출생 : 1972-05-22, Naha, Okinawa, Japan
Toshiyuki Teruya (照屋 年之 Teruya Toshiyuki, May 22, 1972, Naha, Okinawa, Japan), better known as Gori (ゴリ) or Gorie (ゴリエ) or Gorie Matsuura (松浦ゴリエ Matsuura Gorie), is a Ryukyuan comedian, variety show host, voice actor, film director, and musician. He is a member of the owarai group Garage Sale. He has also appeared in drag as a schoolgirl character named Gorie and collaborated with Jasmine Ann Allen and Joann Yamazaki to release three singles. Mickey reached number one on the Oricon charts in 2004.
"There are many things that I don't like. The traffic jam on the way to Naha, my debt-ridden father, my best friend's boyfriend, milk, and my hometown, Shioya-wan. Why did my beautiful mother marry my father?" Ruri tried to escape from these thoughts as she faced an uncertain future. Then, one day, she learns of her mother's past, but…
Akira is an old man with little time left to live due to illness. He has a young and beautiful wife, Yoshiko, who tries to take him outside to enjoy his last days. She looks delighted as Akira gets weaker and weaker. What are her true intentions?
Akira is an old man with little time left to live due to illness. He has a young and beautiful wife, Yoshiko, who tries to take him outside to enjoy his last days. She looks delighted as Akira gets weaker and weaker. What are her true intentions?
Five authentic tales of people young and old, searching for a fresh adventure and new beginnings, all with one thing in common - they all take place on the exquisite island of Okinawa.
Five authentic tales of people young and old, searching for a fresh adventure and new beginnings, all with one thing in common - they all take place on the exquisite island of Okinawa.
Megumi, depressed with life, meets Nagisa, a cheerful girl who makes friends with anyone.
Megumi, depressed with life, meets Nagisa, a cheerful girl who makes friends with anyone.
A visibly pregnant Yuko returns home to find her family still grappling with the recent passing of her mother, Emiko, while her father becomes increasingly withdrawn and her older brother hopelessly combative.
A visibly pregnant Yuko returns home to find her family still grappling with the recent passing of her mother, Emiko, while her father becomes increasingly withdrawn and her older brother hopelessly combative.
Hitoshi has returned to his hometown of Agunishima, Okinawa to introduce his wife, Yuko to the family. But Yuko is furious when she’s told the reason for the trip home.
Hitoshi has returned to his hometown of Agunishima, Okinawa to introduce his wife, Yuko to the family. But Yuko is furious when she’s told the reason for the trip home.
A teacher leads an unlikely team to a high school baseball championship in this sports drama. Managing a team on the verge of extinction, teacher Hiroyoshi rallies the squad on an underdog journey.
Masako chan
일본 북부의 가장 큰 사창가, 스스키노. 탐정은 조수 다카다와 함께 수상한 일만 맡아 해결하며, 그렇게 번 돈으로 바에서 친구들과 진탕 술을 마셔대는 것이 일상이다. 그러던 어느 날, 탐정의 단골 술집 드랙퀸 마사코가 쓰레기 더미 속에서 시체로 발견된다. 평단의 극찬과 흥행을 동시에 이루어냈던 의 더욱 강력한 속편! (2013년 제17회 부천국제판타스틱영화제)
Set within the Aokigahara forest on Mount Fuji, a famous location for suicides. Follows the love and life between a man and woman.
Documentary on Japanese wildlife.
Honda Tamotsu
형사 슌스케는 아내를 잃고 홀로 아들을 키우고 있다. 총상으로 휴직하고 있는 슌스케에게 어느날 먼 친척인 가츠야가 찾아와 사라진 약혼녀를 찾아달라고 한다. 약혼녀의 행방을 조사하던 중 실종된 약혼녀 미유키는 그녀의 진짜 이름이 아니며, 모든 것이 거짓이었음을 알게 된다. 과연 진짜 미유키는 어디있으며, 그녀는 왜 미유키의 삶을 살았던 걸까?
Shimizu Haruo
Nonoue Junichi is a psychiatrist working in the counseling room of a cancer treatment center by the beach. While tending to the patients, part of his job involves taking dictation from them when they want to send a letter to a loved one.
Hiroshi Kondo
홋카이도에 살고 있는 여고생 카스미는 학교 합창단의 리드 소프라노로 그녀는 자신의 노래하는 목소리를 사랑한다. 그러나 평소 호감을 느끼던 학생회장 마키무라가 내민 사진을 본 그녀는 충격에 휩싸인다. 사진 속 그녀의 우스꽝스러운 표정보다 더 충격적인 것은 노래하는 그녀의 얼굴이 산란하는 순간의 연어 얼굴을 닮았다는 그의 말. 좌절한 그녀는 돌연 합창단을 그만두기로 결심한다. 그러나 그녀는 우연히 곤도가 이끄는 유노카와 고교 합창단을 만나게 되고, 겉보기엔 불량하게 보이지만 그들의 노래에 담긴 열정을 느끼고 자신을 반성하게 된다 여고생을 주인공으로 하는 와 의 계보를 잇는 작품으로 이번에는 작품의 무대가 합창대회로 옮겨졌다.
Shuji Okura
도쿄에서 백수 생활을 하던 쇼(에이타)는 고향의 아버지(카가와 테루유키)로부터 한 통의 전화를 받는다. 행방불명 되었던 고모 마츠코(나카타니 미키)가 사체로 발견되었으니 유품을 정리하라는 것. 다 허물어져가는 아파트에서 이웃들에게 '혐오스런 마츠코' 라고 불리며 살던 그녀의 물건을 정리하며 쇼는 한 번도 만난 적 없는 마츠코의 일생을 접하게 된다. 중학교 교사로 일하며 모든 이에게 사랑받던 마츠코에게 지난 25년간 도대체 어떤 일이 일어난 것일까? 제자가 일으킨 절도사건으로 해고 당한 마츠코는 가출을 감행한다. 하지만 동거하던 작가 지망생은 자살해 버리고, 그의 친구와 불륜을 시작한 마츠코는 곧 버림받고 절망에 빠져 몸을 팔게 된다. 기둥서방에게마저 배신당한 마츠코는 그를 살해, 8년형을 언도 받는다. 출소 후, 미용사로 일하던 마츠코는 자신을 해고당하게 만들었던 절도사건의 범인인 제자 류 요이치와 재회하고 운명적인 사랑에 빠지게 되는데....
Kemumaki / Sato Sensei
Kanzo Hattori, an apprentice Ninja, leaves his home town of Iga for his final training. He must go to the city of Edo (Tokyo), and the first person he meets shall be his master, whom he must protect with his life, whilst upholding the ninja code. Also while in Edo, Hattori must find out why their rivals, the Koga Ninjas, are flourishing while the Iga Ninjas are dying out. Hattori's master is Kenichi, a 9 year old boy. Kenichi is an introvert and not very popular boy, so he never plays with the other children from school. Kenichi also has a secret crush on a young lady called Midori, yet he's too shy to speak to her. Though as he watches Hattori trying his best, he too begins to try. Meanwhile, people are being found unconscious, their bodies completely unmarked. All the victims have a tattoo (the Koga Ninja crest) and are found with a throwing knife lying close by.