This comedy of errors revolves around a hapless 30-year-old named Arturo. His penchant for indiscretions is as impossible to overlook as the finesse with which the film glides from March 2020 to the preceding decade and back again.
A heat wave strikes Buenos Aires and Juana has to stay while everyone is on vacation; for her everything seems repetitive and dull, and a pop song about the sea follows her everywhere.
Claudia shows up at a bar to meet Luis, a doctor who contacted her through a dating app. Claudia doesn't suspect what fate has in store for her. A kidnapping that ends with an inevitable and unpredictable death. A suspense story with surprising twists until the last second, narrated in a sequence shot without cuts.
It’s 1955. Rosa a skillful seamstress becomes the only witness of a murder. In a time of political tension in Argentina, the crime’s investigation will trigger the final resolution of the conflict and sealed Rosa’s destiny for good. A typical crime film with the exception that the detective is a housewife.
이구아수 폭포 근처 부유한 영주의 아내 줄리아는 며칠 째 계속 악몽을 꾸고 있다. 남편은 원주민인 과라니 부족의 침입을 막기 위해 울타리를 세우지만 줄리아는 아들 마누엘의 안전이 불안하기만 하다. 어느 날 마누엘이 집에서 사라지고 아들을 찾아 산중을 헤메이던 줄리아는 폭포 아래에서 1년 전 죽은걸로 알고 있던 하녀 케라나를 마주하게 된다.
Arturo, the successful owner of an art gallery, and Renzo, a talented but decadent painter, are old friends who cannot stop bickering. One day, Arturo comes up with a solution to all their problems, but the plan they concoct turns out to be crazier and riskier than they originally expected.
Niña Perro
In the midst of an inclement summer, Tavo works as a pool in a country town in the Buenos Aires suburbs, forming a silent part of a landscape and a community that keeps him at bay for class reasons.
Three rooms, three different moments of a relationship.
An unconventional portrayal of several young women witnessed in immersive yet indeterminate states: within their bodies, among their friends and lovers, and ultimately in a culture of economic and spiritual recession. Obliquely inspired by Bela Bartok’s sole opera, Bluebeard’s Castle.
Six friends return to the big farmhouse in the middle of a subtropical landscape where their best friend Miguel spent his last days. While the sound of his recordings fills the house and gardens, they pack the things he left behind. Brzezicki's directorial début is a haunting sensorial journey through memories, images and sounds.
Two sisters come to an old family house on the outskirts of the city. They want to avoid his father, who is in the country after a long time.
Fleeing homophobic attacks, Nino moves to a rural house amidst a forest haunted by Almamula, a monster that takes those who commit carnal sins. In a world of whispers, unspoken desires and prayers, Nino’s curiosity and impulses rise to the surface.