Maksim Emelyanov

Maksim Emelyanov

프로필 사진

Maksim Emelyanov

참여 작품

The story of a simple sailor of the Northern Fishing Fleet, who dreams of ending his naval career, since his life at sea seems unreal to him, illusory. He is going to go ashore, marry and settle on the ground. To heal. But nothing comes out. He is forced to sail again. An adventure cinema begins with a large number of twists and turns: the strongest storm, a hole in the board, a haul pulling the ship to the bottom. The trawler practically sinks and at this moment receives the SOS signal from a foreign ship in distress. The main character manages to convince the rest of the crew to come, risking themselves, to help foreign sailors. Thanks to this act, the team - a gathering of sea wolves, practically pirates - has a feeling of meaningfulness of their own lives.
A young Moscow music video maker Grisha blazes his way to fame through the dashing nineties - in the era of careless parties, bandit shooters and grievous bodily harm. His friends are the best music video makers in the country, his clients are its main stars. One dashing adventure follows another - the guys are lucky. And it seems that everything is just beginning.
차이콥스키의 아내
Antonina Miliukova is a beautiful and bright young woman, born in the aristocracy of 19th century Russia. She could have anything she'd want, and yet her only obsession is to marry Pyotr Tchaikovsky, with whom she falls in love from the very moment she hears his music. The composer finally accepts this union, but after blaming her for his misfortunes and breakdowns, his attempts to get rid of his wife are brutal. Consumed by her feelings for him, Antonina decides to endure and do whatever it takes to stay with him. Humiliated, disgraced and discarded, she is slowly driven to madness.
young Kalyagin
The story of four friends, former fellow soldiers from Afghanistan, who meet on the eve of Victory Day to see off a comrade on his last journey.
파일럿: 배틀 포 서바이벌
제2차 세계대전이 한창인 1942년 겨울. 러시아로 진격하는 독일군에 의해 모스크바 상공은 새까만 전투기로 뒤덮인다. 공군용사 파일럿 ‘니콜라이’가 불구덩이 전선에 뛰어들지만 독일군의 폭격으로 그가 탑승한 항공기는 시베리아 한가운데 외딴 숲에 불시착하고 만다. 꼭 돌아오겠다는 말을 남긴 채 이별한 연인 ‘올가’와의 약속을 위해 ‘니콜라이’는 혹독한 추위와 극한 전쟁 속 생존을 위한 사투를 시작하는데… 운명의 기로에 선 파일럿의 처절한 서바이벌이 시작된다!
레전드 스트라이커
20세기 소련의 축구 영웅 ‘에두아르드 스트렐초프’, 그의 파란만장했던 일대기! 시골 변두리에 살던 축구 천재 스트렐초프는 소련을 멜버른 올림픽 우승으로 이끌며 온 국민이 사랑하는 최고의 기대주가 된다. 그러나 자유분방한 그를 비판하는 사회주의 세력에 의해 그의 경력은 위기에 처하고, 벼랑 끝의 순간 그는 챔피언의 가치를 스스로 증명해야 한다.
블랙아웃: 인베이젼 어스
가까운 미래, 어느 날 평화로웠던 어느 거대 도시는 갑자기 전 세계와의 통신이 두절되는 초유의 사태를 겪는다. 도시 밖으로 한 걸음만 나가도 전기를 비롯한 일체의 시설이 작동하지 않고, 심지어 전 세계 인류의 생사조차 불분명한 상황. 사태의 원인을 규명하고 생존자를 찾고자 탐색에 나선 특수부대는 그곳에서 충격적인 장면을 목격하는데... 꺼지지 않은 단 1%의 인류는 생존의 실마리를 찾을 수 있을 것인가!
Brass Sun
Top Russian movie stars play in this drama series about the 1991 civil war threat in Uzbekistan. Musicians from a small military orchestra leave their regimen to play at a local wedding. When they return, they find all their barracks empty. Their regiment has received an urgent redeployment order and left. All of a sudden, a militant group appears from the mountains. They have crossed the border planning to stir a civil war and threatening to kill everyone in their way, even women and children. So, instead of catching up with the regiment, the musicians decide to stay and fight for the innocent civilians.
What Men Talk About 3
This time Lesha, Slava, Kamil and Sasha go to St. Petersburg. And three of the four do not even know why they go there. But at some point it becomes clear that it does not matter - why. It is important that they go.
Big Village Lights
Fedya is 20 years old. He works as a projectionist in a provincial cinema called "Rodina" (Motherland), and tries in vain to pull in spectators. When the local authorities decide to transform the "Rodina" into a shop, there is only one way out: to make a successful film and thus rescue the cinema! But what is required to get a good box office? Of course, a star! Desperate times demand desperate measures, so the children kidnap a celebrity from a passing train. And this is not just any star, but Dmitri Diuzhev! Well, maybe he does not exactly burn with the desire to be filmed here, but it doesn't matter as long as they have enough ropes, gags and sleeping tablets. Then here is a desperate producer who has just been demobbed, a philosophizing wedding photographer and the karate-practicing actress Zhenya, with whom Fedya is secretly in love.
Friday night is almost like a shortened New year's night. One can expect every kind of surprises on that night. Friday night has its special magic.
Super Family
A whole Bobrov family suddenly become superheroes...
1820: 잃어버린 제국의 비밀
19세기 초 아메리카 대륙을 점령했던 러시아군에 대해 조사를 하던 기자 드미트리는 어느 한 순간 갑자기 19세기 러시아군 한복판에 떨어진다. 자신이 등장하면서 그만 역사가 뒤바뀌었다는 사실을 알아차린 드미트리는 어떻게든 이를 원상복귀 시키고자 전쟁터에 직접 뛰어들기 시작한다.
Ashberry Waltz
They were young, their life was in bloom and their hearts were longing to love.
Вооружённое сопротивление
On the Japanese city of Hiroshima in August 1945, a nuclear bomb with a uranium charge was dropped - the United States was the only state that possessed nuclear weapons. In the USSR, extraordinary measures were being taken to speed up work on the atomic project, but to no avail. The reason was simple: there was no uranium in the country. Despite the post-war devastation, already in early 1946, geological exploration parties were organized, the entire territory of the USSR was covered by uranium prospecting works. The hero of the film is a geologist on one of these expeditions. But when his friend dies, his life begins to change.
This story takes place in Moscow during 2006. The film is about new generation of kids, called Indigo, who have more mental and spiritual abilities than others. A company of such kids gather together in hidden places. Each of them can do unbelievable things, such as : reading other people thoughts, communicating with animals, breaking computer codes. They are different from ordinary people and they are happy with each other. But some adults want to use their talents for old-time perverted purposes...
The trucker Fyodor Mukhin is an inveterate bachelor. Women love him, and he does not even remember everyone with whom fate brought him together. He also does not remember the teacher Masha from a small Ural town, from whom one day he receives a telegram asking him to come urgently. Something makes Fedor respond.
A woman and a young girl in different cities are struggling to find their way in this world. Will their paths intersect and will that change their destinies?
The Mystery of Zaborsky Lake
Two teenagers are investigating a mystery of a possible monster living in the lake near their home town of Zaborsk.