Keiji Imai
Tatsuya Iguchi, a legendary delinquent feared as the "Mad Dog of Komae," is released from juvenile detention. He starts a new life working at a yakiniku (grilled meat) restaurant called "Sanrui," located far away from his hometown, under the care of his uncle and aunt. However, Tatsuya is under probation, and if he gets into another fight, he's out. In front of him appears Kaname Abe, the vice leader of the biker gang "Zanjin Kirihito." This encounter marks the beginning of Tatsuya's intense journey toward rehabilitation. As he faces gang conflicts, forms new friendships and bonds with his newfound companions and family, the path Tatsuya must take to protect what's important to him unfolds.
Masato Yamamoto
A human drama based on the true story of Satoshi Fukushima, a professor at the University of Tokyo's Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, who became the world's first deafblind university professor, and his mother, Reiko. Reiko lives with her teacher husband and three sons in a town in the Kansai region. The youngest son, Satoshi, who lost his sight when he was a child, grew up with a naivete surrounded by the love of his family and went to high school at a school for the blind in Tokyo, but at the age of 18 he also lost his hearing. Wracked by loneliness in a world of darkness and silence, Satoshi was given hope by Reiko's new means of communication, "finger Braille," which she devised based on her daily life with him. Mother and son courageously overcome difficulties one by one and open up new possibilities in their lives.
Itaya Shogo
Ritsuka Uenoyama is bored with it all—with school, with his basketball club, and even with his one true passion: playing guitar. That is, until the day he finds his favorite hidden napping spot occupied by a strange boy cradling a broken-stringed guitar. At first, Uenoyama is nonplussed by Mafuyu Satō and his slightly odd behavior, but when, on a whim, he asks Mafuyu to sing, the power of that song pierces him to the core.
Tomo Honma
형사 슌스케는 아내를 잃고 홀로 아들을 키우고 있다. 총상으로 휴직하고 있는 슌스케에게 어느날 먼 친척인 가츠야가 찾아와 사라진 약혼녀를 찾아달라고 한다. 약혼녀의 행방을 조사하던 중 실종된 약혼녀 미유키는 그녀의 진짜 이름이 아니며, 모든 것이 거짓이었음을 알게 된다. 과연 진짜 미유키는 어디있으며, 그녀는 왜 미유키의 삶을 살았던 걸까?
영원히 철들지 않는 사랑이 있다.
영원히 나이들지 않는 사랑이 있다.
결혼 10년차 아내는 이별을, 남편은 사랑을 배워갑니다. 자유분방한 성격의 사진작가 슌스케와 남편의 내조를 위해 정성을 다하는 사쿠라는 결혼 10년차 부부. 무엇에도 얽매이기 싫어하는 철없는 남편 슌스케는 자신을 향한 아내의 애정이 귀찮기만 하고, 더 늦기 전에 아이를 갖기 원하는 사쿠라는 남편의 마음을 되돌리기 위해 결혼 10주년 기념 오키나와 여행을 제안한다. 이번 여행에선 싸우지 말자고 굳게 약속한 두 사람, 눈부시게 아름다운 오키나와의 풍경을 뒤로 한 채 호텔에 누워만 있던 슌스케는 밖으로 나가자는 사쿠라의 성화에 못 이겨 결국 사진기를 들고 아내와 함께 나선다. 결혼 반지를 두고 왔다며 숙소로 되돌아간 사쿠라는 시간이 지나도 돌아오지 않는데…