Wolfgang Müller

참여 작품

네크로맨틱 2
Actor in film playing at cinema
2편은 정확하게 1편이 끝난 부분에서 시작된다. 롭에게 관심을 갖게 된 모니카는 그의 시신을 파내 집으로 가져오지만 시체와의 관계는 생각만큼 쉬운 일이 아니다. 모니카에게 호감을 갖게 된 마크는 그녀의 행동을 이상하게 생각하지만 새로 찾은 사랑을 놓치고 싶지는 않다. 그러나 마크와의 관계가 지루해진 모니카는 죽은 롭과 살아있는 마크를 합쳐 완벽하고 이상적인 파트너로 만들 계획을 세운다. 1편보다 우아하고 예술적이며, 전혀 다른 방식으로 연출되었지만 1편과 독특한 조화를 이루는 작품.
The Holy Bunch
After Roy's demise, five friends try to reconstruct his life by reading through the late editor's notebooks - only to face some very personal demons. The Holy Bunch is a modernist melodrama: beyond-Antonioni in its images, decisively Dreyerian in its spirituality. One of German cinema's few modern (or Modernist) masterpieces.
The Meadow of Things
Clonetown 1974 to 1979: a terrorist defector named Charon sits on the edge of oblivion and commentates on the imminent putrification of an abducted car dealer.
Dilettantishly cruel scenes from the "scene": A skinhead loves a dance girl and dreams of a petty-bourgeois future. When he is deprived of the wages of a robbery by his landlady, an impoverished princess, he kills her. His girlfriend sinks to being a prostitute and is also killed. It all ends in the prison cell with a dream vision of a white wedding in Berlin's Memorial Church. First film shot on Super-8 and blown up to 16mm by Tabea Blumenschein, who became known as a performer in underground films and as a costume designer.