Anna Dodge

참여 작품

Jimmy's New Yacht
Mrs. Ford
A young lady is wooed by two men
Speed in the Gay Nineties
Mrs. Martin
It's 1890. Inventor Ed Martin has long believed and has openly stated that man will someday be able to fly. As such, many people, including the mayor, believe Ed is crazy and want to have him committed. Ed plans to prove them wrong about his mental capacity by winning the upcoming horseless carriage race at the speedway using his 2-cylinder engine machine which he predicts can travel 15mph, twice the speed of other machines. But for Ed to be able to do so, he has to elude the mayor and his gang and get to the speedway in time for the race. And there still is the small matter of whether his prediction will come true, all his other predictions which have not come to fruition... yet.
Half Holiday
Andy's Wife's Friend
Andy Clyde trying to wear the pants in the family.
Midnight Daddies
1st Bridge Player
Midnight Daddies is a black-and-white comedy short.
Radio Kisses
Marjorie Beebe give advice to the lovelorn service over the air, but she almost fails when she tries to get a man of her own.
Harry's Mother
Harry will do anything to be a musician, but it takes a junk collector to discover his hidden talents.
Saturday Afternoon
Friend of Mrs. Higgins
Harry and his friend have planned to go out for an afternoon of fun. But first, Harry must figure out how to slip away from his domineering wife with some money to spend...
Honeymoon Hardships
Surprise Visistor
A newly married couple go to spend their honeymoon far out in the country with demented relatives who laugh off even the worst disasters. The couple are forced to sleep apart,The beds are rock hard, the food is inedible,and the farmhouse leaks in the middle of a fierce rainstorm. On top of everything else, a hick uncle with a large family pay a sudden visit.
Black Oxfords
Ma Withers
In this Mack Sennett comedy, a mother and daughter fear foreclosure because their mortgage payment is due and they're unable to pay it. Meanwhile, the family's son Jack, who's in prison, unexpectedly finds himself free of captivity.
Ride for Your Life
Mrs. Donnegan (as Mrs. George Hernandez)
Bud Watkins loses his ranch and savings to gambling house proprietor "Gentlemen Jim" Slade. The Cocopah Kid, a notorious bandit, lures away Betsy Burke, Bud's sweetheart and the daughter of the local sheriff.
Name the Man
Mrs. Quayle
Victor Stowell, son of the deemster of the Isle of Man, is engaged to Fenella Stanley. He becomes involved in an intrigue with local girl Bessie Collister, becomes the deemster on his father's death, and is forced to try Bessie for killing her illegitimate child.
The Extra Girl
Mary 'Ma' Graham
Sue Graham is a small town girl who wants to be a motion picture star. She wins a contract when a picture of a very pretty girl is sent to a studio instead of her picture. When she arrives in Hollywood, the mistake is discovered and she starts working in the props department of the studio instead. Her parents then come out to California and invest some money with a very shifty individual.
The Kentucky Derby
Mrs. Clancy
Posing as relatives, Ralph and Helen Gordon visit Col. Moncrief Gordon's Kentucky mansion, hoping to marry Helen to the colonel's son, Donald. The colonel agrees, but Donald balks at the suggestion, then reveals his secret marriage to Alice Brown. The colonel turns them out, and Ralph conspires with Bob Thurston to frame Donald for theft of Colonel Gordon's wager money and to shanghai him. After 3 years Donald discovers the source of his misfortune, returns, finds his wife, hears of a plot against his father's best racehorse, wrings a complete confession from Thurston, and saves the Derby for his repentant father.
Molly O'
Mrs. Tim O'Dair (as Anna Hernandez)
An Irish washerwoman's daughter falls in love with one of America's most eligible bachelors, much to the dismay of the girl's parents -- and the young doctor's newly acquired fiancée! Events come to a head at the charity masked ball, which the two girls happen to attend in very similar costumes, thanks to the largesse of Molly's benevolent "fairy godfather"...
Darling Mine
Persuaded by a letter from her Aunt Agnes in America, Kitty McCarthy ( Olive Thomas ) travels from Ireland to New York City, there she meets Gordon Davis, a successful playwright, who directs her to her aunt's address on the East Side. Kitty soon discovers her aunt living in a tenement, a confirmed alcoholic. Through her niece's care, Agnes is cured, and one day Davis appears and offers Kitty a part in a comedy that he has written. She accepts, and once backstage meets Vera Maxwell, the victim of an unhappy affair with Oscar Savoy. Kitty brings the lovelorn couple back together but is unsuccessful in arranging her own romance with Davis' nephew Roger until Davis finally intervenes, and a happy ending prevails for all.
The Jack-Knife Man
Undetermined Role
A dying mother left his child with an old man, but the village people want to take the child away from him because he is too old.
The Gift Supreme
Mrs. Wesson
Seeing It Through
Leave It to Susan
Ma Burbridge
A Clarence G. Badger silent cowboy western kidnapping mistaken identity romantic comedy, based on a story by Rex Taylor; about a rich woman who gets lost in the West, and is found by an engineer who she mistakes for an outlaw. tHe plays along because he enjoys it, but then four real outlaws show up, and he tells them he was kidnapping her. They get found out, the girl gets one of the outlaws' guns and rescues them, and of course, they discover they love each other!
Heiress For a Day
Mrs. Rockland
Working as a manicurist at the Ritz, Helen Thurston, is in love with her wealthy patron, Jack Standring, but the young man's mother wants him to marry a rich debutante. Helen is informed that she has inherited her grandfather's millions, and she proceeds as quickly as possible to acquire expensive clothing and jewelry on credit. Jack, however, is not impressed. Soon Helen learns that she has inherited only $1,000, the remainder of the fortune having gone to her cousin Spindrift. The creditors hound her for their money, and at a grand ball at the Standring home, a detective threatens to arrest her. Touched by her poverty, Jack decides to elope with her. Finally Spindrift violates the conditions of the will, and Helen inherits the entire fortune.
The Flames of Chance
Mrs. Ribbits
During World War I, Jeanette Gontreau becomes a "godmother" to three Allied soldiers imprisoned in a German camp. Describing herself as an old woman, she sends them cheerful letters and baskets of small gifts until one of the soldiers, Harry Ledyard, informs her that he has been released and will visit her in New York. Panic-stricken, Jeanette dons a wig and spectacles, and although she convinces Harry that she is old and gray, she soon falls in love with him. Harry worships his "godmother," and when secret service agents discover coded messages on her letters, he shields her by assuming the blame.
Betty Takes a Hand
Gardner's Wife
Discovering that her father, Peter Marshall, had been defrauded by a business partner named James Bartlett, Betty goes to Los Angeles to visit her aunt, Mrs. Hamilton Haines, whose late husband had a hand in ruining Peter. Tom, Bartlett's son, has arranged a yachting trip for Mrs. Haines and her daughter Ida, and Ida, deciding that her cousin is too pretty to come along, persuades Betty to stay behind. Tom, on the way to the yacht after a quarrel with his father, passes the Haines mansion and, noticing a sign advertising room and board, stops. Meeting Betty who is posing as Miss Haines, Tom moves in and falls in love with his landlady. When Betty accidentally meets Tom's father, the old man is so captivated that he offers her $5,000 to marry his son. After Tom and Betty are married, when both fathers discover their in-laws' true identities they are first indignant but later are reconciled.
Until They Get Me
Mrs. Draper
In an effort to reach his wife's deathbed, Kirby is forced to kill a man in self-defense. He is arrested by Selwyn, a member of the North West Mounted Police, who allows him to say a last farewell to his wife. After visiting his wife's deathbed, Kirby eludes Selwyn and becomes a fugitive from the police. Each year he returns to visit his son and, during one of his sojourns, meets Margy, a little farmhouse servant who has run away from her life of drudgery.
The Devil Dodger
Mrs. Ricketts
A gambler runs a frontier town with an iron fist.
Hoodoo Ann
Sarah Higgins
A teenage orphan is taken in by a childless couple and quickly falls for the boy next door.
The Circular Staircase
Mrs. Murphy's Cooks
Mrs. Murphy
Mrs. Murphy runs a boarding house in a small western town and has trouble in keeping a cook, for the cowboy boarders insist upon eloping with them. After losing two cooks, Mrs. Murphy induces a couple of the cowboys to try their skill, but this does not prove successful. An employment agency is importuned to send Mrs. Murphy a girl cook.
Kings of the Forest
Mrs. Kruge - Sona's Mother
A romantic drama that unfolds in part in British India. Sona, who leaves home with her ​​child because of the quarrel between her two suitors, is threatened along the way by wild animals. The quarrelling suitors put their dispute behind them, and rescue her.
A Frontier Girl's Courage
Amanda White - James's Wife
A short Western in which a group of settlers are ambushed and slain by Indians. A girl escapes the massacre, and flees with the gold digger Jim. After this adventure, a romance begins between Jim and the girl.
Mrs. Gregory
Annie Jackson, living with her uncle, Horace Gregory, an old fisherman on Val Dez Island, is injured by an automobile. John Kingdon, who happens by, takes her in his machine to the hospital. There he learns to love her, but his advances are not wanted by her uncle, for his choice for his niece's hand is John Runyon. So when Annie returns to her home, and is told to marry Runyon, she refuses. In the meantime, Kingdon leaves for Honolulu. The vessel is wrecked. Kingdon, cast into the sea, clings half exhausted to a spar. By a trick of Fate, the wreck occurs on the rocks of Val Dez Island, and Annie sees the spar, rows out and succeeds in dragging it to shore, where Kingdon is recognized. The young people declare their love for each other, but Runyon plans to get Kingdon out of his way. The "best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglee," and so Kingdon escapes the trap laid for him, and taking Annie with him to the mainland, they get married.
The Blacksmith's Love
Mrs. Saunders - the Blacksmith's Mother
The Civil War has begun, and Mace Brewer goes to the front, leaving his young wife alone. His friend, Joe Saunders, also has to leave his aged mother and answer the call of duty to his country. The misfortunes of war claim Mace, and at night as Joe, sorely wounded, limps off the battlefield, he leaves Mace for dead. Soldiers burying the dead, discover life in Mace and he is hurried to the hospital, where the surgeons succeed in reviving him. Thinking Mace dead, Joe writes to his mother of this tragedy, and she sadly shows the letter to the wife. Joe returns. Mace's widow calls for the details of his death. After recovering from the operation it is found that Mace's mind is affected, and he is taken to an asylum for treatment.
The Old Captain
The Old Captain's Wife
The old Captain returns from his voyage and is welcomed by his faithful wife. The mate, a young husky man, is jealous of the Captain, and goes straight to the ship owner's office to knock him. He accomplishes the Captain's discharge. The old Captain breaks the news to his wife, who immediately betakes herself to the office. The old lady goes away disappointed. The new master cares not for his holiday, but returns at once to the ship, where he proceeds to give orders. The old Captain comes for his clothes, and offers his hand to the new Captain, who shakes it most lamely. A month later we see the new Captain drunk in his cabin, while a storm is raging. His men are hard at work at the wheel. The mate then rushes to the Captain's cabin and arouses him. The Captain and mate have a fight over the wheel, and, unable to control her, the ship strikes the rocks and is lost.
The Still Alarm
Mrs. Manley
Mistaken identities and backstabbing partners