Carlos Morote

참여 작품

1969-“Estirpe”, was the first Spanish graphic novel by a troubled youngster under a pseudonym. He mysteriously disappeared after that. 44 years later, a production company that wanted to adapt it to the big screen hired María, a young lawyer to find the author and get the rights from him.
The Biggest Robbery Never Told
Vigilante Lladró
Lucas Santos, named El Santo is petty thief going continuously in and out of jail. Tired of small thefts, he aims to strike a blow that makes him famous and become the star of all media. His wife Lucia, a comprehensive and sweet woman, while awaiting the return of her husband, works as a stripper at a nightclub. Finally, Lucas gathers a band of petty thieves and decides to steal, from the National Museum of Art Reina Sofía, its most valuable painting: Picasso's Guernica.
Killer Housewives
Presentador TV
In Madrid, Azu's husband Filipe is smug and boorish, but it's his money she slips to family members constantly in need of cash and that she uses to buy gifts for her lover, Pablo. Things start to fall apart when Pablo wants to leave her and when Filipe wants to evict Azu's cousin from a butcher shop he rents. Azu hatches a plan that relies on her sister, her cousin the butcher, and his mentally-challenged delivery man. When things start to go wrong, can Azu make them right?
엘 볼라
폭력적인 아버지, 어려운 가정 환경 속에서도 꿋꿋이 살아가는 12살 소년 파블로. 어느날 파블로의 학교에 알프레도가 전학을 온 뒤 파블로는 알프레도와 친해진다. 하지만 파블로가 알프레도의 가족과도 가까워지자 파블로의 아버지는 아들에게 가혹한 폭력을 행사한다. 2001년 고야상 작품상, 신인감독상, 각본상, 신인배우상(후안 호세 발레스타) 수상.