Junichi Inoue

Junichi Inoue

출생 : 1958-08-14, Setagaya, Tokyo, Japan


Junichi Inoue (井上 純一, Inoue Jun'ichi, August 14, 1958) is a Japanese actor and voice actor. Also, a former idol singer who once belonged to Johnny's office.

프로필 사진

Junichi Inoue

참여 작품

이름도 없는 날
A human drama about the strange fate of the three brothers, played by Masatoshi Nagase, Joe Odagiri, and Nobuaki Kaneko, set in Nagoya.
Tax Inspector Madogiwa Taro: Case File 31
Itsukaichi Story
Yuri, who works for a company that specializes in collecting information for television programs, visits Akiruno city in Tokyo, where Itsukaichi-cho and Akikawa-shi merged at the request of the station, and it is now only fifteen years after the merger Start to find out how it changed. Yuri who started interviewing reluctantly, but continues to meet calm land pattern and people, and gradually begins to be interested.
The Monster X Strikes Back: Attack the G8 Summit
Editor In Chief
When heads of state gather at the G8 summit in Japan, Guilala -- the intergalactic monster that had been banished from the earth in The X from Outer Space -- returns to ravage the Japanese countryside and threaten the world leaders. Military strikes prove futile against the beast, but a reporter learns that one rural community possesses a strange ritual that might influence the creature. Minoru Kawasaki directs this campy satire.
Dorei Seiai: Watashi no Omocha
Genji Morioka
Tokyo Bordello
A ruined businessman was forced to sell his daughter, Hisano, to a brothel in Yoshiwara, the largest red-light district in Tokyo. The owner of the brothel has hopes to make her a great new addition which will attract the richest of customers. But after several months of training, she tries to flee Yoshiwara when the time has come for her to take her first customer...
Drama about the difficult relationship between a former wrestler, his wife and their adopted children.
Shiro Koizumi (as Junichi Inoue)
Adrift at Sea
The Story of the three Japanese castaways Otokichi, Kyukichi and Iwakichi. After their ship the Hojunmaru was damaged, they drifted to America and landed on the US-Westcoast in 1834. They had the wish to return to Japan, a long journey was awaiting them.
Dear Asuka and My Unborn Child...
A doctor who died at a young age due to the metastasis of a malignant tumor to the lungs after cutting his right leg below the knee due to osteosarcoma. The title "Asuka" is the name of the eldest daughter, and "Unseen child" is the child whose wife was pregnant at the time of her death.
The Moon Mask Rider
The Moon Mask Rider is a tokusatsu movie produced by Purumie International/Herald Enterprises and distributed by Nippon Herald Pictures, was released theatrically on March 14, 1981. Considered Japan's answer to the American box-office fiasco, The Legend of the Lone Ranger (released the same year), this updated version of the Moonlight Mask legend bombed at the Japanese box-office. Daisuke Kuwahara (who, like Klinton Spilsbury , disappeared from doing films) plays George Owara (Moon Mask Rider's new alter-ego), and the rest of the cast made up of veteran action starlets: Sue Shihomi, Daijiro Harada and Takayuki Godai.
Undersea Encounter
On a future Earth ruled by Emperor Darius, the crew members of the Nautilus Submarine fight bravely to win freedom from oppression.
Jomy Marcus Shin (voice)
무대는 지금으로부터 머나먼 미래. 인류는 기술 발전의 폐해로 환경 파괴에 의해 멸망해 가는 지구를 재생시키기 위해 식민행성으로 이주했다. 컴퓨터 관리에 의해 정연히 살아가는 인류. 그 중에서 돌연변이로 탄생한 특수한 능력을 지닌 '뮤'라는 존재는 소외당한다. 가혹하게 탄압당하는 뮤들은 정부의 눈에서 벗어나 숨을 죽이면서도 자신들의 존재의의를 생각하며 지구로의 귀환을 꿈꾸고 있었다. 뮤의 리더인 솔저 블루는 아타락시아에 사는 소년 죠미를 자신의 후계자로 고르고 그 꿈을 계승시킨다. "고향인 지구로 돌아간다..." 그런 강렬한 소망을 품은 그들의 지구를 향하는 싸움이 시작된다. 모체의 출산이라는 현상을 거부하고 인공적이며 계획적으로 인간을 탄생시키는 SD(Superior Dominance) 체제. 핏줄로 이어지지 않은 가정 내에서 양육된 아이들은 14살이 되면 성인식을 치르고, 그 이후에는 어린 시절에 대한 기억이 희미해져 그 공백을 그랜드 마더로 통칭되는 체제에 대한 충성심으로 메우게 된다. 교육과정을 통해 아이를 기르거나, 정부요원 내지 군인이 되거나, 전문적인 기술자가 되는 길로 갈리며, 각각의 부류는 서로 다른 행성에서 생활하여 전체적인 교류가 적다.