Christian Dolezal

Christian Dolezal

출생 : 1971-11-22, Wien, Austria

프로필 사진

Christian Dolezal

참여 작품

After falling out with her mother, juvenile Sofia hitchhikes southwards in search of the father she never had.
The Children of Villa Emma
According to true events, the moving drama "The Children of Villa Emma" tells of a dangerous escape that took place during the Second World War. In 1942/1943, the Italian village of Nonantola was indeed a refuge for 73 Jewish children who wanted to escape the merciless access of the National Socialists on their way to the "Promised Land" of Palestine. Director Nikolaus Leytner describes the dangerous journey as an exciting test, presented by a talented young cast.
우먼 인 골드
Felix Landau
유명 화가 ‘클림트’는 자신의 후원자였던 ‘아델레’를 모델로 그림 [아델레 블로흐-바우어의 초상]을 그려 선물한다. 하지만, 그녀가 죽고 난 뒤 남편 ‘페르낭드’는 나치에 의해 오스트리아 정부에 그림을 몰수당하고, 이 그림을 조카들에게 남긴다는 유언만을 남긴 채 생을 마감한다. 세월이 지난 1998년, 이미 노년기로 접어 든 그의 조카 ‘마리아 알트만’은 젊은 시절 추억이 남긴 그림들을 되찾기 위해 무려 8년간 국가를 상대로 외롭고도 긴 싸움을 시작하는데…
How to Live Your Life
A coming-of-age movie about how hard life is and how great it can be...It's the story about Karl "Charlie" Kolostrum, a young guy who tries to get along with his life but hasn't learned to live as an adult yet.
...und es ist zu vollstrecken
The year is 1945. The final battle for Vienna has begun. Hitler declares the capital of the "Ostmark", as Austria was called then, a stand-off of the Third Reich against the Red Army; a last attempt to turn the tables yet. A group of Austrian resistance fighters recognize the impossibility and enable the Russians to occupy the city - this action was known as the "Radetzky Operation" - and with it Vienna was saved from complete destruction by the Allies. The operation was headed by Carl Szokoll.