After Evie dresses up like her estranged grandmother, a Holocaust survivor, on “Heritage Day” at school, she becomes increasingly obsessed with this dark part of her family history.
An overlooked woman finds much needed confidence when she experiences the horror of an additional growth on her face.
CO Walker
A snarky critic navigates violent personalities and inflamed egos while incarcerated at a prison for the arts.
A woman becomes a Lyft driver and tries to reinvent her life.
Docu-series profiling American ingenuity.
Donna Arundson
It takes BALLS to win. At least that's what the local bowling clubs in idyllic Warroad, Minnesota used to say, before Emily came along. Now that she has returned to resurrect her name on the champion's board, Gunnar and the boys in town are polishing up their equipment for another shot at the title. This screwball ensemble mockumentary captures Emily's return from retirement, to avenge her loss to Gunnar, and bring justice to her family name. It's gutter-ball madness where split happens.
Female Employee / Mom
A young woman takes her sexuality into her own hands--literally.
Dr. Oliver
A writer's dilemma of whether or not to join a professional networking club takes many interesting turns as it unfolds entirely during one therapy session.
Two movie buffs invent a memory-erasing machine that allows them to watch their favorite movies over and over again like the first time.
Two best friends trying to progress their romantic relationships, one to a ring and the other to a successful first date, discover what's most important ain't dudes at all.
Tammy O'Reilly
A team of strangers goes all the way to the championship and takes on the perennial champs, in this tale of a small town bowling league changing people's lives.
Additional Voices (voice)
매사에 열심이지만 이론만 빠삭한 마이크와 무늬만 엄친아인 허세 몬스터 설리는 몬스터 주식회사 입사의 꿈을 안고 취업 100% 보장 특성화 대학 몬스터 대학교에 입학한다. 하지만 성격도 재능도 정반대인 둘은 첫날부터 삐걱거리며 급기야는 개교이래 최악의 라이벌이 되고야 만다. 하지만 그들이 힘을 합쳐야 하는 순간이 찾아온다. 부푼 꿈을 안고 몬스터 대학교에 진학한 그들이 전공 퇴출 위기에 몰리면서, 교내 겁주기 대회에 팀을 이뤄 출전하기로 한 것. 그렇게 그들은 엄한 학장의 경계 속에 최약체 팀으로 대회에 나선다. 하지만 초반의 실수를 딛고 이내 승승장구하며 교내의 영웅으로 떠오르기 시작한다.
Key Hair Stylist
Follows the stories of the four men of the Kirby family. As Alex's marriage breaks apart, Toby tries desperately to start a family, and Marty tries to kick-start his faded music career as well as find a meaningful relationship with someone his own age, all three must come to terms with their father's mental state. Cliff, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, is reliving his disturbing memories of the war and his first love, as a part of his experiences of the present . Through all four stories, we uncover a families troubled past, and their struggle towards a reconciled future.