JoAnn Nordstrom

JoAnn Nordstrom

프로필 사진

JoAnn Nordstrom

참여 작품

타인의 친절
클라라(조카잔)는 경찰인 남편의 폭력을 피해 두 아이들과 함께 뉴욕으로 도망친다. 돈이 떨어지고 승용차를 견인당한 클라라는 추적하는 남편때문에 신분을 속이고 이곳저곳을 다니면서 도움을 요청하지만 거절당한다. 클라라는 아이들을 부양하기 위해 식당과 상점에서 도둑질을 하고 날마다 잠을 잘 곳을 찾는다. 클라라는 어느 교회에 찾아가 하룻밤 숙박을 부탁하는데, 거기서 퇴근후 자원봉사활동 삼아 집단상담치료를 하고 있는 응급실간호사 앨리스의 도움을 받아 하룻밤을 보낸다. 신분을 속이고 있는 클라라는 "도와주겠다"는 앨리스를 떠나 또 다시 아이들과 거리를 헤맨다.
Bed of the Dead
Four twentysomethings find themselves stuck on a haunted antique bed where leaving means suffering a gruesome death. Plagued with frightening hallucinations, they must figure out the bed's secrets before they are ultimately picked off one by one.
Bigfoot and the Burtons
Janie Burton
When an ignored little boy bonds with Bigfoot and discovers the human-like ape is in danger, he has to find the courage to stand up to those bigger than him to save the legendary creature and set him free.
Isabelle Heller (Adult)
After almost drowning in a lake, Madison finds herself bound to a life of fear. Unable to describe what happened to her during the moments she was underwater, she begins to develop hydrophobia: an abnormal fear of water. Crippled by her post trauma, Madison attempts to shut out the world but her fear intensifies and she is faced with the vision of a dark figure that haunts her day and night. After watching her struggle for one year with the phobia and visions, Madison's four friends attempt an unconventional intervention in which they accidentally open a floodgate to a dark place where none of them are safe. As Madison and her friends dive deeper into the dark history of this figure that haunts them, it reaches out and begins dragging them to a horrifying place that they can never come back from.
Survival Guide
Aunt Jeanie
With a child abductor at large in the neighborhood, 11 year old Fleur Flannery must fend for herself when she is left behind after a Girl Guide meeting.