Folke Renken

참여 작품

클레오: 시간을 되돌리는 기적
1989년 11월 9일, 베를린 장벽이 무너진 역사적인 순간 어머니의 죽음과 함께 태어난 `클레오`. `클레오`는 영혼과 대화할 수 있는 능력을 타고난 덕에 아인슈타인, 슐리만 등 독일의 위인들과 친구로 지내며 특별한 어린 시절을 보낸다. 그러던 어느 날, 시간을 되돌릴 수 있는 마법 시계의 존재를 알게 된 `클레오`는 시계를 찾아 모험에 나서고, 그곳에서 순간의 실수로 아버지마저 잃게 된다.마음의 문을 닫은 채 삭막한 어른으로 성장한 ‘클레오’ 앞에 어느 날 보물지도를 가진 탐험가 ‘파울’이 나타난다. 마법 시계를 찾을 기회임을 직감한 ‘클레오’는 과거로 돌아가 모든 것을 바로잡기 위해 베를린 곳곳을 누비는 드라마틱한 여정을 시작하게 되는데…
사랑이 눈뜰 때
세상에 눈 감은 천재 작가 그리고 현실에 눈을 뜬 여자 사고로 아내와 시력을 잃은 베스트셀러 작가 ‘빌’ 그 이후 집필을 중단하고 더 까칠해진 그에게 만만치 않은 새 봉사자 ‘수잔’이 배정된다. 펜트하우스, 다이아몬드 반지, 상류층 파티 화려한 삶을 사는 ‘수잔’은 범죄에 연루되어 사회봉사를 선고받고 그곳에서 ‘빌’을 마주하게 된다. 고집 센 그에게 지지 않고 당차게 맞서는 그녀 서로에게 점차 다가가는 두 사람은 삶의 빛을 되찾기 시작하는데…
Santa Maria
A man who receives a treasure map by accident is now looking for the treasure. Whilst searching he has to deal with gangsters, a devious widow, a corrupt policeman and a pretty policewoman - no, she doesn't matter.
Santa Maria
Corrupt Police Officer
A man who receives a treasure map by accident is now looking for the treasure. Whilst searching he has to deal with gangsters, a devious widow, a corrupt policeman and a pretty policewoman - no, she doesn't matter.
R.I.P. - Rest in Pieces
R.I.P. - a lovely splatter movie in 2D. Death is not in best shape. After all, he is a few billion years old. His best days are over. And he is very forgetful. One night he even loses his most important tool: His scythe! The ultimate instrument of evil falls into the hands of Lulu, a nice young girl with some problems. Soon she realizes the power that was given to her. It's payback time. The gangs, the bullies, the Taxmen - everyone gets what they deserve. Or don't they? Anyway, chaos breaks out on earth and in heaven. St. Peter is not amused. Will Death ever see his scythe again? Will Lulu come to her senses? See for yourself in R.I.P. - Rest in Pieces.
R.I.P. - Rest in Pieces
R.I.P. - a lovely splatter movie in 2D. Death is not in best shape. After all, he is a few billion years old. His best days are over. And he is very forgetful. One night he even loses his most important tool: His scythe! The ultimate instrument of evil falls into the hands of Lulu, a nice young girl with some problems. Soon she realizes the power that was given to her. It's payback time. The gangs, the bullies, the Taxmen - everyone gets what they deserve. Or don't they? Anyway, chaos breaks out on earth and in heaven. St. Peter is not amused. Will Death ever see his scythe again? Will Lulu come to her senses? See for yourself in R.I.P. - Rest in Pieces.
R.I.P. - Rest in Pieces
R.I.P. - a lovely splatter movie in 2D. Death is not in best shape. After all, he is a few billion years old. His best days are over. And he is very forgetful. One night he even loses his most important tool: His scythe! The ultimate instrument of evil falls into the hands of Lulu, a nice young girl with some problems. Soon she realizes the power that was given to her. It's payback time. The gangs, the bullies, the Taxmen - everyone gets what they deserve. Or don't they? Anyway, chaos breaks out on earth and in heaven. St. Peter is not amused. Will Death ever see his scythe again? Will Lulu come to her senses? See for yourself in R.I.P. - Rest in Pieces.
Berlin Metanoia
A dark cloud is creeping over Berlin. As the citizens go about their daily activities, Kore is haunted by a black shadow – a menacing memory from the past. Meanwhile, a full-grown bear escapes from its cage, throwing the whole city into a panic. There is no way out – Kore must face her worst fear.
Berlin Metanoia
A dark cloud is creeping over Berlin. As the citizens go about their daily activities, Kore is haunted by a black shadow – a menacing memory from the past. Meanwhile, a full-grown bear escapes from its cage, throwing the whole city into a panic. There is no way out – Kore must face her worst fear.
그가 돌아왔다
Comedy Writer
옛 벙커가 있던 자리에서 70년 후에 다시 깨어난 아돌프 히틀러는 뛰어난 코미디언으로 오해받은 끝에 언론의 주목을 한몸에 받게 된다. 티무르 베르메스의 베스트셀러 소설 (Er ist wieder da)를 영화화
Rhino Full Throttle
Bruno is making his way through the city searching for its soul. Driven by his curiosity, a challenging imagination and his wild reflection on reality he is lifting the old dusty curtain on the city's crusted perception.
Nun sehen Sie Folgendes (Short)
Mann Mit Schnauzer