Oleg Tourjansky

참여 작품

Rabbit's Moon
Camera Operator
Rabbit's Moon
Rabbit's Moon
Camera Operator
A Japanese fairy tale meets commedia dell'Arte. All in white, the naïf Pierrot lies in a wood. Doo-wop music plays as he rises, stares about, and reaches for the moon. Although music abounds and the children of the wood are there at play, Pierrot is melancholy and alone. Harlequin appears, brimming with confidence and energy. He conjures the lovely Colombina. Pierrot is dazzled. But can the course of true love run smooth? Filmed in France in 1950, it was not completed nor released until 1971
Rabbit's Moon
A Japanese fairy tale meets commedia dell'Arte. All in white, the naïf Pierrot lies in a wood. Doo-wop music plays as he rises, stares about, and reaches for the moon. Although music abounds and the children of the wood are there at play, Pierrot is melancholy and alone. Harlequin appears, brimming with confidence and energy. He conjures the lovely Colombina. Pierrot is dazzled. But can the course of true love run smooth? Filmed in France in 1950, it was not completed nor released until 1971
"봄"은 현대 소설과 동등한 위치에 있는 보기 드문 작품이다. 수많은 비유와 유추, 자동 인용으로 가득 차 있는 "봄"은 신문을 오려내는 인간의 흥미와 다를 바 없는 구실에 지나지 않는다. 이 영화의 본질은 바르트가 카탈리시스, 즉 유인반응이라 불렀던 것으로 구성된다. 즉 모든 요소가 이야기의 부분적 요소로 작품과 직접적으로 연관되지 않고, 오히려 지연시키고 전복시키는 것이다. 아눙은 자신의 작품을 문학적 소설과 결별하고자 했고, 영화를 회화와 음악과 동등한 수준으로 만들고자 헌신해왔다.(도미니크 노게즈)
La chevelure
Director of Photography
A man developes an obsession with a wig.
The Eighth Day
Camera Operator
Françoise, a thirty-year-old single typist lives only for her Sunday release. On this day, she attends a horse race under pretext of perfecting her taste for elegance and refinement. Georges, a neighbor widower, begins to court her.
Magritte or the Object Lesson
Director of Photography
The surrealist painter René Magritte questions the objective reality and emphasizes the arbitrariness of the relationship between an object, its image and its name: the evocation of mystery consists of images of familiar things gathered or transformed in such a way that they no longer conform to our ideas, whether naive or wise.