Nathalie Dalyan

참여 작품

베티 블루 37.2
별볼일 없는 서른 살의 작가 지망생 ‘조그’는 대담하고 관능적인 여인 ‘베티’를 만나고 그녀에게 걷잡을 수 없이 빠져든다. 해변에 위치한 방갈로에서 함께 살게 된 둘은 달콤한 시간을 보내며 행복감에 젖는다. 하지만 곧 삶의 무료함을 느낀 ‘베티’는 ‘조그’의 글에서 눈부신 재능을 발견하고, 그를 작가로 성공시키는데 자신의 인생을 바치기로 결심한다. 그렇게 그녀의 광기가 점차 폭발해가는데… 순수하면서도 치명적인 탐닉의 아이콘 ‘베티’를 만난 후, 모든 것이 바뀌었다.
The Two Seasons of Life
La mère morte
Belgian drama.
Madame Sans-Gêne
Madame de Brignolles
Catherine Hubscher, laundress, saves the life of an Austrian nobleman with the complicity of her fiancé, Sergeant Lefebvre, the day when royalty collapses. And then the years pass ... Become Marshal of the Empire and Duke of Danzig, ex Sergeant Lefebvre always has for wife Catherine, the ex laundress; and this, in spite of the efforts made by the Emperor Napoleon to have him divorced, the Emperor blamed him strongly for the lack of distinction of Catherine. Faced with the Marshal's refusal, Catherine was summoned to the Emperor's house and the dialogue between them lacked heat to say the least, until the former lieutenant Bonaparte recognized in Maréchale Lefebvre, Catherine the laundress, who once , gave him credit for his laundering debts.
Girls for Pleasure
Description of a "hot street" and police methods: "raids", role of police assistants to stop the development of prostitution and "Nests", private works to rehabilitate prostitutes to normal life by teaching them a job.