Brooks Ryan
Brooks grew up in a small Oklahoma town and was the middle child of three boys who did nothing but play some sort of sport year round. Baseball was the preferred choice and being a son to a father who coached it at the college level for 38 years and Great-Nephew to the late Mickey Mantle, he was not short on experiencing it a different level than most. Brooks excelled at baseball, along with basketball and football throughout high school and thus didn't began pursuing acting until later in his life. He knew he wanted to act from the age of twelve when walking out of a theater after watching Good Will Hunting and knew he wanted to perform in a way to move people's emotions the way he had just been moved. For Brooks, the seed was planted. After four years of college baseball and an undergrad Business Management degree, Brooks went on to grad school where he earned a Masters Degree of Ed in Sports Administration, before he finally began pouring water over that seed through classes, workshops, seminars and other methods. These learning tools combined with becoming a husband and father helped Brooks tap into the ever growing emotional peaks and valleys of life, thus helping him to become the performer he is today.
When Wren Pepper feels her closest friends slipping away, she lets loose a little white lie that snowballs into a colossal, life-altering event.
Older Austin
Music critic Bob is out of a job, addicted to Zoloft, and trying to wrangle the menagerie of animals that his wife Linda has accumulated. Will adopting a baby cure their existential angst? Or should they just rescue another duck?
Officer Miller
When a surrogate grows too fond of the baby she carried for a young couple, they try to disengage from her. But the surrogate starts poisoning the mother (with no danger to the child) in a scam that will keep the surrogate around, and then, when mom is gone, the surrogate will get the child, the husband and the suburban life she so earnestly covets.
살인 사건으로 인해 병원에 입원하게 된 '앤'. 그녀는 트라우마로 인해 기억을 잃게 되고 조금씩 떠오르는 기억의 파편들을 중심으로 사건을 해결해 나가게 된다.
Detective Alex Murphy
When nanny Kim accidentally discovers that her employer, Steven, is having an affair with his kids’ Spanish tutor, she decides to keep it to herself so as not to risk splitting his family apart. But when Steven’s mistress is murdered and he tells the police that he hasn’t seen her in months, Kim realizes she’s the only person who knows he’s lying and she’s determined to learn why.
Richard Bogan
Maggie and her husband Richard are both college professors and have a daughter, 17-year-old Jenny. Their marriage is falling apart, and when Richard admits to having an affair with a student at the college they both work at.
When a baby kangaroo gets accidentally swept up in a jewelry heist, she becomes separated from her mother for the first time in her young life. Alone and frightened, a worldly teenage girl Ella, who also knows the pain of losing her mother, discovers her and nurses Joey back to health. However, when Joey is falsely implicated in the robbery, Ella has to work quickly to reunite her with her mother before shes either captured by the bumbling jewel thieves or taken into custody by a determined detective hot on their trail.
Detective Cross
When a feisty sorority pledge's best friend is murdered she must track down the killer before she gets charged with the crime - or becomes the next victim herself.
Caucasian Jesus
하나님의 기적을 믿는 어린 소녀 ‘사라’는 호수로 낚시하러 가서 죽은 새를 발견하고 기도하는데 집으로 돌아가려 할 때 죽은 새가 살아난다. 사라는 하나님이 자신의 기도에 응답해서 새를 살린 거라고 말하지만 오빠와 그의 여자친구 ‘신디’는 그 광경을 같이 보고도 믿으려 하지 않는다. 상심한 사라는 외할아버지 ‘샘’과 단짝 친구 ‘마크’ 에게 호수에서 있었던 일을 이야기하는데, 그날 밤 사라는 심하게 앓는다. 며칠 후 오빠 축구팀의 라이벌 ‘앨비’ 일행들과 시비가 붙는 바람에 앨비의 개가 차에 치여 죽는 사고가 발생하지만 사라의 기도로 개가 다시 살아나고, 연이어 하반신 마비의 마크도 걷게 되자 어린 소녀가 하나님의 기적을 행한다는 소문이 퍼지면서 많은 사람들이 몰려들어 사라와 가족들은 혼란을 겪는데...
실력 있는 엘리트 군인들은 낯선 구역 안에서 깨어나게 되고 그들은 이곳에 어떻게 왔는지 전혀 기억하지 못한다. 그들과 마주친 인공지능이 탑재된 기계들은 인간의 통제를 거부하고 무차별 공격과 반란을 일으키게 된다. 인간과 기계의 전투에서 과연 군인들은 어떻게 살아남을 수 있을 것인가?
Gamer #9
최신 VR게임 `다이노소어 월드`의 베타테스트에 참가하기 위해 모인 전세계 선수들. 각자 우승상금을 목표로 공룡이 가득한 VR세계로 뛰어든다. 마지막까지 살아남는 자가 우승하는 처절한 배틀 그라운드! 협동과 배신은 기본, 권모술수가 난무하는 세계에서 우승자는 과연 누가 될 것인가?
Mr Smith
Hardworking teenager Sean feels let down by life, but faces a crisis of character through a series of his own bad decisions.
Museum Man
골동품점에서 얻은 공룡의 알이 부화하면서 벌어지는 좌충우돌 상황을 그린 판타지 영화
미국 최대의 낙태 클리닉 가족계획연맹에서 8년간 상담사로 일하며 최연소 소장에 오른 ‘애비’ 낙태 경험자로서 자신과 같은 기로에 선 여성들을 돕는다는 사명감을 갖고 성실히 일한다. 하지만 처음으로 수술실에 들어가게 된 날, 지금까지의 신념을 송두리째 뒤바꿀 장면을 목격하게 되는데…
Deputy Tim
A gritty thriller dealing with topical social issues, Overexposed is the story of a teen girl caught up in a sexting scandal that leads to panic, outrage and murder.
Brother Bryan Rogers
A Brother in the Catholic Church must choose between his vow of chastity and the man he loves.
Security Officer #3
Denny Burke is finally about to graduate high school. Senior year has been one bad thing after another: a broken leg, a broken heart, and — worst of all — a broken home. With four of his closest friends, Denny goes on one last rock-climbing trip to prove he’s ready to start his adult life… On their trip the five teens receive a genetic boost beyond anything they’d ever imagined. Denny’s soon faced with the first big decision of his adult life: does he give up these powers and stay a normal teenager, or does he keep them…and graduate from the human race?
A restless young man wakes up in prison only to discover that he's been there his whole life.
A comedy about flamboyant entrepreneur Ethan Cox, who is caught in a racially inappropriate video that immediately goes viral. His hopes of being the man in charge of delivering a self-driving car to the public seem destined to blow up in his face. So he hires his aging mother's 71 year old caretaker, African-American Dotty, to be the temporary replacement CEO of his company, until the public furor dies down.
Handsome Leading Man
A drama based on the life of Ronald Reagan, from his childhood to his time in the oval office.