상찬은 공장에서 일하는 소녀로, 라위라는 매력적인 남자와 사랑에 빠진다. 라위는 유학을 가야 하기 때문에 매년 10월 8일에 다시 상찬을 보러 오겠다는 약속을 한다. 라위가 없는 동안, 상찬은 그녀를 숭배하는 또 다른 남자인 림과 친구가 된다. 이제 상찬이 풀어야 할 것은 사랑과 믿음의 시험이다.
Arhingsaka was born in India to a noble family. Despite his noble birth, his horoscope showed to be born under the sign of thieves, and thus was preordained for a wicked life. On his 16th birthday his father sent him to complete his education and Arhingsaka became the teacher's favorite; the other jealous students told the master that Arhingsaka was flirting with the teachers wife. Deciding to punish his former star pupil, he told Arhingsaka : "You have almost completed your training; there is just one thing left to do. Once you finish your life of suffering will be over, and you will become a Bodhisattva. You must single-handedly kill 1,000 people"