Alain Badiou

참여 작품

장뤽 고다르의 영화 (2010)은 정치적 이상이 무너져 내리던 당시 유럽의 사회상을 담아냈다. 2012년, 세계인이 지켜보는 가운데 침몰한 코스타 콘코르디아호는 고다르의 우의적 세계관을 대변할 소재가 되었다. 그리고 2018년, 폴 그리바의 은 다시금 필름 팩토리를 방문하기 위해 재난 현장 당시의 모습을 살펴본다.
Encantado, le Brésil désenchanté
Considered for a few years the “country of the future”, Brazil has seen since 2013 a deep disenchantment between the middle and popular classes that culminated with the rise of Jair Bolsonaro to the Presidency in 2018. Enchanted portrays this recent Brazilian history from a homonymous neighborhood of the Rio suburb transfigured by the 2016 Olympics. From Rio to Paris, a political and poetic testimony of Brazil through the eyes of the first generation of the popular class to study abroad.
Alain Badiou, born in 1937 in Morocco, demonstrated his exceptional skills in many fields of science, but became famous as a philosopher. The directorial duo the Kaylan brothers made their first feature film about Badiou, in which the philosopher himself talks about his work and personal life and presents his thoughts.
Debtocracy seeks the causes of the Greek debt crisis and proposes solutions sidelined by the government and the dominant media. It follows countries like Ecuador that created debt Audit Commissions and tracks this process in Greece.
필름 소셜리즘
Le philosophe
초호화 유람선이 바다를 항해하고 있다. 이 유람선은 승객들을 가득 싣고서 알제리, 하이파, 바르셀로나, 나폴리, 그리스, 팔레스타인, 이집트, 오데사 등 유럽 전역을 거쳐 가는 중이다. 긴 역사가 흐르는 동안 유럽은 두 차례의 세계대전을 겪으며 지금의 자유를 되찾았지만, 이로 인해 버려진 아프리카와 팔레스타인의 아픔은 고스란히 남겨둔 채, 추락의 함정 속에 빠져버린 지금의 유럽은 몰락을 향해 항해 중이다. 유람선 속 승객들은, 이렇게 뒤틀려져 버린 유럽의 현실을 안타까워하며 속내를 가감 없이 자유롭게 털어놓기 시작한다.
Alien, Marx & Co.  - Zizek Portrait
How Yukong Moved the Mountains
From 1972 until 1974, Joris Ivens and Marceline Loridan, along with a Chinese film crew, documented the last days of the Cultural Revolution, marking the end of an era. The vast amount of footage they shot was edited into 14 films of varying lengths. Focusing on ordinary people spread over a wide geographic area—many of whom were living and working in collectives—the filmmakers recorded a unique moment in history, and also captured some of the more enduring aspects of Chinese culture.
Philosophie et vérité
A discussion between Jean Hyppolite, Georges Canguilhem, Paul Ricoeur, Michel Foucault and Alain Badiou on the subject of philosophy and truth. Curated by Dina Dreyfus.