Daniel Barnett


Daniel Barnett studied analytic philosophy with K.J. Shah who was a student of Ludwig Wittgenstein's. He has been making films continuously since 1967. He was union-trained as an editor, has worked professionally as director of photography, sound recordist, sound and picture editor, producer, writer and most recently Executive Producer for Educational Projects at bePictures, Inc. in San Rafael CA. He has taught film production and film theory at SUNY Binghamton, Mass College of Art, UMASS, Boston, The San Francisco Art Institute and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and is the author of the book 'Movement as Meaning in Experimental Film' published by Editions Rodopi, Amsterdam & NY in 2008. He has produced hundreds of film experiments and experimental films, won a National Endowment for the Arts grant as well as many other regional grants and awards. His films are in collections in New Zealand, Australia and France.

참여 작품

Either Or Neither
Third segment in the Sweet Dreamers Trilogy.
A Full Life
A Full Life is the sequel to the 1968 3 min silent film: "Anticipation of a Full Life" which was actually the first roll of film that I ran through my new 16mm bolex . "A Full Life" is also the first silent film I've made in more than 30 years. –Dan Barnett
Substance Without Science
The second film in the Sweet Dreamers Trilogy
Science Without Substance
Science Without Substance follows a hapless band of the lost through a shifting landscape as they try to figure out WHAT’S GOING ON? Movie #1 in the Sweet Dreamers Trilogy.
레드 씨 다이빙 리조트
German Tour Guide
한적한 해변에 리조트가 문을 연다. 그곳의 진짜 손님은 지옥에서 벗어나려는 에티오피아 난민들. 목숨을 건 비밀 요원들의 구출 작전이 시작된다. 실화에 기반한 이야기.
Portraits and Glimpses of Life in Burma
Camera Operator
"This video is about some of the people of Burma" -DB.
Portraits and Glimpses of Life in Burma
"This video is about some of the people of Burma" -DB.
Portraits and Glimpses of Life in Burma
"This video is about some of the people of Burma" -DB.
A Ride in the Country
A digitally-manipulated rumination on travel, "observed" by Dan Barnett.
A Ride in the Country
A digitally-manipulated rumination on travel, "observed" by Dan Barnett.
Water Wheel
This video is about WATER WHEEL
언더 워터 샤크
가까운 미래, 온난화로 극지방의 얼음이 모두 녹아버린 지구는 바다에 잠기고, 사람들은 물 위에 마을 정크시티를 건설해 살아간다. 어느 날 수면에 떠있던 정크시티는 암컷 대장 상어가 이끄는 상어 떼의 공격을 받아 마을사람들 모두 죽고 십대 소녀인 ‘비’만이 유일하게 목숨을 건진다. 구조된 ‘비’는 베스트론 연구단지의 쇼 박사와 구조요원인 배럿과 함께 상어를 공격할 방법을 모색한다. 상어와의 싸움은 번번이 실패로 끝나고, 수중화산으로 상어 떼를 유인하여 화산 폭발로 몰살시키는 방법을 강구해보지만 더 큰 화를 부르고 마는데…
I Walk In This Garden
"The images in this film were recomposed from photographs I took of street art in the Mission District in San Francisco." - D.B.
An Anagram
The film I made from Gary Henoch and Harlow Robinson’s footage, An Anagram is not a documentary at all, but rather a poetic essay on the impact of the sudden collapse of a belief system on a culture. It has a 17 part quasi-musical structure inspired by Dmitri Shostakovich's Preludes and Fugues that at times ignores the literal meaning of certain interviews for the fragrant affect of the language and body language; that is, certain interactions are left un-translated so that the viewer is given full and unfettered access to the musical spirit that animates the arguments and quarrels caught so delicately in the sound and images. - Daniel Barnett
DEPARTURE is a film that was shot in 1976-77 during a year when I lost my job due to both cutbacks at the campus at which I taught and my involvement in the movement against them. I collected footage and imagined I would edit the film together the night I left. I was unable to do this and it took several years to finish it.
Although constructed from thousands of still images of Chicago, ENDLESS maintains a complex relationship to the photographic image. Time and space seem to compress or implode into a contradictory experience - one which is fluid, yet static, sculptural, yet two-dimensional, of the present yet of the past. The images are layered vertically, 'endless' variations of time and space unable to be contained within the fixed boundaries of the film frame.
The Chinese Typewriter
The Chinese Typewriter is about education and language, and the way a society is shaped by them. Exemplifies the politically committed film that defies the strict rubric of avant-garde. Barnett seems less interested in challenging traditional form than in exploding his own occidental vision. -- Gregory Solman
Dead End, Dead End
"Untoward Ends, along with Dead End, Dead End and Endless are a kind of cross between diaries and structural films and span the main part of my career working in 16mm. These were not happy years for me and they are not happy films. They were all conceived as silent films and I was very consciously working out my ideas about visual rhythm and visual/musical form. When I had them transferred to digital I had the opportunity to see how they would work as sound films - How hard would it be to compose musical tracks for them that would complement their spirit without detracting from their purity as silent film compositions? I had lots of fun in the process and have learned a great deal from them about the interaction between the two modalities as kinds of musical expression. I will leave it to others to decide if they are successful or not." -DB
Morning Procession In Yangchow
A young girl drying her hair; a woman wringing a cloth washed in the river; a funeral in the early yellow light.
Popular Songs
No information available.
White Heart
Legendary among filmmakers who have witnessed it, White Heart is a symphonic exploration of cinematic meaning that unfolds through a multi-layered, contrapuntal audio-visual montage of numerous and disparate ingredients: images of city streets, verdant forests, and ocean waves; bits of film leader and editor’s marks; oblique footage of Barnett’s colleagues Larry Gottheim and Saul Levine; an interview with two young missionaries; the sounds of classical music, typewriters, video tone, and, most centrally, a brief passage from Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. These elements and more emerge and re-emerge like musical motifs, continuously and meticulously altered through processes like bleaching, staining, and multiple print generation, dramatically extracting the formal particularities of the Kodachrome reversal print.
Pull Out/Fallout
No information available.
The Steel Chickn
"Born in the 1960's. Died young." Boston and NYC, 1970.
The Steel Chickn
"Born in the 1960's. Died young." Boston and NYC, 1970.