Guillaume Maidatchevsky

참여 작품

Kina & Yuk : renards de la banquise
Kina & Yuk : renards de la banquise
A Cat's Life
A Cat's Life
핀란드 북부 라플란드. 갓 태어난 아기 순록 ‘아일로’는 광활한 침엽수림과 얼음으로 둘러싸인 숲 ‘피오르’를 지나며, 여우, 스라소니, 독수리, 울버린, 곰, 늑대, 다람쥐, 엘크, 족제비 등 때론 적이고 때론 친구가 되는 다양한 동물들과 만난다. 수많은 포식자의 위협과 예측 불허 상황 속에서 엄마의 도움으로 살아남는 법을 배우며, 아일로도 어른 순록으로 성장한다.
핀란드 북부 라플란드. 갓 태어난 아기 순록 ‘아일로’는 광활한 침엽수림과 얼음으로 둘러싸인 숲 ‘피오르’를 지나며, 여우, 스라소니, 독수리, 울버린, 곰, 늑대, 다람쥐, 엘크, 족제비 등 때론 적이고 때론 친구가 되는 다양한 동물들과 만난다. 수많은 포식자의 위협과 예측 불허 상황 속에서 엄마의 도움으로 살아남는 법을 배우며, 아일로도 어른 순록으로 성장한다.
Ein Leben mit Wölfen
Living With Wolves
In the Carpathian Mountains, there are just five shepherd dogs to protect a herd of three hundred sheep from wolves in the region. A lone wolf wanders in search of his prey with assistance from a crow. But the attack has to be timed perfectly or it would result in instant death by the dogs or a shotgun by the shepherd. Explore the conflicted relationship between man and wolves that has subsisted for decades in these regions.
Living With Wolves
In the Carpathian Mountains, there are just five shepherd dogs to protect a herd of three hundred sheep from wolves in the region. A lone wolf wanders in search of his prey with assistance from a crow. But the attack has to be timed perfectly or it would result in instant death by the dogs or a shotgun by the shepherd. Explore the conflicted relationship between man and wolves that has subsisted for decades in these regions.
Living With Wolves
In the Carpathian Mountains, there are just five shepherd dogs to protect a herd of three hundred sheep from wolves in the region. A lone wolf wanders in search of his prey with assistance from a crow. But the attack has to be timed perfectly or it would result in instant death by the dogs or a shotgun by the shepherd. Explore the conflicted relationship between man and wolves that has subsisted for decades in these regions.