After an incident in a bar, Laurentiu dies due to a serious head injury. The film accompanies him through his last living day and offers a glimpse into his last moments. Based on a real life story.
After an incident in a bar, Laurentiu dies due to a serious head injury. The film accompanies him through his last living day and offers a glimpse into his last moments. Based on a real life story.
Larisa is 16 and lives in a city by the sea. It's a small city, where gossip and news spread fast. It's a city where your image and influence, "manelele", money and power are all that matters. And Larisa… wants it all. And even if she doesn't have it, she fights for it. Larisa believes in herself. She knows that she deserves better. She is convinced that it's worth doing everything it takes to fulfill her dreams. And for her courage and recklessness - we love her.
Nothing seems to threaten the quiet and happy life of Alexandra and Mircea, a couple who's both admired and envied: love, successful careers, and wealth. And nothing seems to ever threaten the very special relation between a renowned university teacher and one her most gifted student, Alexandra and Corina: two women, two friends who, against the age gap, share the same goals, the same interests. Even the same love interests. Until one day, when the sensibility is stronger than the reason. And all of a sudden, everything that seemed certain, such as friendship, loyalty, love and devotion, turns into a terrible hate.
달빛도 닿지 않는 어둡고 빈곤한 거리. 눈에 띄는 수상한 비닐봉투를 들춰보자 그 속에서 피범벅이 된 닭한 마리가 요란하게 튀어나오고 그걸 지켜보는 소년의 등 뒤로 위험한 그림자가 소리 없이 다가온다. 찰나의 순간 모든 것이 끝나고 그림자는 유유히 사라진다. 그리고 그것을 몰래 지켜보고 있는 하나의 눈. 수년전 바퀴벌레를 통해 확산되어 아이들에게만 전염되었던 바이러스를 지니고 있는 그는 버블보이라고 불리우는 희귀한 존재였다. 그의 아파트 맞은 편에서의 일상은 그의 필름에 하나씩 기록되어 가고 있다. 어느날 마빈은 동생이 발견한 하수구 밑의 물체를 보게되고 뭔가 수상한 느낌을 받는다. 그날 밤 동생의 애인인 마약상 데스는 망원렌즈로 엿보고 있었던 마빈남매가 지켜보는 가운데 뒷골목에서 의문의 살해를 당하는데...