Dakota Payne

참여 작품

The Final Girl Returns
The Final Girl
A driver emerges from a massacre unscathed and finds himself trapped in an endless cycle of saving the final girls. The Driver soon learns that one mustn’t fight the rules of horror, and the past he’s been driving from catches up to him.
Marshall's Miracle
A 13-year-old boy becomes the target of bullies at his new school and is feeling hopeless, until he finds Marshall being caged up by a dog-hoarder in deplorable conditions. Finn knows he must rescue Marshall, but he has been abused by the other dogs and needs to see the vet right away. The bond of friendship is immediate.
Intrepid Academy
Dark Ghoul
Teenage superhuman Joseph Hawk embarks on an adventure to Intrepid Academy, making many friends and enemies while he competes in the world-famous "Crucible" tournament.