Gore Abrams

Gore Abrams

프로필 사진

Gore Abrams

참여 작품

Mark Krikorian
Based on the biography Ne jamais rien lâcher, the script traces the career of Marinette Pichon over three decades. Born in 1975, she was the pioneer of French women's football and one of the greatest stars of that sport in the world. A prodigy discovered at the age of five, she went on to become the first French player to make a career in the United States (men/women combined) and the record holder for the number of goals and selections for the French team (men/women combined). From her childhood, ravaged by an alcoholic and violent father, to the American dream (she was crowned best player and best scorer in the prestigious US league in 2002 and 2003 and "Most Valuable Player" in 2003), via her career with the French team, Marinette paints the portrait of a kid from a working-class background who was not destined for such an extraordinary career path...
런 위드 더 헌티드
Executive Producer
13살 오스카는 친구 루가 아버지에게 성적 학대를 당하고 있다는 사실을 알고는 루의 아버지를 살해한 뒤 도망친다. 거리에서 만난 피치스는 오스카를 자신이 사는 곳으로 데려가고, 오스카는 스웨이 밑에서 범죄를 배운다. 15년 후, 오스카는 오갈 데 없는 아이들에게 범죄를 가르치며 살아가고 있다. 버디는 피치스와 오스카를 조종해 서로를 감시하게 만든다. 한편 루는 동생 에이머스와 함께 꽤 오랫동안 오스카를 찾고 있었다. 루는 사설 탐정 사무소에서 오스카에 대한 단서를 찾아 마침내 그가 살고 있는 곳을 알아내는데…
런 위드 더 헌티드
13살 오스카는 친구 루가 아버지에게 성적 학대를 당하고 있다는 사실을 알고는 루의 아버지를 살해한 뒤 도망친다. 거리에서 만난 피치스는 오스카를 자신이 사는 곳으로 데려가고, 오스카는 스웨이 밑에서 범죄를 배운다. 15년 후, 오스카는 오갈 데 없는 아이들에게 범죄를 가르치며 살아가고 있다. 버디는 피치스와 오스카를 조종해 서로를 감시하게 만든다. 한편 루는 동생 에이머스와 함께 꽤 오랫동안 오스카를 찾고 있었다. 루는 사설 탐정 사무소에서 오스카에 대한 단서를 찾아 마침내 그가 살고 있는 곳을 알아내는데…
Hell House LLC III: Lake of Fire
Set one year after the events of Hell House LLC II, the hotel is on the verge of being torn down when it is purchased by billionaire Russell Wynn as the new home for his popular interactive show, Insomnia. He invites journalist Venessa Sheppard and her crew to record everything happening inside the hotel leading up to the performance - but they soon encounter a more nefarious plot, one that threatens to unleash a veritable hell on earth.
A l'infini
Two lovers look to go to Infinity on Christmas day.
Running Condition
When a mysterious recluse experiences first love, his carefully constructed world quickly begins to destabilize.
헬 하우스 LLC
Paul O'Keefe
유령의 집을 만들어 개장하는 회사인 '헬 하우스'의 멤버들은 할로윈을 앞두고 뉴욕 외곽의 작은 마을에서 폐호텔을 개조해 유령의 집을 개장하기로 한다.
A socially bewildered aspiring filmmaker struggles to differentiate between the imaginary world of her latest project and reality.
The Vixens
The Reporter
Three overgrown punk women set their violent anti-male sights on a beauty pageant and its buffoonish billionaire director.
Summum Bonum
Gore (as Jakob Abrams)
Two brothers start solving their differences when they have to travel back home.
Try is a young man who who enlists the help of a ramshackle agency of detectives to track down his biological mother. His search leads him from his hometown of White Dog to the big city, meeting various dubious characters along the way. Try's drunken, charismatic case manager Arden leads him through urban landscapes in search of a mysterious woman named Judy Curtains, who seemingly holds the key to his identity. As Arden slowly begins to uncover his client’s true motives, he suspects that Try may not be who he seems.
The Substance
Described as an “explosive, feminist take on body horror.” Premise TBA.