Moshe Mishali

참여 작품

플랜 A
Director of Photography
세상에 드러나지 않은 가장 충격적인 복수극 히틀러와 괴벨스가 자살하며 제2차 세계대전이 끝나자, 살아남은 유대인 일부는 ‘나캄’(히브리어로 복수)이라는 비밀 결사를 조직한다. “눈에는 눈”이라는 구약의 가르침을 따르는 그들은 나치가 학살한 600만 명의 유대인에 대한 복수로 600만 명의 독일인을 살해할 계획을 세우는데...
유대인 박해의 그늘을 다룬 장편 데뷔작. 홀로코스트 역사학자인 요엘은 연구 중 어머니가 유대인으로 신분을 위조했을지 모른다는 받아들이기 어려운 사실에 직면한다. 이로 인해 자신의 유대인으로서의 정체성까지 위태로워진 그는 개인적인 위험을 무릅쓴 채 끝까지 진실을 파헤친다. (2017년 제22회 부산국제영화제)
일주일 그리고 하루
Director of Photography
주인공 ‘이얄’은 20대 아들의 죽음 후, 아내 ‘비키’와 같이 ‘시바’라는 일주일 동안 죽은 사람을 애도하는 시간을 가진다. 아내 ‘비키’는 슬픔을 잊기 위해 원래의 삶으로 서둘러 복귀하지만, ‘이얄’은 완전히 궤도를 이탈한다. ‘이얄'은 아들이 입원했던 병원을 찾아가 의료용 마리화나를 훔쳐다 몰래 피는가 하면, 이웃집 부인의 뺨을 때리거나, 아들의 친구였던 이웃 청년 ‘줄러’와 격렬하게 탁구를 치고 그의 에어기타 연주를 감상하는 등 부적응자의 모습을 보이는데…
A Quiet Heart
Director of Photography
In present day Jerusalem, a city increasingly dominated by religious fanaticism, Naomi, a secular young woman seeks refuge from the pressure of her life as a concert pianist. Despite her intentions to stay alone, however, Naomi quickly makes two unexpected connections- one with a musically gifted Ultra-Orthodox young boy who lives in her building and the other, with Fabrizio, a charismatic Italian monk and organist. While these relationships allow Naomi to reconnect with her love of music and sense of meaning, they also make her a target in her new community. Faced with escalating isolation and violence, Naomi must learn to use music as a bridge to overcome towering religious barriers.
Freak Out
Director of Photography
Matan, a soldier in the IDF, sets off for a week of patrolling in a remote base. Overwhelmed with homesickness, he becomes an easy target for the other soldiers who make it their business to make his life hell. However, it is not long before strange things begin to happen to all of them.
For the coming year when Shmulik must let his land lie fallow, he decides to disregard the Rabbinate law and sells his land to Changrong, his most senior Thai worker. Certain that he has made the greatest play of his life, Shmulik awakens the following day only to discover his once calm reality shattered. Shocked, he will do anything to return it to the way it was.
For the coming year when Shmulik must let his land lie fallow, he decides to disregard the Rabbinate law and sells his land to Changrong, his most senior Thai worker. Certain that he has made the greatest play of his life, Shmulik awakens the following day only to discover his once calm reality shattered. Shocked, he will do anything to return it to the way it was.
Shadow Puppets
Director of Photography
Set in Israel during the 80's, a young boy's role model uncle - a shadow puppet artist - is slowly losing his mind, drawn ever deeper into a web of Local folklore, Israeli Ethos, and unearthly puppetry.
Martha Must Fly
Director of Photography
Martha is a foreign worker employed as a caretaker of sick old woman who refuses to die. Martha's only moments of freedom come when she delves into her imaginary world.
Director of Photography
Still in the aftermath of a tough break up, Paul's life is slowly deteriorating. A mindless burglary of his rented apartment forces him to to push through the underworld of Tel Aviv to investigate.