Herself (archive footage)
The rise and fall...and rise of Schlitzie, the lovable man-child performer from Tod Browning's cult film "Freaks." He lived to perform, until he was put in an institution and left to die. His persona earned him a place in Punk history when the Ramones recorded "Pinhead," dolls and jewelry were created in his image, and "American Horror Story: Freakshow" paid homage to him. According to sideshow lore, Schlitzie was one of the most beloved performers.
화려한 서커스단을 배경으로 서커스 단원 간의 복잡한 인간 관계를 묘사한 영화
서커스단의 난쟁이 한스는 공중그네를 타는 미녀 클레오파트라를 사랑하게 된다. 거인 헤라클레스와 연인 관계인 클레오파트라는 한스가 막대한 재산을 가지고 있다는 것을 알고, 그와 위장 결혼하여 독살한 계획을 꾸미게 된다.
Mrs. Cubby Snodd (as Tiny Earles)
Anna runs away from her wealthy father's ranch and becomes a trick rider in a circus to be with her sweetheart, Cal Coney, a circus cowboy, when her father disapproves the match. There she achieves fame as "Anna Montana," but she remains unhappy because Cal refuses to admit that he loves her. Meanwhile, Rawl Souvane, manager of the circus, plans to woo and marry Anna when he preceives that she is wealthy.