Mr. Dolores
The suspended synchronized swimming guru Labanosov entices overweight women to join him in his mission to prove Isaac Newton wrong.
The suspended synchronized swimming guru Labanosov entices overweight women to join him in his mission to prove Isaac Newton wrong.
Guest #3
행복한 가정의 외동딸로 태어난 디나는 어릴적 자신의 실수로 사랑하는 엄마를 잃게 된다. 그 순간 디나의 모든 것이 사라져 버렸다. 어린 소녀 디나는 분노에 찬 아빠의 학대와 무관심 속에 세상과 단절 된 채 아름다운 야생의 처녀로 성장하게 된다. 첼로의 아름다운 선율과 과외선생 록만이 그녀의 유일한 친구일 뿐. 록이 떠나자 아빠의 친구 제이콥(제라르 드빠르디유)은 디나의 독특한 매력에 매료되어 그녀와의 결혼을 감행한다. 그러나 행복은 그녀에게서 멀어져만 간다. 그렇게 끊임없이 이어지는 불행한 운명의 굴레는 시작되는데.
An old lady and her dog are fed up of crime and decide to take action. She loads her purse with small rabbit traps so that every time a purse snatcher has a try at her bag they get a horrible payoff. However can she get away with he vigilante actions or will violence lead to more violence?
An easy-going, Blue-eyed Norwegian businessman seeking fame and fortune in the post-cold-war Riga. His involvment with a beautiful young Latvian girl, get's him tangled into obscure business with the mafia, the Russian fleet and the 'Sons of Norway'
Three episodes based upon short stories written by Hans E. Kinck from the rural Norwegian landscapes and villages.
Three episodes based upon short stories written by Hans E. Kinck from the rural Norwegian landscapes and villages.
Gjertrud has an affair with an engaged priest's son.
Gjertrud has an affair with an engaged priest's son.
Gjertrud has an affair with an engaged priest's son.
The people at Vassendgården are very curious, and one day a stranger walks by up in the mountains. He does not stop when they shout, but moves on.
The people at Vassendgården are very curious, and one day a stranger walks by up in the mountains. He does not stop when they shout, but moves on.
The people at Vassendgården are very curious, and one day a stranger walks by up in the mountains. He does not stop when they shout, but moves on.
A frozen country road. A young woman picks up male hikers in her car, but will not let them utter a word of communication.
A frozen country road. A young woman picks up male hikers in her car, but will not let them utter a word of communication.
On a dark night, under a full moon, a childless couple find a crying baby on their doorstep and decide to adopt him. As the years pass, they come to discover that their young son is not like other children.