Jack Baston
출생 : 1892-08-06, San Francisco, California, USA
사망 : 1970-05-03
아버지를 살해한 자에게 복수하기 위해 바그다드에 와서 평민으로 위장한 하룸(록 허드슨)은 공주 크라이루잔(파이퍼 로리)을 만나, 사악한 사기꾼들의 음모에 맞서 싸운다. 공주는 하룸에게 황금 검을 주고, 황금 검은 그를 무적으로 만든다.
롬멜(Erwin Rommel: 제임스 메이슨 분)과 다른 동료들은 히틀러의 광기 어린 통치로 인해 조국이 패망의 길로 치닫고 있음을 점차적으로 깨닫게 되고, 나라를 구하는 길은 오직 히틀러를 제거하는 길 뿐임을 인식한다. 롬멜은 서방과의 평화 복원을 위해 총통을 암살할 계획을 세우지만, 계획은 실패로 돌아가고, 이어 대대적인 반역자 색출 및 제거 작업이 뒤따른다. 북아프리카 전선에서 사막의 여우같은 능수능란한 전술을 구사했던 롬멜은 조국을 사랑했던 성실한 군인의 표상으로 묘사되는데, 자신의 상급 지휘관이었던 폰 룬슈타트 장군과 함께 연합군의 노르망디 상륙을 저지하지 못했던 것이 베를린 수뇌부의 적절치 못한 간섭에 기인한 것으로 설명된다. 이를 계기로 롬멜은 히틀러에 대한 암살 가담 결심을 굳히지만 계획이 성공하지 못하자, 베를린 수뇌부에 의해 곧 반역자로 지목되는데...
Buck Lassiter
Rival telephone crews are in a race to be the first to connect telephone service between Rawlings and Cheynne, Wyoming. Lineman Tom Remington's girlfriend is the daughter of one crew foreman, who wants to win the race in order to re-establish himself in the business. However, the foreman of the other crew has his own scheme to win the race, and will stop at nothing--including kidnapping--to accomplish it.
Charles Maggert
A cowboy promises his dying foster-father, "Honest" John Maggert, that he will return the cattle that Maggert rustled from the local ranchers.
The Loves of Carmen is a 1927 American silent romantic drama film directed by Raoul Walsh. The film, based on the novella Carmen by Prosper Mérimée, stars Dolores del Río in the title role, and Don Alvarado as Jose.
Steve Lannon is a retired gunman and reformed-outlaw who has left his ranch and is living in seclusion in San Francisco. He receives word that rustlers are on the rampage in the area of his ranch, and have stolen his horse, Silver. Steve returns to Nevada to take care of this matter.
Kirk Mallory
Samuel Siggs
Being the story of the Morgans, a 19th-century Massachusetts whaling family, their tightly-knit Quaker community, and the dangerous adventures of an unwilling stowaway aboard one of the elder Morgan's harvest vessels.
Howard Morton (as J. Thornton Baston)
Betty, a blind girl, is the sole "witness" to the murder of a mine owner and whose mistaken testimony convicts Sid Allen her own benefactor. Years later, the adult Betty returns to the mining town, her sight restored. Fearing that she may remember the truth, the real murderer, "Bull" Snide has the girl kidnapped.
Daniel Carter
William Carter, a young Virginian in Paris, becomes enchanted with music hall dancer Fanchon La Fare. After William reluctantly returns to America, Fanchon follows him, and when she is threatened with deportation because of an irregularity in her passport, William marries her. The marriage causes consternation in the upright Carter family, which is compounded when Fanchon performs one of her dances at a church benefit. At the conclusion of her dance, Fanchon sees a stranger in the audience and faints. Later, the same man appears at the Carter residence and demands to see her. Leigh Carter, William's younger brother, becomes angered and shoots the man. At the trial, Fanchon confesses that the stranger was her estranged husband whom she had been forced to marry when she was but a child. The crime thus clarified, Leigh is freed, and Fanchon, who had been expelled earlier from the Carter house, is welcomed back by her husband and his family. (Courtesy TCM)
The Dangler
Desperate because a wealthy man has reduced her father to thievery, Rhoda agrees to rob the poor box of the church, although she finds the act abhorrent.
Ned Catlin
Ned Catlin, a young Kentuckian, joins the army during World War I and is sent to France, leaving his sweetheart, June Reeves, behind him. A villainous neighbor who also covets June is drafted and returns with the false news that Ned is dead.