 전문가였던 그가 생전에 썼던 음란소설들은 그가 암호화 한 미국의 정치, 군사 기밀들이라는 사실을 그녀에게 알려주면서 생전에 쓴 소설이 담겨 있는 6권의 노트를 프랑스에 가서 회수해 줄 것을 요청한다. 이에 프랑스로 날아간 ‘페이 그림’은 그곳에서 만난 다른 나라의 스파이로부터 ‘헨리’가 죽지 않고 살아 있다는 충격적인 소식을 듣게 되는데...
Raimund Kloeppel
A baby is supposed to crown the dreamlike marriage of the divorce attorneys Pia and Uli, but the success of all their efforts – ranging from “sex on a schedule” to artificial insemination – fails to materialize. When Pia learns that Uli has cheated on her during this difficult period, she immediately files for a divorce. But Uli fights stubbornly for the custody of the deep-frozen oocytes which have remained from the artificial insemination.
The 13 days from April 20th to May 2nd, 1945, are unique in the history of Germany: They are the final act in the history of the third Reich which was supposed to last for a thousand years and succumbed after twelve in an orgy of violence and fire. In the catacombs of his bunker under the Reich Chancellery in the capital city of Berlin, which Adolf Hitler wanted to make to the centre of the world, the dictator operates with ghost divisions during the final days of the war. Only in the final moment, he takes his own life. Meanwhile, On the streets, in the ruins, and the basements of the destroyed city, the final battle wages on: Adolescents are sacrificed without purpose, women get raped, loyal party comrades commit suicide in the thousands, Jews who were in hiding for years hope for the liberation.
Attractive uncompromising politician Mona Dengler is investigating the tobacco industry. Tomboyish bodyguard and single mother Johanna Sieber is assigned to protect her. This endangers Johanna's son. Mona unexpectedly falls for her.
Jan Michalczewski
Oskar Roehler's drama Der Alte Affe Angst (Angst) is about the dissolution of a couple. Robert (Andre Hennicke) and Marie (Marie Baumer) have little in common other than their sex life. Since Robert is going through a bout with impotency, they are having a very rocky time. Robert learns that his father, whom he is estranged from, has died. This disturbs Robert so much that he visits a prostitute, and is able to engage in sex with her. Marie discovers the infidelity, and the prostitute has a surprise of her own. Angst was screened at the 2003 Berlin Film Festival.
Dominik Graf relocates the story of the same name by Henry James from the 19th century to the year 2001.