Michael Aldridge

Michael Aldridge

출생 : 1920-09-09, Glastonbury, Somerset, United Kingdom

사망 : 1994-01-10


Michael William ffolliott Aldridge was an English actor. He was known for playing Seymour in the television series Last of the Summer Wine from 1986 to 1990 and he had a long career as a character actor on stage and screen dating back to the 1930s.

프로필 사진

Michael Aldridge

참여 작품

Countdown to War
Neville Chamberlain
Based on a play, the story details the dramatic negotiations between UK, France, Poland, Nazi-Germany and USSR from the day Czechoslovakia fell, until Britain's declaration of war on Germany caused by Hitler's invasion of Poland.
The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch & The Wardrobe
The Professor
Four kids travel to the magical land of Narnia where they must battle an evil queen with the direction of the lion, Aslan.
상하이 유혹
Mr. Burns
상해의 아편왕, 월터(Walter Faraday: 폴 프리만 분)에게 이용당하여 부상당한 병사들의 마취제로 사용하는 줄 알고 아편을 찾아나서는 순진한 처녀 테틀록(Gloria Tatlock: 마돈나 분)은 떠돌이 청년 웨이지(Glendon Wasey: 숀 펜 분)를 만나 함께 마약을 찾아 나선다. 상해 암흑가의 두목과 경찰 간부 역시 이 아편을 노리고 두사람을 끈질기게 추적한다. 여러 차례 위기를 넘기면서 웨이지와 태틀록을 이용하여 추적자들을 따돌린 월터는 마지막 순간에는 두사람마저 속이고 아편을 독차지 하려다가 오히려 자기꾀에 스스로 넘어가 허탕을 치고 웨이지와 테틀록만이 남아서 사랑을 확인하는데...
An uncompromising British school headmaster finds himself beset by one thing going wrong after another.
Murder by the Book
Edmond Cork
Agatha Christie’s agents propose that it’s time for her to publish the manuscript she wrote thirty-five years earlier, a novel in which she finally kills off her most famous creation. And it’s not an entirely sad occasion. “That wretched little man,” she says. “He’s always been so much trouble. How is it Miss Marple has never upset me at all, not ever?” That night, who should appear at her doorstep but the wretched little man himself, Hercule Poirot? The great fictional detective and his creator proceed to play a very Christie-like game of cat and mouse for the manuscript – and for their own lives.
Bon Voyage
Sir Colin Brand
Roddy and Lola strike up a romance on the cruise liner SS Mara as it heads to Hong Kong from San Francisco.
The Biko Inquest
Dr. Carter
Based on the official transcripts of the investigation that followed after the very suspicious notorious death in prison of one of the most important leading men of the South African anti-apartheid movement, Steven Biko.
A Voyage Round My Father
A successful lawyer struck with blindness in middle age continues his battles in the courtroom with the assistance of his family. As his son deals with bitter memories of their relationship, he also seeks his father's respect and love and in the process learns to love in return.
Under the Hammer
John Bourke-White
All seems ready for a major sale of impressionist paintings to be graced by a royal visit. But panic erupts in the boardroom when the pedigree of the Van Gogh - to be sold by the Russians - is questioned. When it causes a scene between the porters, Les and Mick, a respectable firm is forced to take drastic action to save the big day.
Prof. Rupert Fenton
The dashing Captain Hugh "Bullshot" Crummond - WWI ace fighter pilot, Olympic athlete, racing driver, part-time sleuth and all round spiffing chap - must save the world from the dastardly Count Otto van Bruno, his wartime adversary. And, of course, win the heart of a jolly nice young lady.
Tales of the Unexpected: Neck
Sir Basil Turton
Invited to a weekend house party by Sir Basil Turton and his younger wife Natalia, John Bannister is struck by the lady's infidelity. She tries to undo his pajamas and is plainly having an affair with another guest Major Haddock. Jelks, Sir Basil's loyal butler, has also noticed and when Natalia gets her head stuck in an abstract sculpture he knows precisely how to cut her down to size.
퍼블릭 아이
Sir Philip Crouch
자유분방한 미국여성 벨린다(미아 패로우 분)는 웨이트리스로 일하다 꽉 막힌 영국남자 찰스(마이클 제이스턴 분)에게 음식을 쏟는 실수를 저지르고, 그것이 인연이 되어 결혼에까지 이르게 된다. 그런데 매일 아침 찰스가 출근을 할 때면, 벨린다 역시 런던의 아파트를 나서는 것이었고, 시내관광을 하기 위해서라는 벨린다의 말을 찰스는 도저히 믿을 수가 없다. 찰스는 급기야 사설탐정(토플 분)을 고용해 아내를 미행시키고, 그녀의 '다른 남자'를 밝혀내라고 시킨다. 그러나 그녀의 말은 사실이었고, 남편이 고용한 탐정은 오히려 그녀의 여행 동반자가 된다. 탐정은 자신을 고용한 남편에게 아내의 말이 사실이었다고 전하지만, 남편은 탐정의 말도 믿지 않는다. 벨린다를 따르며 묵묵히 그녀를 숭배하던 탐정은 찰스의 다그침에 자신이 바로 그 '다른 남자'라고 말해버리고, 일을 더욱 더 복잡하게 꼬여버린다.
심야의 종소리
15세기 영국, 리차드 2세가 죽고 헨리 4세가 왕위에 오르지만 왕권은 불안하고 왕자 헨리는 건달 폴스타프와 어울리기에 바빠 정치엔 관심이 없다. 헨리 4세가 반란을 진압하고 사망에 이르자, 헨리 왕자가 헨리 5세에 취임한다. 폴스타프는 출세할 기회라고 생각하여 달려오지만 왕은 냉정하게 그를 외면하는데...
Life for Ruth
John Harris finds himself ostracized and placed on trial for allowing his daughter Ruth to die. His religious beliefs forbade him to give consent for a blood transfusion that would have saved her life. Doctor Brown is determined to seek justice for what he sees as the needless death of a young girl.
Suicide Mission
English Officer
A group of Norwegians cross the North Sea in winter to deliver Allied soldiers and ammunition to their Nazi-occupied country.
Murder in the Cathedral
Murder in the Cathedral is a story about Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, and his struggles against temptation and personal vanity prior to his murder in the great Cathedral.
Nothing Venture
Michael Garrod
A trio of young boys become involved in a criminal plot.