Jouman Fattal

Jouman Fattal

출생 : 1992-01-23, Homs, Syria

프로필 사진

Jouman Fattal

참여 작품

De Zitting
A popular prime minister candidate and a well-known thriller book writer face each other in court after she accuses him of sexual abuse just before the election.
아너+ 더 무비
암스테르담에 사는 20대 동성애자 아너. 소설을 완성하고 연인을 위해 몬트리올로 떠나야 하는 상황. 이러한 부담감 속에서 아너는 진정으로 원하는 삶의 방향을 찾을 수 있을까?
The year is 2040. Large parts of the Netherlands have been flooded and millions of people have sought refuge in Limburg; the last refuge where everyone hopes for a new life as they knew it. But nothing is left to chance in this sanctuary. Doctor Frank (Bruno Vanden Broecke), the gene doctor, helps you find the ideal child with the best genes and brains. And Alecto (Angela Schijf), an all-controlling, self-learning artificial intelligence, is always helpful in all decisions. From lunch to love, it's best to leave your affairs to Alecto. This new world offers the perfect relationship with a partner exactly as we dream of him or her, and even the sex is better in virtual rooms. But how do you find your own way when everything is based on data, coincidence no longer exists and the role of humans seems to be becoming less and less important?
실연의 상처를 입고 직업도 잃은 30대 여성, 레일라. 가족들은 재혼을 바라지만, 그녀는 인생을 다시 설계하고 행복을 찾기 위한 여정에 나선다.
'Casanova's' is a film about the insecure and timid journalist Bas (Jim Bakkum) who has to go undercover to unmask a mysterious dating coach. This dating coach has written a bestseller and now comes with a second book and workshop that he claims can transform incompetent men into real casanovas within three days.