Mika Räinä

Mika Räinä

출생 : 1973-01-01,

프로필 사진

Mika Räinä

참여 작품

Jope – Just Think for Yourself
An overweight boy who was a bullied at school grew up to become a beloved comedian, folk artist Jope Ruonansuu. He was a versatile entertainer, but above all an impressionist, able to imitate more than 150 characters from the ruling class. Jope's journey was a natural extension of the post-war "Rillumarei" -culture. He broke through when the monoculturalism was at its most vibrant and grew in popularity as it began to crumble. With weight loss surgery, Jope sought a healthier life, but also to shed the extra pounds and childhood traumas. After the surgery, he was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer, but continued to fight, developing a number of different projects, including an anti-bullying campaign together with the President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö. The project was to culminate in a joint visit to Syväkangas school, in Jope's home town of Kemi. Jope passed away before then, but Niinistö kept his promise.
Off Key
Dramatic comedy about having fun, throwing yourself into life without inhibition, overcoming the feeling of shame and accepting that few things in life go as planned.
Body of Water
Julian pomo
Julia is a young lawyer who has been in conflict with her father for a long time. Her mother seems a bit insane, and Julia thinks that he is partially responsible for this. She has also split with the father of her son and tries to escape all these concerns by working hard. On a new case, she is brought back to the house near the lake where she was raised to help a group of environmentalists to protect its natural beauty against the industrial project of a power company. But by doing so she has to fight the greed of the locals, and their trust in an evil spirit that is believed to be attached to the lake.
The Leaning Tower
Mitä tapahtuu, kun yhdessä miehessä asuu kaksi ihmistä, joista toinen on tietoinen toisen olemassaolosta, mutta toinen ei? Liikuttava kertomus vie kolme ihmistä eri sukupolvista keskelle Eurooppaa.
정사 2
30대의 여성 죠나는 광고회사에서 인정 받고 있는 커리어 우먼이다. 평범한 남편과 결혼해 두 아이의 어머니로 완벽한 삶을 살고 있는듯한 죠나에게는 아무도 모르는 그녀만의 비밀이 있다. 평범하고 일상적인 가정생활과 직장 일에 무료함을 느낀 그녀는 잠시 즐길 하룻밤 상대를 찾기 시작한다. 전혀 죄책감 없이 많은 상대들의 육체를 탐닉하고 컨트롤 하는 죠나. 수많은 남자들과의 관계에서 그녀는 그들을 통치하고 컨트롤 한다는 생각에 희열을 느끼고 이런 그녀의 자만심은 가정과 직장에서도 여지없이 보여진다. 새로운 남자를 물색하던 죠니는 알렉스라는 젊은 요트맨을 만난다. 서로의 육체에 매료된 죠나와 알렉스는 끊임없이 서로를 탐닉하게 되고, 언제나 남자들과의 관계를 자신 마음대로 조정할 수 있다고 믿었던 죠나는 알렉스 역시 그 중 한명이라고 생각한다. 하지만 시간이 갈수록 죠나는 알렉스에게 점점 빠져 들어가고...