Antonino Iuorio

Antonino Iuorio

출생 : 1963-03-29, Naples, Italy

프로필 사진

Antonino Iuorio

참여 작품

La cura
Prison warden
1960s, the city of Clerville. The forthcoming visit of heiress Eva Kant, who'll be bringing a famous pink diamond with her, catches the attention of Diabolik, the infallible and elusive thief whose real identity is unknown: while trying to steal the jewel, he finds himself bewitched by Eva's charm, a feeling she may be reciprocating. But the police, led by Inspector Ginko, is rapidly closing in on him...
삼총사: 마지막 미션
프랑스 왕비 안 도트리슈는 추기경에게 맞서고자 은퇴한 '달타냥'과 삼총사를 불러들인다. 20년만에 다시 모인 네 명의 총사. 하지만 비밀 임무를 완수하기도 전에 '루이14세'가 납치됐다는 충격적 소식이 들려온다. 절체절명의 순간! 총사들은 왕을 구하고 마지막 미션을 완수하기 위해 최후의 칼을 뽑는다.
La settima onda
Bob & Marys
Accùppatore 2
A married couple must get their hands dirty when a bunch of mobsters start using their new home as a deposit for illegal material.
사랑과 총알을 그대에게
Mr. Mungo, Esq.
나폴리를 배경으로 한 뮤지컬 갱스터 코미디. ‘수산물의 왕’ 돈 빈첸조의 장례식이 거행되던 중 관 속의 시체가 자신은 돈 빈첸조가 아니라고 노래하며 영화는 5일 전으로 거슬러 올라간다. 암살 위협은 받은 돈 빈첸조와 그의 아내 돈나 마리아가 가짜 장례식을 꾸미기로 한 가운데, 이들을 위해 일하는 킬러 치로는 한 여자를 죽이라는 임무를 받는다. 2017 베니스국제영화제 경쟁부문 상영.
The Furlough
The story of four inmates during their 48 hours furlough, of their reality and how it has brought them behind bars. The characters are described with realism, with their contradictions, their desperation, the temptation of an escape, but the cornerstone of the movie is the sincerity of the positive feelings of each and everyone of them: the love of a father for his son, the love for a woman, for friends, and most of all the pursuit of a lost (if ever had) personal dignity and pride. Four characters of different ages and extractions, three man and a woman: Luigi, Donato, Rossana and Angelo.
겟어웨이 오브 러브
아름다운 이탈리아 남부 해변 마을에서 마켓의 캐셔로 일하고 있는 평화로운 가정의 평범한 주부인 줄리아나는 일에만 몰두하는 남편에 대하여 외로움을 느낀다. 그러던 어느날 줄리아나는 마켓에서 강도에게 인질로 잡히지만 마침 현장에 잠복 근무중이던 경찰인 레오나르도에 의하여 구조되고, 줄리아나는 자기를 구해 준 레오나르도와 점점 사랑에 빠지게 된다. 마침내 남편이 출장을 간 사이 비오는 날 밤 우산도 없이 비를 맞으며 줄리아나는 레오나르도의 집으로 향하고 만다. 이윽고, 레오나르도는 줄리아나에게 남편과 헤어지고 새롭게 사랑을 시작하자고 요구를 하고, 둘의 사랑은 걷잡을 수 없이 빠져드는데...
Sabato, domenica e lunedì
Ubaldo Terzani Horror Show
Tommaso Curreri
Alessio Rinaldi, a 25-year-old director, gets the charge from a producer to write the script of his first movie with Ubaldo Terzani, a well-known writer of horror novels. Alessio moves into Terzani's house to start this collaboration, and a strange relationship of psychological dependence grows between them: Ubaldo Terzani unveils his dark side, and Alessio fall in a desperate depth of craziness and nightmares. There is a reason why Terzani's bestsellers are so frightening ... Alessio will discover that reality can be unexpectedly more terrifying than every brainchild, and he will have to fight hard to escape Ubaldo Terzani's jaws.
The Wrong Mr. Johnson
To raise cash to spring thuggish b.f. Vaclav from prison, timid 20-something Veronika agrees to cover for prostie pal Lucy but picks up the wrong guy good-natured jazz drummer Jim Johnson at the airport. As they struggle with language issues and growing attraction, the “other” Jim Johnson, an overbearing sex tourist, makes whoopee with groupie Sonya and call girl Apollonia. Couples and newly sprung Vaclav eventually square off in the jazz club.
Sagrestano Domenico
The double meaning in french of film title MINEURS resume the sense of the film: mineurs as children and as mineworkers in the coalmines. Italy, at the beginning of the sixties. In a little village in Lucanie, little region in the south, four children live in a situation of absolute poverty, but with their plays in the street succeed in living in happiness. In the air the menace and, in the same time, the hope of a telephonic convocation by their relatives, already at work in coalmines in Belgie, in the mine district of Limburg. Two of our children leave with their families, to reach the numerous Italian community of Flandres. The children will have a lot of problems, in the school and with the language, to integrate in a hostile ambient, but, at the end the will succeed.
Piano 17
Giovanni Borgia
A man is hired to place a bomb inside a high-rise building to destroy some compromising documents, but he gets stuck in the elevator with two unaware workers, while the timer on the bomb keeps ticking.
Take Me Away
Thirteen-year-old Giampiero is the teenage son of a decaying family. He gets to know Romana, a girl of his age, and they fall for each other. The trouble is that Romana lives in a Romani settlement set up near the block where he lives. Now, the coexistence between the travelers and the sedentary population is not without problems, so much so that violence winds up erupting. On the other hand, Romana's father is forced, to honor a gambling debt, to sell his daughter to a traveling merry go round owner. Giampiero, then decides to go in search of Romana and to elope her, as they had promised to each other...
Red Moon
Italian filmmaker Antonio Capuano writes and directs the grueling gangster drama Luna Rossa (Red Moon). Aging Tony Cammarano (Italo Celoro) is the patriarch of an organized crime family, but his son Amerigo (Toni Servillo) runs most of his operations. Amerigo is a killer who invites his mistress, Rita (Lucia Ragni), to live in the family house. Meanwhile, his wife, Irene (Licia Maglietta), has an affair with mob henchman Egidio (Antonino Iuorio), who fancies the Cammarano's teenage daughter, Orsola (Antonia Truppo). This leaves Irene to eye her own son, Oreste (Domenico Balsamo), who has taken to self-mutilation. Luna Rossa won the Wella Prize at the 2001 Venice Film Festival.
Tenebrae Lessons
“The Nineties had a pretty bad start”, this is how Vincent Dieutre introduces us to the shadows of his personal universe in those years going through Utrecht, Naples and Rome. In these three cities and two love affairs guide a homosexual man on his nightly search for lost beauty. In a cross between a diary and a baroque play the film reconstructs the fragments of a fateful journey against a Caravaggio backdrop. Painting, sensuality, losing oneself in a cityscape: the Leçons de ténèbres form an obscure fresco, a white-hot collage of trashy vanity.
Senza Movente
Giallo based on the true crime of Rita Squeglia, who killed her lover and hid the body in a suitcase.
Polvere di Napoli
Bibberò (as Antonio Juorio)
L'amico di Wang
Ilona Arrives with the Rain
Maqroll, Ilona, and Abdul all share a common dream: to sail the world in a tramp-steamer. But who could afford such a thing? Over the years they have become separated. Alone in Panama City, smuggler Maqroll is finding neither great success nor happiness — until the tropical rains come, bringing Ilona: friend, lover, and partner in crime. Abdul, in Morocco, has found a steamer to suit them. In Panama, Ilona and Maqroll begin a new scheme, in search of impossible wealth. But fate has further twists in store.
Her name is Mina, but she is called Bambola (doll). Upon the death of her mother, she and her homosexual brother, Flavio, open a pizzeria. A man named Ugo loans Bambola the money, but is then killed in a fight with another one of her boyfriends, Settimio. While visiting Settimio in jail, she meets a sadistic man named Furio, and they begin a relationship.
Ivo il tardivo
Per amore, solo per amore
In 1st century BC Palestine, Joseph is a carpenter who wants to travel and see the world, but destiny makes him meet young Mary. The two fall in love and marry. One day, Mary becomes pregnant and tells Joseph an unbelievable truth... He decides to stay on her side, but things won't be easy.
Arriva la bufera
Achille (as Antonio Juorio)
Depressed magistrate Damiano Fortezza relocates from Milan to a small town in Campania, where the three Fontana sisters, owners of a chain of incinerators, dominate. The youngest, Eugenia, is about to marry a well-known crook Fortezza has to prosecute. However, he ends up falling in love with Eugenia and questioning the priorities of his job.
On the Dark Continent
In the 1950s, a big stir was made by a book (and its corresponding movie) called The Ugly American. Its subject was the grievous damage done to local cultures by well-meaning but essentially clueless (and frequently arrogant) representatives of the U.S. Since then, the phenomenon of cultural damage cause by arrogant tourists and visitors has been demonstrated to be something everyone is capable of. In this thoughtful, comic drama, the subject is Italians overseas. In this film, Malindi Kenya is the playground of rich Italians.
L'angelo con la pistola
The revenge of a young woman who sees her family brutally shot to death. I was in the film.. I am 1 of 2 brothers who was killed.
Death of a Neapolitan Mathematician
Ferdinando, a journalist
Naples, 1959. Pure Mathematics professor Renato Caccioppoli, Bakunin's grandson, is a tortured soul. Recently discharged from the psychiatric hospital, left by his wife, and increasingly disillusioned with academia and the Communist Party, he lives his last days with painful detachment.
Family Express
허드슨 호크
Vatican Guard
1481년 조각가 레오나르도 다빈치는 이태리 밀란 공작의 주문으로 '스포르자'라는 청동으로 만든 거대한 말 조각을 만들 계획을 했다. 그러나 전쟁으로 청동이 귀하게 되자, 다 빈치는 납을 청동으로 만들 기계를 설계한 끝에 결국 완성해 낸다. 그로부터 5백년 후, '허드슨 호크'로 불리는 예술 경지의 벽타기 도둑 에디가 갖 출감한다. '호크'는 겨울에 부는 차가운 삭풍이고, '허드슨'은 이 바람이 부는 허드슨 강가에 있는 호보우큰에서 태어났기 때문이다. 에디는 가석방 경관 게이츠와 뉴욕의 세번째로 큰 범죄 집단 마리오 형제의 위협을 받아 친구인 토미와 밤에 경매장에 침입, 다빈치의 말 조각을 훔쳐낸다. 다빈치의 유일한 말 조각상이라는 명품을 집사가 깨버리자 그 속에서 이상한 행태의 수정체가 나온다. 에디는 다음날 경매장에 갔다가, 가짜 스포르자가 경매되는 것을 발견한다. 더구나 바티칸의 대표로 참석한 미모의 여인 아나 바라플리 박사가 그것을 진품으로 감정하는 것에 더욱 혼란에 빠진다. 이때 갑자기 나타난 다윈 메이플라워라는 사람에 의해 폭탄이 터지면서 그곳은 아수라장이 되는데...
Cellini: A Violent Life
The story of Benvenuto Cellinin (1500-1571), a soldier and one of the most important craftsmen and artists of Renaissance Italy whose life was marked by many achievements and adventures, but also crimes. There is also the mini-series version consisted of three 90 minutes episodes, broadcasted by RaiDue.
What if Gargiulo Finds Out?
Teresa is a nurse and does not have an easy life: her husband plays poker and next to her she sleeps only and the father organizes the illegal lot among the sick. So one night Teresa is involved, in spite of herself, in a whirlwind of ambiguous situations, together with Ferdinando and Friariello, met by chance, between camorristi, dog races and a bingo of which he unknowingly becomes the prize. But "has to pass" to "nuttata", this is certain, but how?
My House My House...
Bartoloni from Milan exchanges apartments with his colleague from Rome and moves toa new place. And everything could be good, if not unexpected trouble with which he will have to face ..
의혹의 침입자
Baddini (as Antonio Juorio)
젊은 오페라 가수 베티는 베르디의 오페라 맥베스 공연에서 주역을 맡기로 되어 있던 가수가 교통 사고를 당하면서 단순간에 커다란 기회를 얻게 된다. 그녀는 이 불길한 행운을 거머주지만 그때부터 베티는 정신이상 살인마의 표적이 되고 만다. 발견된 피해자의 눈 아래 바늘을 붙이는 광적인 살인 행각이 연쇄적으로 벌어지고, 오페라 공연이 절정으로 치달으면서 그의 정체가 드러나는데.
A Taxi Driver in New York
Pablo, il tassista
The Roman taxi driver Pietro Marchetti finds himself to witness a mafia crime. Having to testify at the trial, he is checked by the police, especially when he has to go to the United States to attend the graduation of his son Francesco.
On a hot summer night, Raffaele, the elderly manager of a Neapolitan counter-lot, is brutally strangled in his own accommodation.
Soldati - 365 all'alba
Claudio Scanna is a private in the Italian army: during his first night in a new military base he gets in a fight with senior recruits. Lieutenant Fili, Claudio's commanding officer, is denied a promotion because his superiors discover he was absent without justification during the night of the fight. Fili blames Claudio and vows to make his remaining months in the service a living hell...
진저와 프레드
Production Inspector
한 방송국에서 은퇴한 배우들을 그러모아 특별한 TV쇼를 만든다. 이 쇼를 위해 할리우드의 전설적 배우 진저 로저스와 프레드 아스테어를 흉내내며 활동하다 30년 전 은퇴했던 아멜리아와 피포가 다시 뭉친다. 스텝을 따라가기도 벅찬 노년의 두 배우. 하지만 그들의 등장은 화제를 모은다.