Set Photographer
On December 17th 2019, I, James Acaster, filmed my 2019 tour show Cold Lasagne Hate Myself 1999 at EartH in Hackney. It was a show about the best year of my life (1999) and the worst year of my life (2017), I wore a very nifty jacket for it and I looked extremely cool.
Joanna (Sarah Parish) is selling her country home, Steven (Robert Emms) is a prospective buyer. What should be a simple viewing becomes something else entirely...
Additional Photography
Five young people wake up dead. Washed up by the tide they scramble to an abandoned beach house, soon realizing that the perpetual night and blasts of pain suggest this is some version of hell. Between in-fighting and attacks by a demonic shadow creature, they recall the collapse of the nightclub that brought them here - and begin seeing hope of a second chance in the cabin's two mysterious paintings...
Helicopter Camera
깊은 바다 한가운데 송유관을 관리하는 4명의 잠수부 미첼, 허스트, 엥겔, 존스. 이들은 작업 도중 갑작스런 폭풍에 휩쓸려 심해에 고립된다. 본부와의 통신은 단절되고, 잠수종에 남은 산소량도 장담할 수 없는 최악의 상황! 유일한 희망이던 지원선마저 침몰하고 마는데! 더 이상의 최악을 상상할 수 없는 암흑의 심해에는 오직 죽음만이 기다린다!
Director of Photography
Following an initial misunderstanding between an older couple and a young family, fate takes a hand in bringing both parties closer together. One small act of kindness is then reciprocated by a very big one.
Director of Photography
A story seen from the eyes of a five-year-old boy who, through no fault of his own, comes face to face with disaster.