Three sisters on the Canary Islands, their everyday lives infused with a magical, meditative lyricism. Three life strategies without a breadwinner, narrated via the body, a mix of staging, observation and memory. Before the volcano, serenity arrives.
A group of passengers cross a river on a small ferry. Fog, laughter, whispers and faces inhabit a floating, suspended space. Time passes, the shore is now closer and people prepare for another part of their journey. Aqueronte summons the essence of cinema to transport us to unreal spaces where life is crystallised in a changing landscape of light and shadow. In this cinematic trip, Manuel Muñoz Rivas reaffirms the fabulating power of moving images.
Little is known about the figure of Isabel Santaló, an old artist, today fallen into oblivion. But occasionally some visitors come to her flat. Through them and the voice of Antonio López (Dream of Light, Víctor Erice), the only painter who remembers her, we shape a multifaceted film. This is a cinematic portrait, which well into the film takes a surprising turn. A film that reflects on memory and oblivion, art and the creative process; posing the question of what it means to be an artist and a woman.
Little is known about the figure of Isabel Santaló, an old artist, today fallen into oblivion. But occasionally some visitors come to her flat. Through them and the voice of Antonio López (Dream of Light, Víctor Erice), the only painter who remembers her, we shape a multifaceted film. This is a cinematic portrait, which well into the film takes a surprising turn. A film that reflects on memory and oblivion, art and the creative process; posing the question of what it means to be an artist and a woman.
A Kawa Ijen sulfur miner finds his routine radically altered the moment his wife goes away. He enters then a time loop that transforms his reality as his beliefs move from animism to Islam and capitalism. In a hybridization between ethnofiction and documentary, the film questions the myth of progress and explores the relationship with the otherness in the neocolonial reality of the South Seas
1492년 크리스토퍼 콜럼버스와 출항에 나선 선원 중 세 명은 죽음의 위험에서 벗어나기 위해 미지의 탐험에 동참한다. 탐험대가 카나리아 제도에 도착하자 셋은 돛을 탈취하여 도주한다.
Editorial Consultant
There are countless stories of Cubans reaching their dream destination of Florida as boat refugees. A lesser known route to the United States starts with a flight in a ramshackle plane to Guyana. Then the refugees travel to Colombia where they cross the jungle to arrive in Central America, from where they hope to reach the promised land of America—a hard and dangerous journey. Cuban filmmaker Marcel Beltrán visits them in a refugee camp in Panama, where one of the residents gives him an idea. Many people here have filmed their journey, she says, and these videos tell their real story. These jerky, shocking videos are interspersed with Beltrán’s footage of the camp, tangibly illustrating the difference between the hectic pace of the journey and the insecure life at the reception center.
20 세기 초반, 페드로는 강력한 지주의 결혼식 사진을 찍기 위해 티에라 델 푸에고에 도착한다. 페드로는 소녀 티가 아직 가시지 않은, 신부 사라의 순수한 아름다움을 포착하다 눈덮인 산 한가운데 버려지는데….
Renata presents herself to the camera like one of these fascinating film noir heroines: a beautiful woman with a nondescript accent, with assured gestures, who looks people right in the eyes. Sentenced to a prison term for a man’s murder, Renata has not lost her charisma behind bars. Does she accept the crime she committed? Does she regret having killed someone. A neighbour? A lover? Is she aware of her imprisonment?
Renata presents herself to the camera like one of these fascinating film noir heroines: a beautiful woman with a nondescript accent, with assured gestures, who looks people right in the eyes. Sentenced to a prison term for a man’s murder, Renata has not lost her charisma behind bars. Does she accept the crime she committed? Does she regret having killed someone. A neighbour? A lover? Is she aware of her imprisonment?
Associate Producer
스페인 남쪽의 어느 작은 해안가. 고운 모래와 둥근 모래 언덕이 인상적인 이곳은 잊혀진 도시가 모래 아래 잠들어있다는 전설이 있다. 19세기 말까지만 해도 탐험가들의 모험 장소였던 이곳은 현재 어부를 비롯한 소수의 사람들이 조용히 삶을 꾸리고 있다. 땅에 깃든 기억과 이 땅의 사람들의 삶이 이룬 조화를 관찰하는 아름다운 다큐멘터리.
Sound Designer
스페인 남쪽의 어느 작은 해안가. 고운 모래와 둥근 모래 언덕이 인상적인 이곳은 잊혀진 도시가 모래 아래 잠들어있다는 전설이 있다. 19세기 말까지만 해도 탐험가들의 모험 장소였던 이곳은 현재 어부를 비롯한 소수의 사람들이 조용히 삶을 꾸리고 있다. 땅에 깃든 기억과 이 땅의 사람들의 삶이 이룬 조화를 관찰하는 아름다운 다큐멘터리.
스페인 남쪽의 어느 작은 해안가. 고운 모래와 둥근 모래 언덕이 인상적인 이곳은 잊혀진 도시가 모래 아래 잠들어있다는 전설이 있다. 19세기 말까지만 해도 탐험가들의 모험 장소였던 이곳은 현재 어부를 비롯한 소수의 사람들이 조용히 삶을 꾸리고 있다. 땅에 깃든 기억과 이 땅의 사람들의 삶이 이룬 조화를 관찰하는 아름다운 다큐멘터리.
스페인 남쪽의 어느 작은 해안가. 고운 모래와 둥근 모래 언덕이 인상적인 이곳은 잊혀진 도시가 모래 아래 잠들어있다는 전설이 있다. 19세기 말까지만 해도 탐험가들의 모험 장소였던 이곳은 현재 어부를 비롯한 소수의 사람들이 조용히 삶을 꾸리고 있다. 땅에 깃든 기억과 이 땅의 사람들의 삶이 이룬 조화를 관찰하는 아름다운 다큐멘터리.
스페인 남쪽의 어느 작은 해안가. 고운 모래와 둥근 모래 언덕이 인상적인 이곳은 잊혀진 도시가 모래 아래 잠들어있다는 전설이 있다. 19세기 말까지만 해도 탐험가들의 모험 장소였던 이곳은 현재 어부를 비롯한 소수의 사람들이 조용히 삶을 꾸리고 있다. 땅에 깃든 기억과 이 땅의 사람들의 삶이 이룬 조화를 관찰하는 아름다운 다큐멘터리.
A freighter crosses the ocean. The hypnotic rhythm of its gears reveals the continuous movement of machinery devouring its workers: the last gestures of the old sailors’ trade disappearing under the mechanic and impersonal pace of 21st century neo-capitalism. Perhaps it is a boat adrift, or maybe just the last example of an endangered species. Although we don’t know it, the engines are still running, unstoppable.
A freighter crosses the ocean. The hypnotic rhythm of its gears reveals the continuous movement of machinery devouring its workers: the last gestures of the old sailors’ trade disappearing under the mechanic and impersonal pace of 21st century neo-capitalism. Perhaps it is a boat adrift, or maybe just the last example of an endangered species. Although we don’t know it, the engines are still running, unstoppable.
Every morning Manolo Aldeguer opens his business: an old-fashioned, tacky furniture shop located in a small Spanish town. Another working day begins: once again Manolo has to face eight endless hours to kill.
The inhabitants of a small village lost in the woodland between Galicia and Portugal play their own life mixed with dialogues from O bosque, a play by Galician writer Marinhas del Valle. Arraianos portrays a rural community in its obstinate resistance against disappearance.