"Clouds Over Paradise" tells the story of Konrad, an inconspicuous little man. His life revolves around his job at a rundown bank and his only friend, a goldfish. Konrad's only means of escaping his drab life are bizarre daydreams and his subjective perceptions of an absurd world.
This all changes one day when the beautiful Maria comes to the bank to close her account. The inept Konrad, who knows that his life is in need of a radical change, does everything to meet the woman of his dreams.
Kati, successful advertising manager, dreams of a family with Jonas, who has been her boyfriend since eight years. As he doesn't like the plan at all, they start an argument. Kati finally decides to go to her sister Luise on Christmas instead of flying to Mauritius with Jonas. This turns out to be a bad idea because she isn't the only guest Luise's family has to bear... Kati, successful advertising manager, dreams of a family with Jonas, who has been her boyfriend since eight years. As he doesn't like the plan at all, they start an argument. Kati finally decides to go to her sister Luise on Christmas instead of flying to Mauritius with Jonas. This turns out to be a bad idea because she isn't the only guest Luise's family has to bear...
말없이 떠나버린 엘리자베스를 잊지 못하는 존은 그녀의 소장품을 경매하는 파리로 날아간다. 혹시 그녀를 만날까 했지만 그녀는 나타나지 않는다. 허탈감에 빠진 존은 그녀의 소장품을 모두 사버리는 것으로 사랑을 대신한다. 그런 존 앞에 레아가 나타난다. 엘리자베스의 친구라고 소개하는 그녀는 이전에 존이 엘리자베스에게 선물했던 스카프를 두르고 있었다. 존은 엘리자베스의 소식을 듣기 위해 그녀 주위를 맴돈다.
Karl lives as a taxi driver in Vienna. Every evening he slowly makes his way from bar to bar until one day his friend, the river, washes up the beautiful Michelle...
A man and a woman who have not seen each other for 50 years are filled with hate when they meet at their grandchildren's wedding. Layer by layer, the old couple uncovers their baneful past...