Paul Spence

Paul Spence

프로필 사진

Paul Spence

참여 작품

The Saver
When teenaged Fern is orphaned in the middle of a harsh Montreal winter, she is determined to avoid her mother’s tragic fate, and take care of herself. With Youth Protection nipping at her heels, she lies about her name and age, to get a job as a janitor another as a cook. Juggling life and work and the discovery of the book, ‘50 Ways to become a Millionaire: All you need to do is save,’ Fern decides to do just that, replacing her grief with the quest to become a millionaire. Written, directed and edited by award-winning filmmaker Wiebke von Carolsfeld (Marion Bridge, Stay), The Saver stars the newly discovered Imajyn Cardinal and is based on the young adult novel by Edeet Ravel.
A Legend of Whitey
It's 1885. Wild bison are scarce in the North West Territories. Luther Giddings (Paul Spence), a scout of mixed blood returns to the buffalo ranch where he was born to reunite with his half brother, William Turner (Dave Lawrence). Greeted by a rag tag posse of racists, homophobes and gossips, the only kindness Luther receives is from the rancher's effeminate son. Whiskey floats more trouble than it drowns and before long, he is on the run, the bison rancher's inept outfit on his tail. When Luther discovers that the captive white buffalo has followed him, he vows to return the animal to her people to trigger the return of the Great Herds. With an two thousand pound buffalo and a reluctant brother from another father in tow.
A Legend of Whitey
It's 1885. Wild bison are scarce in the North West Territories. Luther Giddings (Paul Spence), a scout of mixed blood returns to the buffalo ranch where he was born to reunite with his half brother, William Turner (Dave Lawrence). Greeted by a rag tag posse of racists, homophobes and gossips, the only kindness Luther receives is from the rancher's effeminate son. Whiskey floats more trouble than it drowns and before long, he is on the run, the bison rancher's inept outfit on his tail. When Luther discovers that the captive white buffalo has followed him, he vows to return the animal to her people to trigger the return of the Great Herds. With an two thousand pound buffalo and a reluctant brother from another father in tow.
Fubar II
Terry and Dean head north to make sweet cash in the oil patch.
Fubar II
Terry and Dean head north to make sweet cash in the oil patch.
Fubar II
Dean Murdoch (as Paul J. Spence)
Terry and Dean head north to make sweet cash in the oil patch.
History Teacher
Leon Bronstein is not your average Montreal West high school student. For one thing, none of his peers can claim to be the reincarnation of early 20th century Soviet iconoclast and Red Army hero, Leon Trotsky. When his father sends Leon to public school as punishment for starting a hunger strike at Papa's clothing factory, Leon quickly lends new meaning to the term 'student union', determined as he is to live out his pre-ordained destiny to the fullest and change the world.
A rag-tag group, led by the eagle-eyed Steve, take to Montreal's chilly rooftops under cover of night. They're on the prowl for the perfect peep desperate to glimpse a "hottie hookup," a "panty party" or a "big booty buffet" through unshuttered windows. But their lives are about to change. Enter Annette, a brazen academic who turns the tables by setting her sights on the peepers themselves. Soon it's a battle royale for rooftop supremacy will these die-hard obsessives manage to defend their turf, or will peeping as they know it never be the same?
Who is KK Downey
The plot revolves around two hipster friends who pretend to be a writer with a troubled past in their quest for fame.
Freezer Burn: The Invasion of Laxdale
Disguised as executives from a Dutch Oil Company, Aliens from outer space buy a local farming company and promise to create jobs for the failing farming town. Their goal is to use crop circles to heat up the temperature of the earth and eventually turn the entire planet into a Club-Med for extra-terrestrials.
아임 낫 데어
는 전설적 포크락 가수 밥 딜런 특유의 시적인 가사를 줄기로 삼아 밥 딜런의 7가지 서로 다른 자아의 이미지와 이야기들을 연달아 진행시키며 미국 역사상 가장 강렬한 아이콘의 생동감 있는 초상을 완성한다. 음악적 변신으로 비난 받는 뮤지션 '쥬드'(케이트 블란챗), 저항음악으로 사랑받는 포크 가수 '잭'(크리스찬 베일), 회심한 가스펠 가수 '존'(크리스찬 베일)이 대중에게 주목받는 뮤지션으로서의 밥딜런의 실제 삶을 보여준다면, 영화 속 영화에서 '잭'을 연기하는 배우인 '로비'(히스 레저)는 밥 딜런이 아니면서도 어딘가 그를 닮은 미묘한 인상을 남긴다. 은퇴한 총잡이 '빌리'(리처드 기어)와 시인 '아서'(벤 위쇼). 그리고 음악적 스승 '우디'는 밥 딜런의 문화적 배경과 영감의 원천을 상징하며 아이덴티티를 농밀하게 완성해낸다. 영화제 소개 글. 밥 딜런의 삶과 음악을 일곱명의 캐릭터를 통해 비춰낸다는, 색다른 형식의 전기영화. 영화는 밥 딜런이 살았던 시대와 인생에 대한 비전통적인 여행이다. 6명의 배우가 딜런의 페르소나-공적, 사적, 환상적인 페르소나에 이르기까지-가 되어 연이어 등장하며 미국 역사상 가장 강렬한 아이콘의 생동감있는 초상을 완성한다. 시인, 선지자, 외부인, 가짜, 유명스타, 록커, 회심한 기독인이라는 7개의 아이덴티티가 함께 모여 각각이 은유하고 있는 시대를 농밀하게 표현하며 하나의 인생을 살아 숨쉬게 한다.
These Girls
Before heading off to college, a teenager and her two friends try to seduce a married man.
스타워즈 에피소드 3: 시스의 복수
Senator Ask Aak (uncredited)
클론 전쟁이 시작되었던 때로부터 3년이 지나고 팰퍼틴 의장과 제다이 사이의 불화는 더욱 커져 클론 전쟁은 더 이상 걷잡을 수 없게 격화된다. 자신이 제다이가 될 것임을 굳게 믿고 있던 아나킨은 제다이 기사 자격을 줄 수 없다는 기사단의 결정에 절망하고, 스승인 오비완과의 갈등은 더욱 깊어만 간다. 그런 아나킨에게 자신의 정체를 드러낸 팰퍼틴은 절대적인 힘을 갖게 해 주겠다며 그를 유혹하고, 아나킨은 점점 어둠의 힘에 이끌려 변해간다. 어둠의 세력에 완전히 장악 당한 아나킨은 자신에게는 아버지나 다름없는 오비완과 맞닥뜨리게 되는데...
X됐다, 피트통
스페인 이비자 클럽의 전설적인 DJ 프랭키 와일드의 범상치 않은 삶을 다룬 이야기. 스페인의 화려한 저택에서 남부러울 것 없는 생활을 누리고 있던 와일드는 타고난 청각장애로 인해 청력을 상실한다. 결국 그의 팬들, 레코드회사, 그리고 아내마저 모두 떠나고, 프랭키는 자기연민과 약에 취해 1년여를 빌라 안에서 고립된 채 보낸다. 영화는 대부분의 사람들이 겪어보지 못했던 클럽과 레이브 문화에 대한 내부자의 시선을 유쾌하게 보여준다. 프랭키 와일드 역의 폴 카이에는 이 영화로 다수의 영화제에서 연기상을 수상했으며, 감각적인 영상과 리듬은 보는 이의 눈과 귀를 매료시킨다.
An exploration into the nature of stupidity in Western society and its history of our perception of it.
Original Music Composer
Terry and Dean are lifelong friends who have grown-up together: shotgunning their first beers, forming their first garage band, and growing the great Canadian mullet known as "hockey hair". Now the lives of these Alberta everymen are brought to the big screen by documentarian Ferral Mitchener in an exploration of the depths of friendship, the fragility of life, growing up gracefully and the art and science of drinking beer like a man.
Terry and Dean are lifelong friends who have grown-up together: shotgunning their first beers, forming their first garage band, and growing the great Canadian mullet known as "hockey hair". Now the lives of these Alberta everymen are brought to the big screen by documentarian Ferral Mitchener in an exploration of the depths of friendship, the fragility of life, growing up gracefully and the art and science of drinking beer like a man.
Terry and Dean are lifelong friends who have grown-up together: shotgunning their first beers, forming their first garage band, and growing the great Canadian mullet known as "hockey hair". Now the lives of these Alberta everymen are brought to the big screen by documentarian Ferral Mitchener in an exploration of the depths of friendship, the fragility of life, growing up gracefully and the art and science of drinking beer like a man.
Terry and Dean are lifelong friends who have grown-up together: shotgunning their first beers, forming their first garage band, and growing the great Canadian mullet known as "hockey hair". Now the lives of these Alberta everymen are brought to the big screen by documentarian Ferral Mitchener in an exploration of the depths of friendship, the fragility of life, growing up gracefully and the art and science of drinking beer like a man.