Roelof Jan Minneboo

참여 작품

Beautiful Helen
Helen is 25 years old. After finishing university, she comes back to her homeland from New York. The life was following its own route in her absence. Everything is foreign here for the returned Helen. Helen tries not only to find her place in Tbilisi - once a familiar environment for her - but also to find herself and find the keys that fit the locks of the main existential questions of life. Her encounter with film director Gabo is the start of an adventure that takes us into the minds and souls of a man and a woman, and old and a young soul. Their encounter is the start of a journey that encompasses more than just physical trip.
Cold as Marble
The movie is about the mixed relationships between a failed artist and his girlfriend. Returning home after a long period of imprisonment, the father tries to improve his son's life in the most radical ways.
수흐라의 아들들
1945. The women do the work in a remote village while the men are fighting the Nazis. A small group of deserters is hiding in the mountains and little Bahtiyar acts as the liaison between the men and the village.
다크-다크 맨
카자흐스탄의 시골 마을에서 한 소년이 살해되는 사건이 발생한다. 벡자트 형사는 현지 경찰관들이 용의자를 찾아내자 가능한 빨리 이 사건 수사를 종결할 작정이었다. 그러나 도시에서 한 기자가 마을을 찾아오면서, 모든 것이 수포로 돌아간다.
쳇 베이커의 마지막 순간들
1998년 암스테르담. 루카스 형사는 재즈의 전설 쳇 베이커의 미스터리한 죽음을 조사한다. 베이커의 마지막 날들을 탐험하며 어두운 음악 여정을 떠나, 마지막 애인 사라, 무조건적인 친구 사이먼, 팬 닥터필굿 등과 만난다. 그들의 증언 속 베이커는 매력적인 음악가이자 정체성으로 고민하는 남자의 모습이다. 악명 높은 트럼펫 연주자의 마음을 들여다보며 루카스는 자신의 악령, 그리고 그 그림자와 대면한다.
Het Voorval - Armando en de mythe
What happens in your childhood defines your life, according to artist Armando. His childhood was defined by one crucial incident; a boy kills a German soldier in the woods during the Second World War. The story recurs in Armando’s work in many forms.: an ill-fated event, a victim that becomes a perpetrator, a guilty forest that witnessed everything but remains silent. Was Armando involved in the fateful event or did he invent a tragedy of mythological proportions? Filmmakers Sjors Swierstra and Roelof Jan Minneboo go in search of answers.
세상의 부드러운 무관심
콴디크와 살타낫은 벽지 시골 마을에서 도시로 온다. 살타낫의 가족은 부채에 시달리고 있다. 이 상황에서 살타낫은 선택의 순간에 직면한다. 그녀는 부유한 사업가의 동거녀로 살아갈 것인지 아니면 엄마의 빚으로 계속 고통 받는 삶을 살아갈 것인지를 결정해야 한다. 살타낫을 사랑하는 콴디크는 육체노동을 하면서 번 돈으로 그녀를 구하려 한다. 그러나 그가 낯선 도시에서 그녀의 빚을 대신 갚아주는 것은 불가능하다.
Silent Mist
Script Consultant
In a small canal town, a rapist lurks in the shadows. A schoolgirl, a young woman and a young couple, all seem unable to cope with both the visible and the hidden dangers they all face from their morally corrupted compatriots.
The screenplay for Khibula was inspired by the real events taking place in Georgia briefly after the country regained its independence in 1991. Zviad Gamsakhurdia, the first president of Georgia, elected by the majority of votes, was driven into exile by coup d'etat. Even though he returned to regain power soon after, political clashes once again forced him to flee into the mountains. Based on the final chapter of the first President's life, the film starts off by following his journey accompanied and pursued by both friend and foe.
Pomegranate Orchard
Inspired by Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard, the film follows a prodigal son who returns after 12 years. His reappearance at the family home in rural Azerbaijan significantly alters their way of life.
Corn Island
The Inguri River forms a natural border dividing Georgia from Abkhazia. One of the spring floods has created a little island in the middle of the river, as if made for the cultivation of corn. At least, this is the belief of an old peasant, whose sunburned face resembles the landscape he has trodden for dozens of years.
The Owners
25 year-old John, his teenage brother Erbol, and their sickly 12 year-old sister Aliya, are forced to leave their house in the Kazakh city of Almaty. By luck their mother left them a house in a remote village, where they plan to prepare their comeback. But the house appears to be on the wish list of the District Officer’s alcoholic brother, who has lived there illegally for 10 years.