Florian Schewe

출생 : 1978-01-01, Berlin, Germany

참여 작품

Rising Up at Night
Kinshasa and its inhabitants are in darkness. They wait and struggle to get access to light. Between hope, disappointment and religious faith, Tongo Saa is a subtle and fragmented portrait of a population that, despite the challenges, is sublimated by the beauty of Kinshasa's nights.
Money, Freedom, a Story of CFA Franc
The former French colonies in Central and West Africa have been independent since 1960, but most of these countries still use the currency of the former oppressor: the CFA franc. It was linked to the French franc when it was introduced, so the national bank in Paris controlled monetary policy. Now the currency has a fixed exchange rate with the euro. The link with the European currency strongly influences the monetary policy of CFA countries. And that means the value of the CFA franc is defined by political decisions taken elsewhere, rather than by the domestic economy.
Koekie, Fluksie, Sanna and Jo-Marie live together in a safehouse in Bredasdorp, a small town in South Africa. This community of around 15,000 has been shaken by a series of rapes and murders of women. Community worker Lana O’Neill felt compelled to create a safe place for the most vulnerable women, so that what happened to Anene, Kayde, Sulnita and Jodene doesn’t happen to them too.
Love, Deutschmarks and Death
Cem Kaya’s dense documentary essay celebrates 60 years of Turkish music in Germany. An alternative post-war history that is at the same time a musical Who’s Who – from Yüksel Özkasap to Derdiyoklar and Muhabbet.
The Hungarian Playbook
A group of young journalists takes on the state propaganda.
Koka, the Butcher
A young pigeon fighter in Cairo leads his neighbourhood into the final battle. While pigeons may symbolize peace, here they reflect martial spirit and pride.
갖은 폭력과 마약사건에 연루되어 감옥에 들어갈 상황에 처한 16살의 소년 마셸. 그의 담당 사회복지사인 워스키는 마셸이 감옥에 들어가지 않도록 온갖 노력을 다한다. 워스키의 정성으로 마셸은 감옥에 수감되지는 않았지만 판사는 마셸이 자신의 고향을 떠나 계도교육을 받도록 판결을 내리고, 그렇게 마셸과 워스키는 통가의 어느 한 외딴 섬으로 가게 된다. 낯선 장소와 달라진 주변사람들로 인해 적응하기 힘들었던 마셸은 워스키와 지속적인 갈등을 겪지만 워스키의 진심어린 마음에 점차 마셸은 마음의 벽을 허문다.
갖은 폭력과 마약사건에 연루되어 감옥에 들어갈 상황에 처한 16살의 소년 마셸. 그의 담당 사회복지사인 워스키는 마셸이 감옥에 들어가지 않도록 온갖 노력을 다한다. 워스키의 정성으로 마셸은 감옥에 수감되지는 않았지만 판사는 마셸이 자신의 고향을 떠나 계도교육을 받도록 판결을 내리고, 그렇게 마셸과 워스키는 통가의 어느 한 외딴 섬으로 가게 된다. 낯선 장소와 달라진 주변사람들로 인해 적응하기 힘들었던 마셸은 워스키와 지속적인 갈등을 겪지만 워스키의 진심어린 마음에 점차 마셸은 마음의 벽을 허문다.
Sudan's Forgotten Films
Associate Producer
Benjamin and Awad run Sudan's national film archive. The two men, who have worked together for more than 40 years, are devoted to protecting their country's visual memories. Home to some 13,000 films, the archive preserves pivotal moments of Sudan's turbulent history and is one of the largest in Africa. But the archive is in a fragile state. Following years of neglect and poor storage, many film reels are turning to dust in Sudan's unforgiving tropical climate. The two friends are determined to turn it around and embark on a mission to save the old films. Will they succeed in preserving Sudan's visual history for future generations before it's too late?
We Were Rebels
We Were rebels tells the story of a former child soldier who returns home to help build South Sudan - the youngest country in the world.
Depot Asmara
A film that excavates layers of myth and memory, on an ancient Eritrean steam railway, to learn the elusive truth about Eritrea, its war-ridden history, and at the core of it all, a deep friendship that keeps it all going.