The ghost-with-the-most is coming to life on stage in this original musical based on Tim Burton’s wonderfully demented film of the same name. Directed by Alex Timbers, BEETLEJUICE tells the story of Lydia Deetz, a strange and unusual teenager obsessed with the whole “being dead thing.” Lucky for Lydia, her new house is haunted by a recently deceased couple and a degenerate demon with a thing for stripes. When Lydia calls on Beetlejuice to scare away anyone with a pulse, he comes up with the perfect plan involving exorcism, arranged marriage and the biggest sandworms Broadway has ever seen.
Inspired by the book, The Man Who Fell To Earth, Lazarus focuses on Thomas Newton, as he remains still on Earth - a 'man' unable to die, his head soaked in cheap gin and haunted by a past love. We follow Newton during the course of a few days where the arrival of another lost soul - might set him finally free.
The Sound of Music Live! is a television special that was originally broadcast by NBC on December 5, 2013. Produced by Craig Zadan and Neil Meron, the special was an adaptation of Rodgers and Hammerstein's Broadway musical The Sound of Music, starring country singer Carrie Underwood as Maria von Trapp, performed and televised live from Grumman Studios in Bethpage, New York.
Meron felt that if the telecast were successful, the concept could become "another kind of entertainment that can exist on TV." By her request, Underwood's casting as Maria was personally endorsed by Julie Andrews, who starred in the 1965 film.
타종족을 학살하고 영토를 확장하는 잔혹한 모가도어인. 침략을 당한 로리언 행성은 특별한 능력을 가진 9명의 초능력자를 지구로 탈출시킨다. 그들은 뿔뿔이 흩어져 지구인들 틈에서 조용히 살아왔지만 모가도어인들이 지구까지 쫓아와 그들을 순서대로 죽이고 있다. 1,2,3번이 세계 곳곳에서 잡혀 제거됐고 이제 넘버 포의 차례. 모든 흔적을 지우고 살아가던 넘버 포 존 스미스는 더이상 피할 수 없는 절체절명의 상황이 닥친걸 알고 자신의 위대한 유산인 초능력으로 운명에 맞서기로 한다. 일생에 단 한번뿐이라는 사랑에 이미 빠져버린 넘버 포는 사랑하는 여인과 지구를 구하기 위해 모가도어인과의 전쟁을 시작하는데... 모가도어인은 왜 그들을 노리는 것일까... 아직 자신의 능력을 정확히 모르는 넘버 포는 무엇으로 싸울 것인가... 생존한 나머지 6명은 만날 수 있는 것인가!