Tom Piper

참여 작품

피에트 우돌프의 정원
혁신적인 조경디자이너 피에트 우돌프는 뉴욕시티의 하이라인과 시카고 밀레니엄파크의 루리 가든 등 정원의 개념을 예술 작품으로 바꾸는 공공장소 디자이너로 널리 알려져 있다. 이 아름답고 명상적인 다큐멘터리는 보는 이를 몰입시키며 우돌프의 창작 과정으로 안내한다. 그의 미학 이론에서부터 놀랍도록 추상적인 그의 스케치와 생태학적 고려까지, 영화는 우돌프가 자연, 공공장소, 나아가 아름다움 그 자체의 개념을 뒤바꾸는 모습을 보여준다.
Inventing Cornell Tech: The Vision
Ground has been broken on Roosevelt Island for New York City's newest academic campus - the sustainable, high tech home of Cornell Tech, a radical reconception of graduate level engineering study for the information age. Over the next three years, a stunning complex of architecture and landscape will emerge - a unique hub of high tech research and entrepreneurial activity. Before every great piece of architecture, there is a unique journey, and since 2013, Checkerboard has been documenting the journey of Cornell Tech as it rises on Roosevelt Island. This film tells the story of how political visionaries, educational innovators, architectural designers and philanthropic benefactors have come together to create something that will have an incredible impact on New York City for decades to come.
James Salter: A Sport and a Pastime
This 54-minute documentary traces the writer James Salter's lifelong love affair with France, unforgettably expressed in his 1967 masterpiece, A Sport and a Pastime. Salter's own reflections on his writing and life offer rich insights for reader and writer alike.
James Salter: A Sport and a Pastime
This 54-minute documentary traces the writer James Salter's lifelong love affair with France, unforgettably expressed in his 1967 masterpiece, A Sport and a Pastime. Salter's own reflections on his writing and life offer rich insights for reader and writer alike.