Peter Arne
출생 : 1920-09-29, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
사망 : 1983-08-01
Born in Kuala Lumpur, British Malaya, to a Swiss-French mother and an American father, Peter Arne was an actor and an antique dealer who was murdered in 1983. In the late 1940s, Arne and his partner Jack Corke befriended acclaimed novelist Mary Renault and her partner, Julie Mullard, on the SS Cairo, a steamer bound from Britain to South Africa and convinced them to go into business building homes for immigrants to the country. Renault financed using her £25,000 MGM award, employing labourers and craftsmen to begin construction of several houses, but Arne and Corke squandered the money, racking up debts before stealing Renault's car and returning to the UK to avoid charges of embezzlement. On 1st August 1983, Arne attended a costume fitting for a role in Doctor Who. On his return home, neighbours reported sounds of an argument to the police who subsequently found Arne's body inside his Knightsbridge flat. He had been bludgeoned to death with a stool and log from his fireplace. The prime suspect in Arne's murder was Giuseppe Perusi, a schoolteacher from Italy who had been living rough in a local park, and for whom Arne had been providing food. Four days later, a body matching Perusi's description was found in the River Thames at Wandsworth, having drowned in an apparent suicide. At the subsequent inquest in October 1983, Police concluded that Perusi had beaten the actor to death then killed himself.
General Bufoni
세계적으로 유명한 다이아먼드 '핑크 팬더'의 도난 사건을 조사 중이던 프랑스 경찰의 영웅 크루조가 실종된지 1년 대통령의 긴급 명령에 따라 국제경찰기구는 이 사건을 전담할 '최고의 형사'를 찾기 위해 컴퓨터 작업을 시작한다. 그러나, 크루조의 상사 드레튜는 경관이 컴퓨터 작업 도중 실수를 저지르는 바람에 세계에서 제일 형편없는 형사가 선출된다. 이로 인해 기상 천외의 해프닝들이 발생한다.
Col. Bufoni
The Pink Panther diamond is stolen once again from Lugash and the authorities call in Chief Inspector Clouseau from France. His plane disappears en-route. This time, famous French TV reporter Marie Jouvet sets out to solve the mystery and starts to interview everybody connected to Clouseau.
가수인 빅토리아 그랜트는 파리의 한 식당에서 이제 막 해고된 화려한 외모를 지닌 게이를 만난다. 그는 그녀에게 여장을 한 남자인 채 연기해보라고 설득하고, 그런 그들의 계획은 지방의 나이트클럽에서 크게 히트하면서 인기를 끈다. 그러나 시카고로부터 나이트클럽의 사장이 찾아오면서부터 문제는 아주 복잡해지는데...
바스크족 양치기 안소니 퀸은 미국태생 과학자 존 버그슨을 나치 점령하의 프랑스에서 페레네 산맥을 넘어 스페인으로 탈출시키는 작전을 맡게 된다. 그러나 막상 프랑스에 들어가 보니 교수뿐 아니라 병든 아내와 두 자녀가 있음을 알고 놀랜다. 이들 뒤를 냉혹한 친위대 대위 폰 베르코브가 지휘하는 게슈타포가 습격해왔다. 비밀통로로 탈출한 교수일행은 탈출 도중 레지스탕스의 습격을 받으나 위기를 모면해 짚시 캬라반의 도움으로 싼리무로 가게되나 대위에게 발각되는데...
Hotel Manager
아가사 크리스티의 불행했던 결혼생활을 집요하게 추적한 작품.
1977년 개봉한 프랑스, 스위스의 드라마 영화이다. 알랭 레네가 감독을, 데이비드 머서가 각본을 맡았다. 1978 세자르상 시상식에서 작품상, 감독상, 편집상 등 7개 부문 상을 수상했다.
Colonel Sharki
루가시 국가의 상징인 다이아몬드 핑크 팬더가 박물관에서 도난당한다. 유명한 도둑 '팬텀'을 상징하는 흰 장갑 하나만이 단서로 남는다. 이에 루가시 정부는 4년 전 같은 사건을 해결한 프랑스의 형사 클루조를 불러 들이는데...
Based on the medieval legend of Pope Joan, who was made Pope for a brief period around 855 A.D. The movie presents her existence as fact, though it is questionable that Pope Joan really did exist, and portrays her relationships with other notables of the time.
Leo Richardstone
During the shooting of a First World War film entitled The Somme a tragic series of events unfolds for the cast and crew. The film was withdrawn from distribution shortly after it's release and is considered to be lost and may have been destroyed after the director died.
Adaptation of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra, a historical drama that attempts to bring an epic visual style to the Bard's original stage play. The story concerns Marc Antony's attempts to rule Rome while maintaining a relationship with the queen of Egypt (Hildegarde Neil), which began while Antony was still married. Now he is being forced to marry the sister of his Roman co-leader, and soon the conflict leads to war.
John Niles
조용한 성격의 수학자 데이비드(David Sumner: 더스틴 호프만 분)는 관능적인 여인 에이미(Amy Sumner: 수잔 죠지 분)와 결혼하여 도시의 폭력을 피해 그녀의 고향인 작은 마을로 이사간다. 하지만 곧 그들은 그곳이 더 폭력적이라는 것을 발견하게 된다. 차고를 짓기 위해 네 명의 주민을 고용하면서 그들의 삶은 아주 불쾌하기 그지없게 된다. 그들의 고양이가 매달려 죽은 시체로 발견되기도 하고 유약한 데이비드에게 쏟아지는 마을 주민들의 움직임도 심상치 않다. 이때 에이미의 옛 애인이었던 헤네이의 등장으로 두 사람의 신경은 더욱 날카로워진다. 데이비드는 그들과 맞설 것을 결심하고 차고도 혼자 힘으로 만들겠다고 다짐하지만 그들의 사냥 여행에 같이 가자는 제의를 뿌리치지 못한다. 화가 난 에이미를 남겨 놓고 여행을 떠났지만 데이비드는 곧 사냥터에 혼자 남게 된 것을 알게 된다. 헤네이와 그의 동료들은 돌아와 에이미를 강간한다. 얼마 후 혼자 버려진 것에 화를 내며 데이비드가 돌아오지만 에이미는 강간에 대해서 말하지 않는다.
In Paris, in the beginning of the Twentieth Century, Cesar Charron owns a theater at the Rue Morgue where he performs the play "Murders in the Rue Morgue" with his wife Madeleine Charron, who has dreadful nightmares. When there are several murders by acid of people connected to Cesar, the prime suspect of Inspector Vidocq would be Cesar's former partner Rene Marot. But Marot murdered Madeleine's mother many years ago and committed suicide immediately after.
Capt. Imrie
In a vein similar to Bond movies, a British agent Philip Calvert is on a mission to determine the whereabouts of a ship that disappeared near the coast of Scotland.
Samuel Trench
Aristocrat Julian Markham keeps his disfigured brother, Sir Edward, locked in a tower of his house. Occasionaly Sir Edward escapes and causes havoc around the town.
Captain of Guard
1910년 레이싱 자동차로 이름을 날리던 차가 불의의 사고로 폐차된다. 이 차는 아내없이 두 아이를 키우는 괴짜 발명가 카렉타커스 포트에게 넘어가게 되고, 다시 예전보다 더 멋있는 자동차로 재탄생하게 된다. 한편 우연히 두 아이인 제레미와 제미마를 만난 예쁜 아가씨 트룰리 스크럼셔스는 포트와 사랑스런 두 아이들과 함께 재탄생된 치티 치티 뱅 뱅을 타고 바다로 소풍을 가게 된다. 해변가에서 포트는 아이들에게 불가리아의 전설적인 해적 바론의 이야기를 해주기 시작한다. 차가 바다 위를 떠돌고 하늘을 날고 아이들을 모두 잡아가는 이상한 나라의 이야기였다. 이 이야기는 현실이 된다. 항상 자동차 시합에서 치티 치티 뱅 뱅에게 지던 불가리아 왕은 치티 치티 뱅 뱅에게 음모를 꾸며 자동차 시합에 나오지 못하게 하지만 발명가에 의해 다시 살아난 치티 치티 뱅 뱅을 완전히 없애려고 또 다시 음모를 꾸민다. 이 과정에서 불가리아로 떠나게 된 포트와 두 아이들 그리고 트룰리는 불가리아 왕과 대치하게 되지만 불가리아 왕은 아이들을 모두 잡아들이고 지하에 가두게 된다. 포트와 트룰리는 두 아이와 같이 갇혀있던 아이들을 구하게 되고, 불가리아 왕을 물리친다.
Arnold Kramer
Government officials discover a horrible plot: the Chinese are tunneling their way to the United States.
Philip Rick
A politically-active couple's involvement in an election campaign threatens their marriage through personal entanglements with the candidate and other campaigners.
Major Kitchener
1821년 이집트는 수단을 침략. 영국의 힘을 빌어 통치하게 된다. 그러나 60년 후 영국인 장교 등이 지휘하는 1만이라고 하는 이집트 병사에 대해 사막의 사람을 모아 대항하는 남자가 있었다. 그들은 모하메드의 자손 마디라고 칭하고 광신적인 회교도 리더로 군림한 그는 수단의 도시 카슘을 포위하였다. 영국의 명예를 더럽혔다고 분노한 한편 수에즈운하마저 확보할 수 없으면 아프리카의 내란에는 관여할 수 없다고생각한 수상 그리도톤의 대응은 대영제국 지배하의 청나라나 아프리카제국에서 빛나는 전공을 지닌 영웅 고든장군을 비공식적으로 파견하고카슘에서 영국군과 이집트사람을 구출시키려고 한다. 고든은 카슘으로파견되고 마디 일당의 손에서 구해낼려고 애쓰나 운명은 고든에 대해 미소를 짓지 않는다.
A lord returns to his manor with his new wife, to hear rumours that he had already secretly returned and had committed several murders. Has he lost his mind, or is something dark afoot ?
Hammond Barker
Called in to investigate the murder of a model, Chief Inspector Birkett and Sergeant Saunders soon discover that the victim had been leading somewhat of an immoral life.
Bosu'n Hench
A group of ruthless pirates attack a 17th Century Huguenot settlement on the Isle of Devon in search of treasure and will stop at nothing to obtain it.
A dashing ex-officer in His Majesty’s army, Captain Adam Corbett (Calhoun) becomes embroiled in intrigue when he agrees to escort Colonel Wilfred Jackson (Ian Hunter) and his daughter Pauline (Patricia Bredin) on a perilous quest for treasure. Possessing one-quarter of a map, they soon rendezvous with three mysterious characters, each with a fragment and a secret agenda. Armed with only a sword and his wits, Corbett battles brigands, soldiers and thieves as he accompanies the expedition to the island of Monte Cristo, where betrayal and fortune await.
Years after fleeing his ancestral home with his mother, Jason returns home to claim his birthright, only to find his way blocked by his evil cousin Thomas. In order to reclaim his title, Jason must do battle with his cousin, who calls upon the members of the deadly Hellfire Club to stop him.
Directed by Bob McNaught. King Saul of Israel is jealous of the fame and adoration of David, who long ago slew Goliath and brought victory to Saul's armies. Now Saul, egged on by his Edomite counselor Doeg, attempts to have David killed. Saul's son, and David's best friend, Jonathan, conspires to help David, who is reluctant to fight back against his own people the Israelites.
Sheikh El Jabez
In this British comedy set in Saudi Arabia, a gentle British travel-agency clerk decides that it would be a smashing idea to open up a desert resort in Arabia. He heads to the desert and immediately finds himself on the bad side of a local sheik as the fellow tries to build his resort atop oil-rich land. A war erupts between rival desert bands as they vie for the rights to the oil, but it is the travel agent who wins out in the end
Lt. Schmidt
In wartime Italy nuns in a convent regularly smuggle Jewish children out of a nearby internment camp. The Italian army officer in charge suspects what may be going on but deliberately turns a blind eye. When the Germans take over the camp security the nuns' activities become far more dangerous.
Robert Fleming
An Englishman and a cabby try to save an heiress from murder in Spain.
Capitano Benucci
Drama set in an Italian prisoner of war camp during World War 2, where a group of British soldiers find their plans for escape thwarted by a mysterious traitor in their midst.
Major Gregg/Edmund Tyler
After the battle of Worcester at the end of the Civil War, the main aim of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth is to capture Charles Stuart. The future king's escape depends on the intrepid Earl of Dawlish, who as the Moonraker has already spirited away many Royalists. Dawlish travels to the Windwhistle Inn on the south coast to prepare the escape, where he meets Anne Wyndham, the fiancée of a top Roundhead colonel.
While resisting pressure from his upper-class wife to take a higher-paying job in London, a Montreal physician prepares to carry out brain surgery on a Latin American president. They don't suspect that a trio of assassins is also waiting, for their chance to carry out a political assassination on the operating table.
British Officer at Oasis
A group of army personnel and nurses attempt a dangerous and arduous trek across the deserts of North Africa during the second world war. The leader of the team dreams of his ice cold beer when he reaches Alexandria.
Harry Belair
A fateful Stranger's Meeting leads to a maelstrom of crime, deception and murder in this 64-minute British programmer. The beautiful Delphi Lawrence heads a stellar cast, including such reliables as Victor Maddern, Norman Rossington, Conrad Phillips and Reginald Hearne. The plot centers around acrobat Peter Arne, falsely accused of murder. Escaping from the authorities, Arne hides out in a rustic inn, allowing first-time director (and former cinematographer) Robert Day ample opportunity for dark, menacing shadows and sinister underlighting. The genuine murderer is revealed just seconds before the culprit's death. Stranger's Meeting was held back from release until Robert Day's "official" directorial debut, The Green Man, had made the rounds.
Owen MacKenzie
After returning home to a rugged island near Nova Scotia, Joanna, daughter of the local bigwig, struggles to choose between three eligible bachelors -- the rebel (Patrick McGoohan), the steadfast friend (Michael Craig) and the poetry-quoting newcomer (William Sylvester). As the local lobster supply dwindles due to overfishing, the island's inhabitants encounter economic difficulties.
Dick Penrod
Tarzan leads five passengers from a downed airplane out of the jungle. En route white hunter Hawkins tries to sell them to the Oparian chief.
Marine Stevens
During WW2, German ships are "safely" docked upriver at Bordeaux, but the British send a team of kayakers to attack them.
Dr. Stephen Rayner / Jarvis
An atomic scientist is found floating in a river with a bullet in his back and a radioactive halo around his body. The radioactivity has put him seven-and-a-half seconds ahead of us in time. He teams up with a reporter to stop his evil double from destroying his experiments in artificial tungsten.
Story of four youngsters who discover birds' nest thieves on a sanctuary island.From story by Mary Cathcart Borer.
Robin Hood is persuaded by two nobles whom he believes to be loyal to King Richard to recover secret plans attaining to the rescue of the king from captivity in Germany. Though disguised as a troubadour, Robin is betrayed and captured. Lady Alys and the merry men help him escape in time to foil an intended ambush on King Richard as he returns from the Crusades.
Junior Officer
A WWII flyer fails to join the RAF so he joins the Air - Sea Rescue instead. His boat is out in all conditions picking up downed pilots and taking them to safety.