Audrey Brisson-Jutras

Audrey Brisson-Jutras

프로필 사진

Audrey Brisson-Jutras
Audrey Brisson-Jutras

참여 작품

The Grinning Man
A strange new act has arrived at the fairground. Who is Grinpayne and how did he get his hideous smile? Helped by an old man, a lone wolf and a blind girl, his story must be told. The epic tale of an abandoned child with a terrible secret. A disfigured youth who is desperate to hide and a sightless girl who longs to be discovered. Let the darkness seduce you.
Cirque du Soleil: The 30th Anniversary Concert
Herself / Zoe
As part of its 30th anniversary, and for the first time in its history, Cirque du Soleil will present a truly unique, exclusive music event celebrating 30 years of music. Music has always been a central character in Cirque du Soleil shows. It accompanies the artists, punctuates the performance and triggers emotions. The 75-minute concert will pay tribute to the music of Cirque du Soleil and will feature a choir of 70 voices (under the artistic direction of Gregory Charles) and 6 soloists accompanied by 28 musicians. The audience will hear singers Paul Bisson, Audrey Brisson-Jutras, Dominic Dagenais, Estelle Esse, Mathieu Lavoie, Anna Liani, Francine Poitras and Roxanne Potvin interpret some of the songs that have defined the music of Cirque du Soleil shows of the past 30 years.
Hospice Receptionist
미국에 살고 있는 ‘조지’는 평범한 듯 보이지만 사후세계와 소통할 수 있는 특별한 능력을 지니고 있다. 하지만 스스로가 원하지 않은 능력 때문에 사랑하던 여인마저 떠나 보내고 남모를 고통을 겪는다. 지구 반대편 프랑스에서 갑작스런 쓰나미에 죽음의 문턱까지 가는 경험을 한 ‘마리’는 그 후 사후세계를 파헤치며 보이는 사실만을 믿던 기자로서의 삶에 커다란 변화를 맞이한다. 한편, 런던의 소년 ‘마커스’는 사고로 자신의 반쪽과 같은 쌍둥이 형을 잃고 삶 저편 세계에 대한 해답을 간절히 찾아 헤맨다. 각기 다른 방식으로 죽음을 접하고 각자의 진실을 찾던 세 인물은 우연히 한 시점에서 만나게 되고, 죽음이 이들에게 가져다 준 세 가지 삶의 기적은 그들을 믿을 수 없는 곳으로 이끄는데…
Cirque du Soleil: Quidam
A young girl has already seen everything there is to see and her world has lost all meaning. Her anger shatters her world and she finds herself in the universe of QUIDAM, where she is joined by a playful companion, as well as another mysterious character who attempts to seduce her with the marvelous, the unsettling and the terrifying.