Yōichi Kotabe
출생 : 1936-09-15, Taipei, Taiwan
Animation Supervisor
지우와 피카츄 일행은 '무엇이든지 소환할 수 있는 링'을 가진 환상의 포켓몬 후파를 만난다. 그때, 데세르시티에서는 엄청난 포켓몬을 봉인한 '굴레의 항아리'에 사악한 기운이 흐르고...! '굴레의 항아리'를 열고 분노의 힘으로 되살아난 '검은 그림자'! 그 그림자의 정체는 바로 '후파'의 본래 모습, 초후파였다! 초후파는 힘을 되찾기 위해 포켓몬계의 최강 파워를 자랑하는 전설의 포켓몬들을 소환하기 시작하고! 지우와 후파 일행은 위기에 빠진 마을을 지키키 위해 이를 대적할 가공할만한 파워의 다른 전설의 포켓몬을 소환해내는데...!
Documentary about Yasuo Otsuka, famous Japanese animator and mentor of Hayao Miyazaki and Isao Takahata. Featuring interviews with Japanese animation legends such as Masaaki Osumi, Youichi Kotabe, Sadao Tsukioka and Isao Takahata.
Animation Supervisor
Appearing before Pikachu and friends is the keyring Pokemon, Klefki. Inserting a mysteriously shaped key into the keyhole floating in the air, a very mysterious portal appears! Klefki has the key to go to various worlds. What kind of world will the key that Pikachu holds lead to?
Animation Supervisor
There’s a party at Sylveon’s house, and you’re invited! Join Pikachu, Oshawott, Axew, and Pansage as they have fun with Eevee and all of its evolved forms!
Animation Supervisor
의 동시상영작으로 포켓몬들이 노래와 춤을 선보이는 단편.
Animation Supervisor
수 천년간 잠들어 있던 환상의 포켓몬 아르세우스! 마침내 미케나에 전해지는 전설의 비밀이 밝혀진다! 지우와 피카츄 일행이 도착한 아름답고 풍요로운 마을 미케나에 내려오는 전설… 그것은 아주 먼 옛날 환상의 포켓몬 아르세우스가 마을로 떨어지는 거대한 운석에 몸을 부딪혀 많은 사람들과 포켓몬들을 구한 것으로부터 시작된다. 운석과의 충돌로 힘을 잃어버린 아르세우스에게 다모스라는 남자가 힘을 되찾아주고, 다모스의 도움으로 기운을 찾은 아르세우스는 자신의 생명의 근원 중 [물][풀][땅][우뢰][용]의 힘을 떼어내 “생명의 보옥”을 만들어 다모스에게 빌려준다. 생명의 보옥 덕분에 황폐했던 미케나는 녹색의 푸른 대지로 변하고, 다모스는 다음 개기일식이 일어나는 날 그 생명의 보옥을 아르세우스에게 돌려주기로 약속하는데… 마침내 약속의 날이 다가오지만 다모스는 다른 포켓몬스터들과 오히려 아르세우스를 공격한다. 생명의 보옥을 영원히 간직하기 위해 아르세우스를 배신한 것! 그 후, 긴 시간이 흘러 잠에서 깬 아르세우스는 무시무시한 분노와 함께 마을을 파괴하기 시작하고, 평화롭던 미케나는 한 순간에 폭음과 연기에 둘러싸이고 만다. 다모스의 잘못을 바로잡기 위해 오랜시간 아르세우스를 기다린 시나가 “생명의보옥”을 되돌려 주지만, 가짜임이 밝혀지며 아르세우스의 분노는 더해가기만 하고… 위기에 빠진 순간, 디아루가의 도움으로 지우 일행은 시간을 초월해 그 옛날 다모스가 아르세우스에게 ‘생명의 보옥’을 돌려주기로 약속했던 바로 그 날로 이동하는데 성공한다! 과연, 그들은 다모스의 배신에 얽힌 비밀을 밝히고 약속대로 아르세우스에게 생명의 보옥을 전달하는데 성공해 뒤틀어진 역사를 바로잡을 수 있을 것인가!!
Animation Supervisor
끝나지 않은 전설의 포켓몬들의 배틀로 위험에 빠진 반전 세계와 현실 세계를 구하기 위해 감사포켓몬 ‘쉐이미’와 ‘지우’, ‘피카츄’가 나서면서 시작되는 모험 이야기
Animation Supervisor
포켓몬 콘테스트를 위해 아라모스 마을을 찾은 지우, 빛나, 웅. 그런데 그곳에서 전설의 포켓몬 디아루가와 펄기아의 배틀이 벌어지고, 어떤 이유인지 환상의 포켓몬 다크라이까지 합세하게 된다. 지우와 피카츄, 그리고 그곳에 있던 모든 포켓몬들은 유례없는 대결로 위험에 빠진 아라모스를 지키려 하고, 그 과정에서 사상 최대의 포켓몬 대전투의 막이 열리게 되는데…
Animation Supervisor
The story of "The Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon" centers on a Pokémon scientist who has developed a new Mirage System to resurrect extinct Pokémon. Satoshi, Haruka, Masato, and Takeshi show up at the Mirage Mansion for a demonstration of this new machine, only to witness the kidnapping of the scientist! Then a mysterious stranger appears and claims that the machine can actually create Pokémon without weaknesses. It’s up to Satoshi and company to preserve the natural balance of the Pokémon world.
Animation Supervisor
「파동전설」이야기가 전해져 내려오고 있는 로타마을에서 수백년전 「세계가 시작하는 나무」의 힘으로 싸움을 멈춘 「파동의 용사 아론」을 기리는 축제가 한창이었다. 마을에 방문한 지우 일행은 그 해 용사를 정하는 포켓몬 시합에 나가 치열한 싸움끝에 멋지게 우승하여 「파동의 용사」가 되어 아론의 자팡이를 상으로 받는다. 그런데 그때 지팡이의 돌 장식이 빛을 내면서 봉인되었던 「루카리오」가 나타난다. 지우 일행은 피카츄를 데려간 「뮤」를 찾기 위해 루카리오와 함께 「세계가 시작하는 나무」를 향해 여행을 떠난다.
Animation Supervisor
대빙원에 있던 과학자 「론도 박사」와 그의 아들 「하늘」. 그곳에 돌연 폭음과 함께 운석이 떨어진다. 주위를 감싸는 수증기. 그 안에서는 환상의 포켓몬 「테오키스」가 나타난다. 그곳에 천공포켓몬 「레쿠쟈」가 모습을 드러내며 격렬한 싸움이 시작된다. 그로부터 4년 후, 「랄스시티」에 도착한 지우 일행은 배틀타워에서 포켓몬 시합을 통해 이 마을에 사는 소년 하늘이와 만난다. 하늘이는 서서히 지우 일행에게 마음을 열고 포켓몬들과도 사이가 좋아지고 있었다. 그러던 중, 돌연 테오키스가 랄스시티에 나타난다. 테오키스의 목적은? 드디어 마을의 모든 기능이 정지되고 지우 일행은 마을에서 벗어나지 못하게 된다.
Winter Days is a 2003 animated film, directed by Kihachirō Kawamoto. It is based on one of the renku (collaborative linked poems) in the 1684 collection of the same name by the 17th-century Japanese poet Bashō. The creation of the film followed the traditional collaborative nature of the source material – the visuals for each of the 36 stanzas were independently created by 35 different animators. As well as many Japanese animators, Kawamoto assembled leading names of animation from across the world. Each animator was asked to contribute at least 30 seconds to illustrate their stanza, and most of the sequences are under a minute (Yuriy Norshteyn's, though, is nearly two minutes long).
Animation Supervisor
Meowth is in charge of the Team Rocket secret base, a mysterious place full of odd gadgets and gizmos. Desperate to impress the boss, Meowth wants to use the Dancing PokéBaton—a device that lets users control Pokémon as they please—to create a show that’s sure to wow. Meanwhile, Pikachu and its friends finish up playing in the forest and stumble on the base. The gang hears Whismur, the Whisper Pokémon, crying for help—but when they try to make their rescue, the Dancing PokéBaton goes off and sends the whole group into a dancing frenzy! When a noise-loving Loudred and Ludicolo get caught up in the dancing, the madness gets even wilder! What’s going to happen to Meowth’s precious secret base?
Animation Supervisor
Riding home atop a train, the Pichu Brothers suddenly find themselves knocked off and flying through the air! They hit a Wynaut on their way down, bringing all three of them to the forest where Pikachu, Totodile, and some more friends are playing in a waterfall and building a campfire. When it starts to rain, the group takes shelter in a water mill—but the water mill starts moving! The next morning, the whole group decides to work together to make sure the Pichu Brothers make their train. Will the two be able to make it home safe?
Animation Supervisor
Kenta, a Pokemon master in the making, meets up with his childhood friend, Marina, at a Pokemon Center, to see how their skills have developed. Their battle is interrupted by a thunderstorm and the arrival of Bashou and Buson, two Rocket-dan members using the Crystal System (which attracts Electric-type Pokemon). Their ultimate goal is to, under the guidance of professor Shiranui, bring Pokemon back to Sakaki. Kenta and Marina stumble upon this plan, and they try to stop it, but things get more difficult when the legendary Pokemon Raikou is captured.
Animation Supervisor
At a giant beachside mansion, Pikachu and some of its buddies decide to play a game of hide-and-seek. Pikachu is “it,” and it goes off in search of its friends. Meanwhile, Larvitar, sick of being all by itself, kicks a rock in anger. The rock hurtles through the air—and hits a lawnmower, turning it on and sending it tearing off after Pikachu and its friends! The group draws the lawnmower into a maze and even gets it into the water, but the lawnmower just keeps on chasing. The Pokémon build a road out of logs, hoping to get the lawnmower into a shack, but Psyduck trips and ruins the whole setup. How will the friends ever escape the lawnmower? This fantasy will have you on the edge of your seat!
Animation Supervisor
While visiting a big city with Ash, Pikachu meets the Pichu Brothers—Pichu Little, the rambunctious younger half, and Pichu Big, the reserved older half. Pikachu does its best to keep Pichu Little from falling off a building, but it ends up falling off itself! The adventures continue as Pikachu and the Pichu Brothers roll off the top of a bus, fall into a river, and then fly into the air and onto the back of a Houndour! With the angry Houndour in hot pursuit, the trio makes its way to a pile of tires that serves as a “secret fort.” All the hustle and bustle, though, sends the fort tumbling down. With the help of some Pokémon, the group works together to rebuild the fort—but Pikachu remembers that it has to get back to Ash. The Pichu Brothers whisk Pikachu away and head for the building where Ash is waiting, but will they manage to get there in time?
Animation Supervisor
Pikachu and the gang learn responsibility, teamwork as well as cooperation during their Summer vacation at Pokemon Island.
Character Designer
This OVA together with Alps no Shoujo Heidi: Alm no Yama Hen provides an alternative cut and thus a longer summary of the TV series compared to the earlier Alps no Shoujo Heidi Theatre Film. They also replaced the changed voice actors with the ones from the series.
Character Designer
When Princess Peach is kidnapped by the monster King Koopa, Mario and his brother Luigi journey to the Mushroom Kingdom to rescue her.
Animation Director
오사카 공단 지역에서 곱창구이 가게를 운영하는 아빠와 함께 사는 초등학교 5학년 치에. 그녀는 항상 입버릇처럼 “난 일본에서 가장 불행한 소녀야!” 라고 말하고 다닌다. 노름을 좋아하는 아빠와 가출한 엄마를 재결합시키기로 결심한 치에. 그녀는 다양한 방법을 동원하여 아빠와 엄마의 만남을 만들어낸다.
Animation Director
A young Italian boy named Marco is devastated when his mother must leave home to work in Argentina to pay off the family debt. She sends the family letters, but soon the messages stop coming, which worries Marco and sets him off on an epic quest to find her.
Animation Director
Patterned after Japanese art and silk screens, Taro, The Dragon Boy is an animated feature about Japanese mythology and cultures, focusing on Taro, a young boy who has to make a voyage to a distant lake to save his mother, who has been turned into a dragon.
Key Animation
The story surrounds a boy and a cow who have always lived their lives together. One winter, a famine strikes their village. The villagers resolve to the cow, but the boy secretly helped the cow escape. A few years ago, the boy (now grown-up) and the cow meet again...
Visual Effects
Cheerful Mimiko has a wonderfully strange family—a Panda for her Papa; and his son Panny, calls her Mom! When Panny follows Mimiko to school, he must pretend to be a teddy bear so Mimiko won't get into trouble. Despite his efforts to behave, Panny causes trouble in school and now the school is after Panny! Then, Panny makes a new friend, Tiny, a baby tiger who's wandered off from the circus.
Key Animation
The family consisting of two pandas and one girl lives happily when suddenly a little tiger appears at their home. It arrives that the circus had come to their town. All of a sudden starts the pouring rain but it can't stop them.
Animation Director
The family consisting of two pandas and one girl lives happily when suddenly a little tiger appears at their home. It arrives that the circus had come to their town. All of a sudden starts the pouring rain but it can't stop them.
Animation Director
TV pilot based on an original manga by Tetsuya Chiba, about a 10-year old girl named Yuki. An orphan who's being adopted by a family.
Key Animation
The plot follows Mimiko, a bright little girl left alone when her grandmother leaves on a trip. Making a few stops at some local stores, Mimiko comes home to her house in a bamboo grove and finds a baby panda named Panny sleeping on the back doorstep. She quickly makes friends with the little panda, and invites him in for a drink. His father, PapaPanda, soon comes to visit, and they decide to become a family after PapaPanda offers to.
Animation Director
The plot follows Mimiko, a bright little girl left alone when her grandmother leaves on a trip. Making a few stops at some local stores, Mimiko comes home to her house in a bamboo grove and finds a baby panda named Panny sleeping on the back doorstep. She quickly makes friends with the little panda, and invites him in for a drink. His father, PapaPanda, soon comes to visit, and they decide to become a family after PapaPanda offers to.
Key Animation
A peasant boy and 38 cats band against the tyrannical Ali Baba the 33rd and his cat-phobic genie.
Key Animation
로버트 루이스 스티븐슨 원작의 을 주인공을 제외하고 동물 캐릭터로 의인화시킨 작품. 토에이 창립 20주년 기념작이자, 실질적인 토에이 극장 아니메 제1기를 마감하는 작품으로 전성기 시절의 A형 대작 스태프들이 최후의 심혈을 기울여 완성했다. 특히 에서의 대활약으로 이케다 히로시 감독에게 신임을 얻은 미야자키 하야오가 더 많은 범위에 걸쳐 자신의 색깔을 담아 놓게 되는데, 비밀을 지닌 여주인공과 미워할 수 없는 악당이 등장하는 미야자키식 인물 설정 구도도 이 작품에서 처음으로 엿보이기 시작한다.
Animation Director
Hayato's home city is under attack from a gigantic robot. His parents are lying dead in the rubble and the only remaining friend is his dog. His only thought now is revenge against the owner of the Phantom Ship (from where the robot said he was sent). He ends up in the house of Kuroshio, the leader of the fight against the Phantom Ship and the most important person in the city. By complete accident, Hayato finds his way to an underground passageway where he realises that the true nature of events does not mesh with what Kuroshio has told him. His life is now in great danger, and only he can stop the plans of the evildoers.
An animated collaboration between Osamu Tezuka and Toei Animation.