Rob Walker

출생 : , UK

참여 작품

마리우폴리스 2
Sound Mixer
2022년, 리투아니아의 감독 만타스 크베다라비시우스는 포화가 계속되는 우크라이나 마리우폴에 돌아간다. 2015년 "마리우폴리스"에 등장한 사람들을 만나기 위해서다. 그곳에서 폐허 속 일상을 기록하던 감독은 러시아군의 공격으로 유명을 달리한다. 그의 연인을 비롯하여 남겨진 사람들은 감독이 남긴 푸티지로 비극과 희망을 동시에 안고 살아가는 이들에 관한 다큐멘터리.
마리우폴리스 2
Sound Editor
2022년, 리투아니아의 감독 만타스 크베다라비시우스는 포화가 계속되는 우크라이나 마리우폴에 돌아간다. 2015년 "마리우폴리스"에 등장한 사람들을 만나기 위해서다. 그곳에서 폐허 속 일상을 기록하던 감독은 러시아군의 공격으로 유명을 달리한다. 그의 연인을 비롯하여 남겨진 사람들은 감독이 남긴 푸티지로 비극과 희망을 동시에 안고 살아가는 이들에 관한 다큐멘터리.
폴: 600미터
Sound Effects Editor
내려갈 길이 끊겨버린 600미터 TV 타워 위에서 두 명의 친구가 살아남기 위해 펼치는 사상 최초의 고공 서바이벌 여기에서
일과 나날 (시오타니 계곡의 시오지리 다요코의)
Sound Designer
영화는 일본 교토현 시오타니 계곡에 사는 시오지리 다요코라는 여자가 농사를 짓는 과정을 그리고 있다. 시오타니 계곡은 인구 47명의 산골마을로 두 감독은 이곳에서 14달의 기간에 걸친 27주를 촬영하여 상영시간이 무려 8시간인 영화를 완성했다. 때로는 아무 것도 보이지 않는 화면에 벌레나 바람 소리만 들리는가 하면 카세 료 같은 알려진 배우가 등장하는데도 극적 장치는 없다. 영화는 관객이 온전히 그곳의 생활을 체험하도록 유도한다.
보이지 않는 산
르네 도말의 마운트 아날로그에 묘사된 미지의 산, 즉 바다에 떠 있는 허구적 산을 찾아 핀란드에서 그리스까지 여행하는 남자에 대한 환각적 초상.
DAU. String Theory
Nikita Nekrasov is a scientist, a theoretical physicist who studies our world and other possible worlds. He refuses to make a choice between mathematics and physics, between one woman and another, as he ponders the existence of the multi-universe. At scientific conferences, attended by eminent foreign scientists and a rising younger generation of physicists alike, Nekrasov gets carried away debating the beauty of string theory. He attempts to explain to all of his women – Katya, the librarian, Zoya, the scientific secretary, Svetalana, the head of department – about the theory of his own polygamy, and the possibility of having enough feelings to satisfy everyone.
다우 디제너레이션
Supervising Sound Editor
A secret Soviet Institute conducts scientific and occult experiments on animals and human beings to create the perfect person. The KGB general and his aides turn a blind eye to erotic adventures of the director of the Institute, scandalous debauches of prominent scientists and their cruel and insane research. One day, a radical ultra right-wing group arrives in the laboratory under the guise of test subjects. They get a task - to eradicate the decaying elements of the Institute’s community, and if needs be, destroy the fragile world of secret Soviet science.
다우. 나타샤
Sound Designer
Natasha runs the canteen at a secret 1950s Soviet research institute. This is the beating heart of the DAU universe, everyone drops in here: the institute's employees, scientists and visiting foreign guests. Natasha's world is a small one, split between the demands of the canteen during the day and alcohol fuelled nights with her younger colleague Olga, during which the two confide their hopes of romance and for a different future. At a party one evening Natasha becomes close to a visiting French scientist Luc Bige and the two sleep together. The following day her life takes a dramatic turn when she is summoned to an interrogation by the KGB's General Vladimir Azhippo who questions the nature of her relationship with the foreign guest.
The List Film
Sound Recordist
A film of the award winning live theatre production The List. A woman struggles to adjust to rural life with a young family in Quebec. Increasingly isolated, she keeps life in order through obsessive list making. As her marriage struggles she befriends Caroline. When Caroline requests a favour she adds it to her list. The difference between remembering to do it, and neglecting to take it seriously, becomes the difference between life and death. Produced in association with Screen Academy Scotland at Edinburgh Napier University.
Sound Mixer
Work. Eat. Sleep. And back to work. For a long time skippers in the North East of Scotland could not find locals to work on their fishing vessels. That was until Filipino fishermen started coming to town for work. Both nationalities strive to shorten the distance between two very different worlds.
Kirkcaldy Man
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Who is Jocky Wilson? 20 years ago every child in Kirkcaldy, on the east coast of Scotland, could answer this question. One of the best darts players ever, world champion in 1982 and 1989 - a national hero. But in '95 Jocky paid the price for his self destructive life style. In search of his myth, we follow the forces that shaped Jocky's hometown and its inhabitants as we discover lost memories of the man who once inspired the nation.
Narrator / Santa Christ
The Nostalgia Critic's team try to take over the one-acre nation of Molossia and turn it into Kickassia.
Tree Fellers
Mix Technician
The story of the 900 Belizean lumberjacks who in 1942 left the tropical rainforests of British Honduras to help Britain fight fascism by felling trees in Scotland. Sam (93), Eric (87) and Amos (86) were among those who stayed on after the war to make new lives in a country where, for better or worse, the colour of their skin marked them out. Newly discovered archive, long cherished memories and a last reunion are intertwined in this lyrical and moving documentary testament.