Jean-Marc Stehlé

Jean-Marc Stehlé

프로필 사진

Jean-Marc Stehlé

참여 작품

Deep in the Woods
Le forgeron
A wanderer named Timothee arrives in a French village in 1865 pretending to be deaf and mute. He uses tricks to hypnotize a beautiful young woman named Josephine and takes advantage of her until he is arrested and tried for his crimes.
필름 소셜리즘
Otto Goldberg
초호화 유람선이 바다를 항해하고 있다. 이 유람선은 승객들을 가득 싣고서 알제리, 하이파, 바르셀로나, 나폴리, 그리스, 팔레스타인, 이집트, 오데사 등 유럽 전역을 거쳐 가는 중이다. 긴 역사가 흐르는 동안 유럽은 두 차례의 세계대전을 겪으며 지금의 자유를 되찾았지만, 이로 인해 버려진 아프리카와 팔레스타인의 아픔은 고스란히 남겨둔 채, 추락의 함정 속에 빠져버린 지금의 유럽은 몰락을 향해 항해 중이다. 유람선 속 승객들은, 이렇게 뒤틀려져 버린 유럽의 현실을 안타까워하며 속내를 가감 없이 자유롭게 털어놓기 시작한다.
The Counterfeiters
The plot revolves around Bernard – a schoolfriend of Olivier's who is preparing for his bac – discovering he is a bastard and taking this as a welcome pretext for running away from home. He spends a night in Olivier's bed (where Olivier describes a recent visit to a prostitute and how he did not find the experience very enjoyable). After Bernard steals the suitcase belonging to Edouard, Olivier's uncle, and the ensuing complications, he is made Edouard's secretary. Olivier is jealous and ends up in the hands of the cynical and downright diabolical Comte de Passavant, who travels with him to the Mediterranean.
"Resumption of a play created in 1983. Two shipwrecked people on a makeshift raft in the middle of a social conflict, a mountaineering fight on Mount Paterhorn, improbable friction between two men and a woman in the Yvelines ... The places, the situations change, but each time there is a confrontation. The question is not so much who will win, but to take pleasure in the arguments provided by the opponents. Cunning, bad faith, all blows are allowed in what is primarily a fight of words. "
Gaspard le bandit
Gaspard de Besse and his gang of highwaymen escaped the law for years in old monsieur de Morières's jurisdiction in rural, Ancient Régime France. When Gaspard is badly injured trough treason, he escapes after being seen in St.Anne's convent, where he hid, by de Morières's young, unwillingly arranged and unloving wife Anne. Gaspard makes a deal with the traitor to fake his demise. He recruits traveling actor Antoine and trains him like a son.
He Says He's Dead
Hoisted by his rope, a hanged man is lifted up through the branches of a tree. While he is in the middle of his ascent toward the heavens and death, the woman who’d accused him of a crime clears him of it. He gently comes back to life, lying in a field, gazing at everything around him.
즐거운 여행
Professor Kopolski
제2차 세계 대전 초반, 나치의 프랑스 파리 점령이 시작되는 시기를 배경으로 한 이야기
Adolphe's Father
In the nineteenth century, Adolphe, a young man of twenty four carefree years, plans to obtain favors Ellenore, a beautiful woman of thirty years, much more vulnerable. This yields to his advances and he disclaims all. But already, Adolphe loves less. Yet the idea of ​​the pain is unbearable.
A bourgeois couple, modern yet conventional. One night by accident, a young prostitute barges into their lives. Hounded down, beaten up, threatened, she will continue to struggle, with the help of a well off lady, first for her survival-her resurrection-then for her dignity and freedom. Stormy encounters for everyone involved.
여왕 마고
1572년, 10년째 계속된 신교와 구교의 전쟁으로 피폐해진 프랑스. 평화를 위해 구교도인 ‘샤를 9세’의 동생 ‘마고’는 신교도인 나바르 왕 ‘앙리’와 결혼하게 된다. 평화와 화해의 상징이 되어야 했던 ‘마고’의 결혼식은 ‘샤를 9세’의 잘못된 판단으로 인해 프랑스 역사상 가장 잔인한 대학살로 이어진다. 대학살이 일어났던 그 날, ‘마고’는 길에서 우연히 마주쳤던 ‘라 몰’을 구해주고, 그와 운명적인 사랑에 빠진다. 구교도 세력과 왕실에 환멸은 느낀 ‘마고’는 남편 ‘앙리’를 도와 신교도 편에 서고, ‘마고’의 도움으로 프랑스를 탈출했던 ‘라 몰’은 ‘마고’와 ‘앙리’를 탈출시키기 위해 병력을 이끌고 다시 프랑스로 돌아오는데…
Le ciel pour témoin
Sophie investigates the death of her sister who disappeared while taking pictures in the mountains with Bastien, a rather taciturn guide accused of being a dangerous criminal.
Production Design
Antoine leaves his new bride behind to go on a skiing excursion with his uncle up the mountain behind their village of Derborence. Nine weeks after an avalanche apparently buries them alive, Antoine returns home. Certain that his uncle has also survived, he resolves to go back up and look for him—leaving his now-pregnant wife behind once more.
La grotte aux loups
Le fromager
A postman in a small mountain village finds a woman and her son both dead in the "grotte aux loups" (cave of wolves). He soon begins to realize than it's not natural death, and that someone in the village in behind their murder, while tragic events occur.
Two men and a young girl meet at the end of the world