Kenta Kiguchi

참여 작품

Love song
Ginpei-cho Cinema Blues
Happy Endings
저녁의 어른들
병상에 누운 어머니를 모시며 성실하게 살아가는 남자 '요시다'. 말수도 적고 진지해 보이지만 그는 사실 남들에게는 인정받지 못하는 특별한 욕망을 갈망한다. 퇴근 후 언제나 삶의 유일한 낙인 클럽으로 향하는 그. 자신이 '여왕마마'라 부르는 '미호'에게 이 세계에 눈뜨게 된 계기를 털어놓는데…
Saya who came to Tokyo after being traumatized by an incident eight years ago. She learns that the man involved in the case has been engaged to her sister and returns home without being able to stand. Saya's radical words and deeds involve the people around him and reveal their hidden humanity.
Back To That Day
Hayato Niiyama
Manami helps out at her family's beauty salon and runs the unsuccessful "50% Theater Company." One night, after missing a call from Nao, her sister, Manami later discovers that Nao died that very night. After getting into a conflict with her mother, Manami and a friend set out for Tokyo in order to collect Nao's things. There, through encounters and reunions with various people, Manami finally comes to face with herself.
Kashikura Rin is an official charity supporter on a local TV station's charity program. She is depicted as being worried about how to deal with people and how to live as she approaches the turning point of her life at the age of 20. (c)
그 시절
빈털터리인 츠루기는 여친도 없고, 하고 있는 밴드는 비전도 없다. 대학원마저 떨어진 츠루기의 삶은 바닥을 친다. 마츠우라 아야의 노래 “복숭아빛 짝사랑”의 영상을 본 그는 “헬로! 프로젝트”의 아이돌 가수에 사로잡히고, 아이돌 덕후의 삶에 투신한다. 그러나 시간이 지남에 따라 그와 그의 덕후 친구들은 아이돌만큼이나 중요한 다른 것들을 발견하고 각자의 길로 떠나간다.
이십일세기 소녀
(segment "Sex-less, Sex-friends")
젊은 여성 감독과 배우들이 모여 여성들의 이야기를 담은 옴니버스 영화. 일과 사랑에 대한 고민, 소수자에 대한 억압과 차별, 일상적인 고뇌와 행복들…. 21세기의 여성들이 어떻게 살아가고, 생각하는지를 스스로의 눈으로 바라보고 질문을 던진다.
Doubting & Dancing
Members of Kanna's university dance circle got together for the first time in a few years to celebrate the engagement of Kanna and Masao. Suspicion arises that Kanna and another member had sex, leading to fights and arguments between friends.
Evil Idol Song
Heavy Shabby Girl
Kengo Sasaki
Nozomi's life has is extremely broken. Her oldest sister is a sex worker, and uses the money she makes to buy large amounts of high-end fashion brand items. Her other older sister is completely okay with having sex with her boyfriend in front of Nozomi. Her only refuge in the house is her small, dirty bathroom. Hime Tsubaki is a model. Her fellow models immerse themselves in a rich lifestyle, as if it were their only reason for living, however Hime Tsubaki, who goes along with them, doesn't fit in.
The tragedy of the girl who has become a monster. A fantasy story of life, eros and love.
걸 헤이트
Kiriko is pretty girl, working at an office. She also binge eats and then makes herself vomit. The male workers like her, but female workers hate her. Kiriko believes that the only that matters for a woman is being cute. Kiriko has Yuto, who works at a bar. The relationship between Kiriko and Yuto is more than friends, but less than a romantic relationship.
The Look
Memories can be blocked, but they can also be invented. Psychology professor Eiko works with people who were traumatized by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami disaster. But the topic affects her more personally than she wants to admit. Narrative structures begin to intertwine, reality becomes ambiguous. Like a surgeon, SHINOZAKI dissects the human mind in this complex yet moving film.