When a radical, Indigenous, feminist, and a devout, Black, Mormon are paired up on a school assignment they exchange contact information and reluctantly begin chatting via text. Though they are not compatible on paper, and IRL, they soon discover they are better at texting.
Two seemingly incompatible game designers team up to create a romantic, city-wide scavenger hunt themed for the "12 Days of Christmas."
Jackalope 'Jackie' Campbell
Ruthless Souls follows Jackalope “Jackie” Cambell, a tough as nails Ojibwe artist born and raised in the strange land of Winnipeg, Manitoba. On the one year anniversary of her partner’s tragic death due to complications from gender affirming surgery, she's back at work, she only drinks and smokes up “on the regular” instead of a “concerning amount daily.” It’s all gotta go up from here, right? Wrong.
In her lowest moment, Alice spirals, focusing on her worst memories and exposes the glitches in her spirit. Piece by piece, this negativity eats away at her, threatening to leave an empty shell. With every ounce of willpower, she must find the strength to face the reality of another day.
Tricksters are an evil race of beings with mythical powers who want to destroy mankind. The only one who can stop them is Wynter -- a beautiful, young Street Nurse who is half human, half Trixter.
평범한 가정주부 주디는 파킨슨병을 앓고 있다. 갑작스럽게 남편을 잃고 하나뿐인 아들도 직장 때문에 떨어져 살아야 하는 상황에 부딪힌다. 어떻게든 혼자 살아가려고 고군분투하는 주디와 성 정체성 혼란을 겪고 있는 아들을 그린 은 잔잔한 감동을 선사하는 작품이다. (2017년 제22회 부산국제영화제)
Shane, a gay Anishnabe teenager in Northern Ontario, is struggling to support his family in the aftermath of his sister's suicide. If he fails, he will be forced to choose between his family's home and his own future.