Kerim Troeller

Kerim Troeller

출생 : 1990-10-22, Geneva, Switzerland


Classically trained at LAMDA - The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art; Swedish actor Kerim Troeller's rise to success is an inspirational and humbling story. He made it on his own without an agent for 6 years, from being homeless, broke, working 30 odd jobs, writing/producing/starring in, even directing his own films, to being a rising star in Hollywood. Born in Geneva, Switzerland to an American father and Turkish mother, Kerim spent most of his life in Stockholm, Sweden, where he calls home, but has also lived in Switzerland, Canada, Japan, Malta, Italy, Turkey, Boston, Los Angeles, New York, and London, speaking English, Swedish, Turkish, studying Italian and formerly fluent in Japanese.

프로필 사진

Kerim Troeller

참여 작품

Finding Alice
Erin escapes from a brothel. Desperate for money she cheats her way into a job at a nursing home but ends up stealing cash and going on the run, kidnapping one of the patients in the process. But Erin's frantic escape gradually turns into an inspirational and revealing road trip due to the unconventional relationship which develops between her and her kidnap victim, a seventy-year-old man.
We Will Part
A woman is forced to spend a few days in a remote Swedish cabin with a man ten years younger.
2012년 9월 11일 리비아에서 끔찍한 테러 사건이 발생한다. 벵가지 소재 미국 영사관에 총기와 수류탄을 든 수십 명의 무장 괴한들이 침입하는 충격적인 사건이 벌어진 것. 벵가지에서 비밀리에 작전을 수행하고 있던 CIA를 보호하기 위해 파견된 6명의 민간 특수 용병들은 남아있는 사람들을 구하기 위해 일촉즉발의 구출작전에 나서게 되는데…