Samuli Vauramo
출생 : 1981-10-22, Vantaa, Finland
Samuel Vauramo was born on October 22, 1981 in Vantaa, Finland. He is an actor, known for The American (2010), Bunraku (2010) and War of the Dead (2011).
Got the nickname "Sam The Slam" for doing his own stunts during the filming of "Bunraku". Most of the stunts involved falling down on hard surfaces. Repeatedly.
He was chosen as one of the "Shooting Stars" at Berlin International Film Festival 2009.
A man is released from prison after 22 years. He tries to live a simple life as a farmer. At the same time, a company director is fighting a hostile takeover from a bigger corporation. Two different kind of journeys collide in sudden ways.
Three men meet on a night train on the border of Finland and Sweden. All three are concealing something, and a sudden confrontation amongst them leads to disastrous consequences, with two of them being forced to make a joint decision.
잃어버린 국토를 찾기 위해 기관총부대는 최전방에 투입되어 소련과 필사의 전투를 벌인다. 3년의 전투에서 매번 승리하지만 끝없는 전투에 지쳐간다. 마침내 소련의 총공격이 시작되고 마지막 방어선에서 최후의 전투를 벌이는데… 진정한 영웅의 위대한 승리를 목격한다!
There's this hot ice-hockey guy called Lauri Mäntyvaara. Satu promises she'll do her best, so that her best friend Heidi will get him. You'd think that the picturesque Finnish Archipelago would be the perfect place to discover your first love (and get rid of your virginity), but it will not be easy, if a cynical protein-shake-slurping ice hockey team thinks the target of your desire should focus only on the European Championship, and the only places you can escape to are the pretentious summer wedding parties - or bitter divorce parties.
Jill and Joy (both 9) live in their own house like any other little girls, except that they might be a little happier than most little girls, as they get to live in their own house specifically designed for the two. One December evening a small car, barely the size of a shoebox, pulls up in front their house, and a teensy-weensy family gets out; it's the McTiny family. The family has become homeless after a road roller smashed their home. Planning to live with the girls temporarily, the family moves in with Jill and Joy but soon finds out that not all big people have good intentions towards them. Jill and Joy's Winter is based on a beloved book by the same name, written by a Finnish writer named Marjatta Kurenniemi.
When two best friends Jill and Joy find a huge sum of money on the street on the first day of the summer holiday, they decide to buy a house from the mysterious Mrs. Rosebud. It’s a real dream house: measured and equipped exactly for two little seven-year-old girls’ requirements. Based on a beloved children’s book, Jill and Joy is a story of a dream summer without parents or boundaries. Anything can and will happen as reality and fantasy magically intertwine.
The Hunter
어린 나이에 시장 아들과 그 친구들에게 여러 차례 성폭행을 당한 '소녀'. 자신의 유일한 가족인 남동생의 목숨까지 위태롭게 되자, 아버지가 죽기 전에 남겨두었던 총을 꺼내는데...
소련과 핀란드의 접경지대에 나치 독일군은 한 벙커에서 비밀리에 ‘불사’의 실험을 벌이다 곧 폐쇄한다.
그로부터 2년 후인 1941년, 스톤 대위는 핀란드와 미군의 소수 정예 특공대를 이끌고 소련군과 싸우는 핀란드 군을 지원하기 위해 파견된다. 그들의 임무는 소련군 벙커를 파괴하는 것. 하지만 특공부대는 오히려 소련군에게 큰 피해를 당하고, 설상가상 정체불명의 존재들에게 공격을 당한다. 엉겁결에 적들과 싸우던 중, 이들이 바로 불과 몇 분 전에 총을 맞고 죽은 병사들의 시체. 좀비들임을 알게 된다. 좀비들의 공격으로 러시아 접경지대 근처까지 도망치고, 그들은 이곳을 둘러싼 비극적인 비밀을 발견하고, 동시에 그들은 가장 파괴적이고 치명적인 적을 깨웠다는 사실을 깨닫게 된다.
Young Swedish Man
무기를 직접 제작해 타겟을 제거하는 노련한 암살요원 잭은 스웨덴에서 임무를 마치고 사진작가로 신분을 위장한 채 이탈리아로 향한다. 중세 분위기를 고스란히 간직한 이탈리아의 작은 마을에서 잭은 자신을 ‘아메리칸’이라 부르는 신부 베네데토를 만나게 된다. 모든 임무를 단독 처리하는 원칙을 철저히 지키며 홀로 지내왔던 잭은 어느 순간, 베네데토 신부와 우정을 쌓게 되고, 클라라라는 여인도 만나면서 임무에 대한 부담과 언제 들이닥칠지 모를 죽음에 대한 두려움에서 조금씩 자유로워진다. 평온한 일상도 잠시, 그 곳에서 미모의 암살요원 마틸드에게 새로운 무기를 제작해주라는 임무를 맡고, 초소형 권총 제작을 시작한 잭. 하지만, 언제부터인지 누군가 감시 중인 시선을 느끼면서, 자신이 타겟이 되었음을 직감한 그는 점점 더 거대한 위협 속에 빠져드는데.…
Aaro Harjula
There is civil war in Finland between "Whites" and "Reds". A woman soldier of the Reds is captured by the Whites. She is ordered to be executed.
A lieutenant is enforced into a homosexual relationship with his commanding officer to save the Red female with whom he is infatuated.
Martta and Otto are a pair of traveling tailors who claim to be bastard descendants of the Romanovs and wander from town to town in Finland seeking work, accompanied by their two half-witted adult sons, Hippo, Repe and equally silly son-in-law Ventti. The family occasionally turns to crime when they can't quite make ends meet, and the boys begin turning to violence with greater frequency when Otto weakens and Martta becomes the head of the family business. Their fortunes take an unexpected turn when the brothers assault and abduct a man they call Kaspar, who becomes the family's sidekick in their travels. Despite Kaspar's inability to speak, he attracts Martha's youngest daughter, an attractive young woman named Lara, but the family is in disarray when a long-lost half-brother, Laszlo, suddenly re-emerges and tries to wrest control of the clan away from his mother.
Nils Grönholm
Modern finnish movie about two very different young adults that after a chance meeting end up making music together and fall in love. While Nellis parents have the perfect career and man planned, she dreams of becoming a singer. Through a chance meeting at the studio, she meets the young and grungy Hip Hop music artist Sunen and asks him to help her make a demo tape. Not only is the ensuing story about differences growing closer and the difficulties that have to be overcome, well told. Also the music is exceptionally well made. It is quite unbelievable that this is the first feature of the director.