Kazuyuki Aijima
출생 : 1961-11-30, Kumagaya, Saitama, Japan
Kazuyuki Aijima was born on November 30, 1961 in Kumagaya, Japan. He is an actor, known for Shinsengumi! (2004), Aishiteiru to ittekure (1995) and Kyumei byoto 24 ji (2001).
Debut feature by Ito Chihiro based on her own novel, produced by Yukisada Isao. In his first starring role in a film, Iguchi Satoru plays an awkward and sensitive dentist who is troubled by love.
"Non-rem sleep" means deep sleep. Are the three mysterious short stories that we broadcast this time a dream? Or is it real? Dreams and reality, reality and unreality ... The mysterious bakarhythm world that goes back and forth between them is the "non-rem window."
At a movie studio in 1988, rookie director Hanako Hayashi is making her directorial debut, the erotic As Far as Love Will Take Us. She's under pressure from her producer and crew. When she is about to shoot the climax of the film, numerous problems arise. To make matters worse, the set is visited by a censor from the Film Certification Committee, and the key scenes end up being cut out to avoid an R rating. Can Hanako realise her dream?
Shigeru Daimonji
Shigeru Daimonji, the Secretary of National Defense, has ordered Yua Yaiba/Kamen Rider Valkyrie to eliminate Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai. While she hesitates to act on this directive, the Rider itself sets sights on Valkyrie. Meanwhile, the now former Solds attempt to discover freedom for the first time without ZAIA Enterprise, while engaging in an all out war against A.I.M.S. Isamu Fuwa/Kamen Rider Vulcan, who personally witnessed the birth of Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai, investigates to discover their true goal. What is Yua's fate, who acts on her own justice as she refuses to fight both Kamen Rider MetsubouJinrai, the Solds, & Isamu who is determined to carry out his final mission as Kamen Rider Vulcan?
In a studio at the foot of Mt. Fuji, Gaku Hamada is struggling to shoot a movie with a dog in the lead role. Enter a huge cast of veteran actors who get involved in misadventures while on set.
Shigeru Daimonji
2019년 9월부터 2020년 8월까지 방송된 가면라이더 제로원에 등장한 멸망신뢰.net의 4명을 주역으로 그리는 V시네마. 인류를 적대시하는 것을 멈추고 악의를 계속 감시하겠다고 선언한 호로비, 진, 이카즈치, 나키로 이루어진 멸망신뢰.net의 4명. 어느 날, ZAIA 엔터프라이즈의 CEO 리온 아크랜드에 의해서 진이 납치되어 호로비, 이카즈치, 나키가 구출하러 간다. 거기서 그들은, 병사형 휴마기어 = 「솔드」가 대량 생산되고 있는 것을 보게 된다. 리온은 솔드를 전 세계에 무기로 팔아치우려 하고 휴머기어가 무기로 이용되려 하자 화가 난 진은 솔드들을 자유롭게 하려고 일어선다. 「멸망신뢰.net」의 4명은 각각 가면라이더로 변신해 싸우지만, 그 때, 진의 몸에 이변이 일어나는데...
Recording of the play Daichi (Social Distancing Version) performed on July 11, 2020, at the PARCO Theater in Tokyo's Shibuya City.
Tomiyo Yasuda
Based on the novel by Daimon Takeaki about brothers who were separated after the death of their father and reunited as police detective and prosecutor.
Nobuteru Sena
Warlord Oda Nobunaga has lost the battle in sixteenth century Japan and is currently being pursued by Ujinori Kanbara who was Yoshimoto Imagawa's vassal. Yoshimoto was slayed by Nobunaga and the former vassal is burning with the fires of revenge. Yet, success is seemingly tripled when he captures not one but three Nobunagas. Each prisoner claims to be the warlord.
Ittetsu and Maitsuko are married, but they are not just any normal couple. They robbed a bank and took a cool million or two from the capitalists. Then they duly vanished. Years have passed and their children have congregated to divide their parents' money, but first there is the matter of arrangements and a funeral.
Itsuo Shirai
지정 변호사가 된 교토의 변호사와 검사가 사건의 진상을 추궁하면서 자신의 길을 나아가는 이야기를 그린 드라마
Jokichi Kumagai
대여배우가 주최한 호화로운 파티에서 한 여성이 살해되지만 용의자 투성이인 사건 현장에서 수사는 난항에 빠지고 연속적인 살인사건이 일어나는 이야기를 그린 드라마
Suma's son
부모에게 버림받은 이즈미는 여성과 노인을 폭행하고 강도짓을 반복하다가 산속에 쓰러진 노부인을 도운 인연으로 그녀의 집에 식객으로 머문다. 돈을 훔쳐 도망칠 기회를 노리던 이즈미는 노부인을 괴롭히는 손자와 부딪히는데…. 가족의 사랑을 되찾는 노나미 아사의 동명 소설이 원작.
(2017년 제4회 가톨릭영화제)
police officer
어제는 머위밥, 오늘은 달래 파스타… 이츠키는 자연에서 얻은 제철 식재료로 그녀를 위한 맛있는 요리를 하고, 사야카는 점점 그와의 시간을 통해 무의미한 일상에 활기를 찾고 작은 행복을 발견해나간다. 항상 ‘혼자’였던 삶이 ‘함께’가 되면서 둘은 서로에게 조금씩 가까워지는데…
A man and a woman committed double suicide in Kanazawa City. Immediately after the incident, Yoshiko Shiota, a woman living in Tokyo, contacts the local newspaper of Kanazawa, saying she wants to read the novel serialized in it by Ryuji Sugimoto. How did this woman know the novel is serialized in the newspaper? And why does she want to start reading it in the middle of the story? Which article was she actually interested in? Sugimoto cannot help making his own investigations about Yoshiko, but the more he searches, the more astonishing facts come to light...
Hajime Biitani
미디어 양화법에 대항해 책과 읽을 자유를 수호하는 도서대원들의 활약을 그린 스페셜 드라마.
도조 교관에게 점점 마음이 쓰이기 시작하자 당황하는 카사하라, 청각장애인 여고생 마리에에게 책을 추천했다가 양화대의 함정에 빠져 구속되는 코마키, 시바사키가 아사히나라는 큐레이터 남성과 자주 만나자 복잡한 심경을 드러내는 테즈카의 에피소드들이 그려진다.
애니메이션 시리즈와 실사 영화로도 제작된 바 있는 아리카와 히로의 소설 「도서관 전쟁」 시리즈를 원작으로 하는 작품.
After years of trying, Kyoko and her husband Takehiro are finally pregnant. But their joy at the prospect of becoming parents ends suddenly when they learn Kyoko has stage four cancer. They now must face agonizing decisions that force them to choose between the life of Kyoko or the health of their baby. Adapted from a true story.
Sawamura Keiji (Sorimachi Takashi) of Kanagawa Prefectural Police’s First Investigative Division, who is confined to office work while he is under treatment for insomnia, is hurriedly summoned by Taniguchi Goro (Hashizume Isao) the head of the First Investigative Division. A third case in a series of bizarre murders which have stoked public fears has occurred at a park in a residential district, and he is roped in to assist.
각기 다른 삶을 살아가고있던 네 명의 여자가 자신들의 삶에 점점 지쳐갈 때쯤 어릴 적 꼭 한번 하고싶었던 밴드를 만들게 되는 그런 도전에 관한 이야기이다.
A comedy about a concierge at a plush hotel who deals with a series of unusual guests.
유령을 증인으로 내세운 사상 초유의 재판이 지금부터 시작된다! 에미(후카츠 에리)는 화려한 전패 기록에 빛나는 변호사다. 그런 그녀에게 새롭게 맡겨진 미스터리한 살인사건! 부인을 살해한 혐의가 있는 용의자는 사건 발생 당시 가위에 눌려 움직일 수 조차 없었다는 황당한 알리바이를 제시하며 무죄를 주장한다. 알리바이를 증명해줄 수 있는 유일한 목격자는 그를 가위 눌리게 한 무사 유령뿐!? 에미는 용의자가 묵었던 여관을 찾아가 무사 유령 로쿠베(니시다 토시유키)를 만나 증인으로 소환한다. 우여곡절 끝에 재판이 시작되지만 유령은 에미와 의뢰인의 눈에만 보이고, 보이지 않는 유령 증인에 대한 논란으로 법정은 소란해진다. 이번만큼은 절대 질 수 없는 변호사 에미와 421년 전에 죽은 무사 유령은 무죄를 입증할 수 있을까?
젊은 경찰관과 경찰견의 인연을 그린 영화.
This is the true story of the last officially recorded case of adauchi, when a young man avenged the death of his father by brutally killing the murderers in broad daylight. Samurai revenge killings, or adauchi, was considered a rightful and noble act of honor and virtue.But all that changed abruptly on February 7, 1873, when adauchi became prohibited as part of the Meiji Restoration’s goal to Westernize Japan.
Detective Murota
After a childhood friend's suicide, Hideaki and his former classmates reunite to pay their respects. Soon after, a DVD, marked X arrives revealing a man being tortured, triggering a flashback in Hideaki, reminding him of witnessing a schoolmate being subjected to humiliating batsu (punishment) games. One evening, Hideaki is kidnapped and when he awakens the next day, he discovers he is in a recreation of his old school-room, along with his fellow classmates. Trapped and held captive by mysterious hooded figures, each of them must now play a brutally violent, version of the punishment game, in order to survive.
Hidetaka Sakuma
¥ 260,000,000 is stolen from armored vehicle. The criminals escape into a crowded shopping mall and take over 50 hostages. Reiko Usagi (Ryoko Yonekura) and the SIT members are called in to break the stand-off. When Reiko goes into the shopping mall to negotiate, an explosion suddenly occurs. The hostages panic and run, while the criminals are able to blend into crowd of people and escape. A few weeks later, Reiko is at the Haneda Airport to go on a vacation. She then spots Yusuke Kimoto (Kento Hayashi), a man who was one of the hostages at the shopping mall. Reiko remembers Yusuke's bizarre behavior and her instinct starts kicking in. She decides to follow the man and boards the airplane that Yusuke is taking. Shortly after take-off her instincts prove correct. The airplane is hijacked ...
The suicide of a female teacher 15 years ago was actually a murder. A new investigation team, spearheaded by Mizorogi, is formed based on new information turned in to the police. Obsessed about cracking cases right up till the statute of limitation, Mizoguchi has a bitter thought about a 300 million yen case that has reached the statute of limitation... When he goes to investigate the male high school student(s) whom the woman had taught and other persons related to the deceased, he sees an unexpected connection with another case...
"Don of the entertainment world" Wada Akiko was killed by someone's hand! The Japanese archipelago swaying in shocking news! And the entertainment world .... Those who are "motivated to kill" are field managers, talents, singers, cultural men, program staff, pachinko parlor staff ... more than 1,000 suspects!
The Guardman
최악의 31일에 최고의 기적이 시작된다!" '오늘 안에 마음 속에 있는 고민을 털어버리자.' '1년을 마무리하면서 뭔가 하나쯤 좋은 일을 하고 싶다.' 모두가 이런저런 생각을 가슴에 품는 한 해의 마지막 날. 호텔의 위신이 달린 카운트다운 파티까지 앞으로 2시간. 호텔 '아반티'에서 일하는 호텔리어들과 그곳을 찾는 손님들. 그들 누구도 자신들이 이곳에서 예기치 못한 사건과 만날 것이라고는 생각하지 못했다
Tetsumu, an introverted youth, realizes he has a natural ability of communicating with elephants. This prompts him to leave for Chiang Mai in Thailand to become Japan's first elephant trainer. Having found his place in the world, Tetsumu develops into a strong, confident young man. He returns to Japan with the dream of building a green "paradise" for his ivory-tusked friends. Meanwhile, he starts a career as an elephant trainer for touring shows. He meets Emi, a woman seven years his senior and falls in love.
What do you get when you mix a granddaughter from an extremely rich family with crime, murder, and a passion for law and justice? Kanbe Miwako (Kyoko Fukada), a granddaughter of a super rich millionaire becomes a detective and starts working at a male dominant police station. Her fancy fashion, elegant manners, and upper-class attitudes constantly gets on the nerves of the old-fashioned coworkers. However, to everyone’s surprise, Miwako’s unique investigation lead by an ultra rich sense of value becomes the key to solve mysterious cases, one by one!
Kanou Shigeru
Uchiyama Kaede and Shiina Kasumi used to be best friends. Now in high school, Kasumi grew more popular than Kaede, which has led her to continually bully her ex-best friend. One day after school, Kaede meets Kishida Takumi, a bike thief who's especially talented in picking locks. She asks him for a favour: if he could possibly open the key to the school roof. Meanwhile, the arrival of a new teacher seems to bring changes to the school.
Manabe (segment "One Snowy Night") / Salaryman (segment "The Storyteller")
어느 여름날... 사상 최대의 폭우로 인해 기차 역 대합실에 7명의 남녀가 발이 묶인다. 모두들 어쩔 줄 모르며 비가 그치기만을 기다리고 있는데...한 청년이 역 안의 어색한 분위기를 바꿔 보려 뜬금 없이 이야기를 시작한다. 사고로 조난 당한 두 사람에게 벌어지는 오싹하고도 무서운 이야기를 들려주기 시작한 그 청년은 이야기의 끝을 매듭짓지 못해 당황하게 되는데 순간, 이를 지켜보던 선글라스를 쓴 기묘한 분위기의 한 신사가 말을 시작한다.“그 이야기는 그것으로 끝이 아니다! 이제, 그것보다 섬뜩하고 무서운 얘기를 들려주겠다!” 그 기묘한 신사의 끔찍한 이야기가 끝나고 역 안은 약간 공포스러운 분위기가 감돈다. 그런 중, 회사원으로 보이는 한 남자가 바삐 어딘가로 전화해 집에 갈 방안을 모색하고 이를 보고 있던 선글라스의 남자는 미소를 지으며 다음 이야기를 던진다. “어느 날, 이집트 피라미드에선 수 천년이 지난 핸드폰이 하나 발견되었다. 학자들과 연구자들은 그 핸드폰을 조사했지만, 답은 나오지 않았고 단지, 그 핸드폰을 클레오파트라가 사용했다는 소문만 무성하게 되었다. 세상에는 이보다 더 황당하고 재미있는 이야기가 많다. 그 중 정말 재미있는 이야기는...“ 너무나도 재미있는 두 번째 얘기가 끝나자 역에 남아있던 사람들은 서서히 선글라스를 쓴 남자 주변으로 모여들어 그를 주목하며 다음 얘기를 기다린다. 자신 앞에 모인 사람들 중 한 쌍의 연인을 주시하던 썬글라스 남자는 마침내 입을 연다. “사랑하는 여인의 죽음 앞에서 시간을 되돌리려는 남자 이야기를 들어본 적 있을 것이다. 세상에는 그것보다 환상적이고 아름다운 로맨스가 많이 존재한다. 그 중 가장 애절하고 아름다운 로맨스를 지금부터 얘기하겠다.“ 역 앞엔 비가 더욱더 쏟아지고 사람들은 모두 선글라스의 남자 앞에 모여 집에 갈 생각도 잊은 채 그의 말에 귀를 기울이는데...
Hatano is living as an insomniac freelance typesetter alone in his bayside apartment. One day, Aikawa, a high school classmate he hasn’t seen in over ten years, shows up on his doorstep bearing a bag of clams. Though he claims to be the director of a fast-growing trading company, Aikawa crashes on Hatano’s couch for days on end. When the sleeping pills he was offered produce a strange side effect, Hatano is slowly dragged into Aikawa’s con-artist lifestyle. Soon afterward, they cross paths with the representative of a big-name publishing company and Aikawa’s ultimate scam begins to unfold.
Juror #2
The film opens as a jury is about to acquit a defendant -- a bar hostess who pushed her ex-husband path of an oncoming truck, supposedly in self-defense. Just as everyone seems to be in agreement over the woman's innocence, one juror voices second thoughts.